Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » December Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » November Update

Early Winter

The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.

Full Name
Kumo Lawson
32 years old
Relative Unknown
Played By
Cursed Inactive

Player Information
About Me
Its me, Kat <3
Kat713 #5770
Mature Content & Comfort Levels
Go nuts
Table of Contents 00. Personalia 01. Magic 02. Inventory Top
The Basics
Preferred Name
Kumi, Kiki
Date of Birth:
March 14
Exchange Jr. Agent
Work Location
Street, Borough
Silk Rd., Old Town
32 years old
Eye Color
Icy Blue
Hair Color
Inky Black
Face Claim
Jessica Green

+ Average height with a tan complexion. + Black wavey hair; it's mostly straight but she will claim it's wavey. + Curvy figure and toned with muscles + Burn scars on her palms in the shape of spider legs
Lawful Chaotic A bit too confident for her good It is what it is Protective over friends Mild Prankster Heart over head thinking

Maker's Mark

Animal Appearance

Adam Marszalek . Theo Crowhurst
Other Information
Known Languages: Japanese, Native American, English, Sign Language, Sarcasm Likes: Needlework, pottery, learning more about magic, spiders Dislikes: Veg, small spaces, chewy candy, snakes

+ Kuma was born in the state; her mother was Japanese and her father is Native American. + Learn Arcanist magic growing up with her father as he was a practicing one with an affinity for animals with it. + Kuma was always toeing and pushing the lines of her magic she learnt; even with warnings from her father as she delved into magic from her mothers homeland and learned about various creatures in folklore. + Around 13 years old she decided to try and use her arcanist skills to see if she was able to summon creatures- this worked and failed at the same time as she summoned a strange spider that attacked and bite her hands; cursing her from that moment on. From then on, she never was able to use the skills she had been growing but learned of new abilities. + Her father told her this was her karma and to accept it- she essentially fucked around and found out and he had no sympathy towards his wild child of a daughter. + From there, she straightened up a bit. Graduating high school and getting into training to join the police force. + At 21 she was a member of the police force in East Haven, newer but she took to the training rather quickly and passed the academy with flying colors. Small incidents on the field started happening when she tapped into the other abilities she had, her partner noticing this and the strange webs or sometimes horrifying spiders that came from her. No one seemed to believe her partner thankfully that anything weird was up with Kumo but that weirdness was thankfully noticed by her future mentor at the exchange who pulled her aside one day to ask if she’d be willing to switch where she worked; for her safety but also others who might not be all excited about 8 legged friends coming up at times. To this, Kumo agreed and left the East Haven Police department to join the Exchange. + She would join at 25 but didn't start on force work as she took her time learning about the exchange and what it stood for first. It was then she started to shadow one of the agent who recruited her to learn the ropes. They were patient and let her learn this newer system and adjust her prior knowledge to be better suited for Exchange work. + Things went well, earning her Jr Agent badge after doing surprisingly well; especially when it came to knowledge about arcanists and how they worked- she had no problem sharing that bit. + Kumo got close to her first mentor; they were getting ready to retire so this was their last check over together through the city. A minor incident occurred and Kumo triggered one of side effects and ended up being covered in spiders; it was an entertain her exchange teacher enough to give her the nickname 'Spidder'- Kumo is not wholly fond of said nickname but accepted it due to how close they'd been. + When she finally got a new partner, he thankfully didn't seem so startled by her spider-ness; easily explaining to him that she'd been playing with things that she shouldn't have been as a teen. Adam seems to put up well with her brash pushy nature; balancing her out rather well and making them a rather effective pairing.

Magic & The Metaphysical
Strike & Cinder
Mimicry, Animal Handling, Hypnosis

Spells & Powers
Mimicry: Kumo can harness her curse to manifest thick spiderwebs around herself and her environment. The webs are very sticky and flexible, able to be manipulated to a mild degree but fade over time and are not permanent. Animal handling: Able to call/summon hoards of spiders from the nearby vicinity (1 block radius) to mostly do what she wants until dismissed/ all squished/ or they leave Hypnosis: Placing some of her webbings on the body of her target, she can hypnotize them into following her orders so long as the webbing stays on their person; if the webbing is removed early then the effects fade right off.

Minor Magic Abilities
Cantrip : Arachnophilia: Despite the curse of constant spiders, arachnids seem naturally drawn and friendly toward Kumo. Without good reason, spiders are always well disposed toward her and never bite, they just chill with her. Third eye: You're able to blink open your metaphorical third eye. In short bursts, you can see the fabric of magic around you. The rush of information is often too great to hold your eye open for longer than a moment, but with it, if you're able to interpret what you see, you can make out auras around other beings, if they are magical themselves. You're also able to see the outlines of enchantments. Note: Third eye does not trigger a Sorrow. Echo: You have gained just enough control over the strangeness of your magic that you're able to echo an effect from your Sorrows table that has already occurred in lieu of rolling. You can do this up to half the number of dice in your Cinder pool, rounded down.

Other Magic Notes
Sorrows: 1) Spiders fall from her mouth for 5 posts while talking (yes tiny spiders and they sometimes bite her mouth) 2) Molting (Like those good full body mask, her body does this. Instant dry skin and cracking where essentially leaves chunks of perfectly shaped human shed. Plus side, she looks amazing after downside it takes having to hide a bit during an interaction to strip and peel this crunchy sounding skin off) 3) Spider eyes (Sudden appearance of extra spider eyes from 2-4 more sets; roll for which. Last 8 posts before painfully falling off of her face) 4) Sticky hair; hair gets as sticky as spider silk and *everything* sticks to it (half day/8 posts) 5) Spider Legs (sudden spider legs of all sizes pop out of her skin and are ITCHY. They wiggle/twitch/kick ect (6 posts of spider itch. Lets with a rash all over for the rest of the thread) 6) Venom Mouth (Mouth overflows with spider venom; will make her ill from a stomach ache to active vomiting. Worse symptoms then lesson over the span of 6 posts) 7) Sticky Touch/steps(leaves obvious steps/touches of spider webs that are sticky as hell; good luck sneaking/picking anything up normally for 1 hour(or 4 postsish) 8) SPIDERS! (Suddenly a random array of spiders crawl out from under her clothes to walk all over her. Everyone can see it 10 min of these guys) 9) Spider Acne (Boil like pimples sprout up on her face gradually over 2 posts and then burst out baby spiders/webs/ ect from the boils at the 4/5th post. Wounds are open for a time but are gone the next day) 10) Spider Mouth (WELP! Suddenly have a mouth full of spider pinchers for teeth so talking is weird and clack-ie; also spider web drool with it; 3 posts) 11) Bugs (A sudden craving for bugs/ tiny critters to nom. Rather passive but the urge is THERE, like a terrible pregnancy craving 8 posts at least ) 12) Spider web sneezes (Like allergies but each sneeze is spider webs for 3 posts)

Exchange Equipment Requirement: Active membership with the Exchange and a character on the Human Paths or Half-Blood Path. Your tenure with the Exchange has granted you not only physical prowess and investigative aptitude but also magical equipment to combat the supernatural and counter magical trickery. This bonus does not apply to Undying or Shifters. +2d6 to Strike in Supernatural related rolls (combat/social). Luck bonus of 1.

Player Information
Kat713 #5770
Mature Content & Comfort Levels
Go nuts


Kumo Lawson's Forum Info
Registration Date: 12-03-2023
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 01-19-2025 at 08:59 AM

Joined: 12-03-2023
Last Visit: 12-10-2023, 12:01 PM
Time Spent Online: 4 Hours, 39 Minutes, 39 Seconds