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Early Winter
The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.
years old
﴿ BY TOPIC: ﴿ SEX: I am comfortable with intimacy, be it light cuddles, fade to black or pulling out all the stops. If you have an idea, please ask and I will let you know where it lands on my comfort scale. ﴿ HARM: I am not interested in killing my characters. However, some of my characters may be up for things like abduction, unwilling participant for a ritual, torture for information on something or whatever. If you have an idea, please ask and I will let you know where it lands on my comfort scale. ﴿ OTHER: - I do not wish to be involved in a thread where an animal of any kind is deliberately harmed or killed unless there is no other option. - I do not wish to be involved in a thread where a human or any other form of life is intentionally killed unless there is no other option. - I do not wish to me involved in a thread where a child is deliberately harmed or killed. Period. ﴿ This site has rules in place about some of these things. I just wanted to be clear. Thank you. ☺