Custom Codes

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CUSTOM CODES AND HTML CODING ON THREE ON A MATCH Three on a Match uses BBCode in its posts, with a post editor that allows for easy access to formatting options such as links, colour, font size, and lists. Please use common sense when formatting posts to ensure readability first and foremost and a cohesive board style second.

QUICK REFERENCE Dialogue: [q][/q] Notes: [note][/note] [footnote][/footnote] Texting & calling: [text][/text] [textback][/textback] [call][/call] Dice: [strike] [cinder] [luck] [DC] [contest] Abilities: [cantrip] [charm] [boon] [aspect] [attune] [collect] [sorrows] Countdown: [unit=#,max=#] [bloodrush] [ground] [resonance] [unchain] [fade] [feral] MYBB POST CODES MyBB enables us to make our own personal UBBC codes to use on our forums. These bespoke codes provide some shortcuts and added flair to IC posts. Here is a complete list of all the custom myCodes on Three.

DIALOGUE CODE Framing your dialogue in [q][/q] tags will automatically add quotation marks and the membergroup colour to the dialogue to differentiate speaking from the narration. There is no need to add quotation marks or colour on your own through UBBC code. If you want to bold your text, make sure to nest the code properly, so it would like like this: [q][b] [/b][/q] with the [q] tag on the outside.

Each Paths coloured text has been chosen to be optimal for users on both light and dark themes. If you choose to use your own custom colours, please keep this in mind for your fellow readers and the forum's general accessibility.

Human text would "Look like this." Half-Blood text would "Look like this." Undying text would "Look like this." Shifter text would "Look like this." Spirit text would "Look like this." TEXTING AND CALLING When starting a text string, use [text][/text] to frame your dialogue into a blue textbubble. When repsonding to a text string, use [textback][/textback] to frame your dialogue in a grey textbubble.

When making a call, you can frame your dialogue in [call][/call] to differentiate it from the rest of the narration. This will frame the text in a grey box. There is no difference between sender/responder with the [call] code.

PRE-SCRIPT AND POST-SCRIPT If you use [note][/note] it creates a pre-script at the top of your post, with a line below the text framed by [note] delineating it from the post body.

To add a post-script to your post, you can use [footnote][/footnote]. This adds a post-script to your text, with a line above the text framed by the [footnote] code delineating it from the post body.

DICE TRACKING TEMPLATE When using the Strike & Cinder dice system, players must also track their results, keywords, and luck. We have an easy to use template guide on the Guidebook page for Strike & Cinder with explanations, but below is the same template for quick reference.

[note][cinder] or [strike] rolls, w/ keywords & relevant bonuses, vs. [DC] or success range[/note]

[footnote][luck] count for PC and Encounter[/footnote]

Using the codes [strike], [cinder], and [luck], with no [/] end tag, automatically formats them with icons and special text so someone can see at-a-glance what was rolled.

Using [charm], [cantrip], [boon], [aspect], [attune], [sorrows], and [collect] offers the same for other aspects of the mechanics system, so it's easy to spot for advancement (and makes your posts look cool and organised).

Using [bloodrush], [ground], [unchain], [fade], [resonance], and [feral] formats the various limitations/countdowns of the Paths.

For a countdown code, use [unit=#,max=#], replacing the first # with the current number (if you've lost Luck or rolled for a keyword) and the second # with the max amount possible. For example, [unit=4,max=4] for full Luck and [unit=2,max=4] when you've lost Luck.

BASIC POST FORMATTING Black frame: [post1][/post1] Title: [h1][/h1] Subtitle: [subheader][/subheader] EXAMPLES [note]O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, Alone and palely loitering? The sedge has withered from the lake, and no birds sing.[/note] O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, Alone and palely loitering? The sedge has withered from the lake, and no birds sing.

[text]I see a lily on thy brow, With anguish moist and fever-dew, And on thy cheeks a fading rose Fast withereth too.[/text]

I see a lily on thy brow, With anguish moist and fever-dew, And on thy cheeks a fading rose Fast withereth too.

[textback]I met a lady in the meads, full beautiful—a faery’s child. Her hair was long, her foot was light, and her eyes were wild.[/textback]

I met a lady in the meads, full beautiful—a faery’s child. Her hair was long, her foot was light, and her eyes were wild.

[call]She took me to her Elfin grot, And there she wept and sighed full sore, And there I shut her wild wild eyes with kisses four. And there she lullèd me asleep, And there I dreamed—Ah! woe betide!—the latest dream I ever dreamt On the cold hillside.[/call]

She took me to her Elfin grot, And there she wept and sighed full sore, And there I shut her wild wild eyes with kisses four. And there she lullèd me asleep, And there I dreamed—Ah! woe betide!—the latest dream I ever dreamt On the cold hillside.

[footnote]Poetry: La Belle Dame sans Merci, John Keats[/footnote] Poetry: La Belle Dame sans Merci, John Keats HTML STYLE Most areas of the forum do not allow doHTML, but in the profile you can use HTML code to format your text. HTML code is a markup language that uses elements framed with <> tags to format text on a webpage.

The profile automatically reads paragraph breaks and spaces, there is no need to use < p > tags or < br > tags. Using the h1 tag makes a header title. Using the h2 tag makes a subheader Using the subheader tag adds a subheader formatted differently from the others.

Try out the various HTML tags to suit your needs in your profile. Some of the fields automatically split into two columns. This is something you cannot change.