Scottish father, Norwegian mother. Well off but not stunningly rich. Middle of three children, with an older brother and a younger sister. Three was the perfect number of children for their family unit - any more and they’d have been stretching the budget a little far.
Ruby-Jade went by Ruby as a child or any variation thereof, usually by her father, whose idea it was to name her Ruby-Jade in the first place. All he siblings have double-barrelled first names. No one knows why.
When Ruby was around six she suffered a prolonged illness that eventually caused a stroke, starving parts of her brain of oxygen. It resulted in permanent damage that caused Ruby to become nonverbal (she prefers “nonspeaking”; she has words, she simply cannot speak them) and to lose her ability to walk and to write or draw.
At first it was thought that her hearing was affected in addition as she was often slow to respond to people talking to her, however it was later discovered that she now had trouble processing sound, and could hear, but required extra time to process what was said to her.
Something something moved idk
Over time, Ruby learned to walk again, though she cannot run as she becomes wobbly and uncoordinated. She continues to struggle with ataxia in her walking and uses a cane or a frame to walk, or sometimes an ambulatory wheelchair. She also struggles sometimes with hand and arm movements, resulting in childlike handwriting with large looping characters, difficulty cooking, typing, or engaging in creative pursuits such as knitting, sewing or drawing.
She began to process information easier, though sometimes still struggles with answering questions and may require someone to repeat themselves.
Being nonspeaking and unable to write, it was initially thought that she would struggle to learn, however when placed in special needs classes at levels below work she had already excelled in before her stroke, she became frustrated and bored.
Her siblings began to resent her for taking the attention off of them and for their parents’ expectations shifting, but it wasn’t as though Ruby asked for any of this.
Their resentment didn’t lift when Ruby began to gain independence
In her mid teens, Ruby became interested in witchcraft and the occult, using her tablet more often to look up information about magic she could practice at home.
Magic info goes here lol don;t look guys
Though she lives by herself and goes by the preferred name Jade, she isn’t fully independent, with her parents constantly dropping in to check on her as if they think she’ll spontaneously combust if they take their eyes off her.