Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » December Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » November Update

Early Winter

The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.

Full Name
Kailani Aukai
24 years old
Played By
Siren Inactive

Player Information
About Me
Kat713 #5770
Mature Content & Comfort Levels
Very comfortable with many levels, feel free to ask. From just light to full on naughty stuff, it's welcome! No-goes is the general disgusting yuck okay lol
Table of Contents 00. Personalia 01. Magic 02. Inventory Top
The Basics
Preferred Name
Lani or Kai
Date of Birth:
August 20
Work Location
Street, Borough
Washer St., Newton
24 years old
Eye Color
Cobalt Blue
Hair Color
Flaming red
Face Claim
Ekaterina Bulavina

Kai stands at a modest 5'1, curvy, with flaming red curly hair that goes well past her backside. She has warm ivory skin dusted with freckles and dimples when she smiles.
A generally easy going person. Given her nature, she does have a bit of a temper but is over all able to keep it under control so that she doesn't call too much attention to herself. Kai does enjoy being rather laid back and go with the flow but like the ocean waters, her mood can change quickly.

Maker's Mark
Being a half siren, she constantly has the appearance of 'scales' from the navel down. When she is dry and on land, they look similar to make-up stenciled on her legs in a shimmery colorful powder. When wet though, they come to life as actual scales that take on the iridescent colors. Her nails also are strangely long but that never changes even if she's on land or in the water.

Animal Appearance

Other Information
+Has an indoor standing pond that you can see into from all sides +Can speak English, Russian, Hawaiian +Does not like soup or most vegetables Place:

Kai has always known she was different, her mother told her as much when she was old enough to understand this so that she wouldn't be surprised by it when she went out into the world. What was always a mystery to her though was her father, what he was and who he was. The only thing she knew was that it was a fling that her mother enjoyed and she was the product of that. Having never been wholly human, she stuck around others that she learned were similar. Not siren per say but just different. Growing up, she always had an affinity for anything water-related so she took to learning how to scuba dive and give tours under water that way or even go to wrecks to document them. For her, it was the perfect cover and career choice. Sometimes, she even moonlights as a mermaid at special events but that is mostly a fun hobby of hers. When drew her attention to Easthaven was the water and whispers of what lay within. So, when she felt comfortable enough to leave her mother behind, she set off on her own. Living as close to the water as possible, while hiding what she was doing is always a fun trick of hers.

Magic & The Metaphysical
Strike & Cinder
[path:sanguinehalfblood] Water, Song

Spells & Powers
Water Breathing: As a boon from her mother, she can breathe underwater for a rather unlimited amount of time so she never has the fear of drowning but when she comes back to land is where she suffers from it. She will spend some time recovering as she coughs up the water she breathed. Song: When she sings, she can enchant the mind of those around her with a calming sensation that lasts d4 rounds. After she finishes singing though, she will need at least a post rest between to be able to sing again Water: The ability to control water and manipulate water for a given time before the water takes back control over itself. After use, she find herself pretty thirsty after; like a fish outta water

Minor Magic Abilities

Other Magic Notes


Player Information
Kat713 #5770
Mature Content & Comfort Levels
Very comfortable with many levels, feel free to ask. From just light to full on naughty stuff, it's welcome! No-goes is the general disgusting yuck okay lol


Kailani Aukai's Forum Info
Registration Date: 11-08-2021
Date of Birth: 1992
Local Time: 01-19-2025 at 09:38 AM

Joined: 11-08-2021
Last Visit: 04-09-2023, 09:58 AM
Time Spent Online: 1 Day, 8 Hours, 21 Minutes