Possessed Combination Keywords

From Guidebook

Alongside the Magic Keywords, the Possessed also have something we call Combination Keywords (also called Combo Keywords). At the Host (Dabbler) and Invoker (Apprentice) ranks, a Possessed can gain a combination keyword.

Using the Combo Keywords[edit]

These keywords can only be used in combination with a keyword from the Magic Keywords the Possessed character has, as something needs to channel the effect of the combination keyword. To get a successful use of a combination keyword, you must succeed in a Cinder roll for a magic keyword of your choosing and a Cinder roll for a combination keyword.

The Effect of Combo Keywords[edit]

Bolster Add 1d6 to your Strike pool.
Resilience Add 1d6 to your Cinder pool.
Heal Add to your Luck. It cannot exceed the target’s maximum Luck.
Bastion Add 1 to your DC.

The combo keywords have various mechanical effects, but they can also have purely flavour effects, based on how a player wants to interpret the combination keyword with the Magic Keyword it was combined with and the nature of the Passenger of the Vessel. These combination keywords can only be applied to the Possessed themselves, not to people around them.

Duration and Impact[edit]

A Possessed can use the Combination Keywords a number of times up to half the number of dice in their Cinder pool, rounded up, but if they exceed this number a Cinder roll must be made. If the roll is a Partial Failure, they become Unchained. If they succeed and do not go Unchained, any new use of magic must be followed with another Cinder roll. When Unchained, they cannot use combination keywords.

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