Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » July Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » June Update


It's hot, it's time to hit the beaches!

Full Name
50 (looks 21) years old
Relative Unknown
Played By
Pixie Inactive

Player Information
About Me
Kat713 #5770
Mature Content & Comfort Levels
Table of Contents 00. Personalia 01. Magic 02. Inventory Top
The Basics
Preferred Name
Date of Birth:
September 23
Lethe Hostel
Work Location
Street, Borough
Off a dirt path near the water,
50 (looks 21) years old
5 ft
Eye Color
Steel blue
Hair Color
Long white-blonde hair that has silver tones to it
Face Claim
Maria Amanda

~Slender yet femininely curvy ~Long white-blonde hair that has silver tones to it ~Etherially beautiful with a natural shimmer to her skin tone ~Pointy ears ~Wings
~Curious ~Playful ~Acts silly/naïve ~Can be a smart ass ~Fast to anger ~Wild/Spirited ~Painfully Honest

Maker's Mark
Her skin tone and features are unnaturally beautiful and alluring, a silvery shimmer running through her entire body to give her an otherworldly look. Echo has semi-immortality or Eternal Youth. With her ethereal beauty and eternal youth, this would mark her as otherworldly but eventually she will pass.

Her ears are also softly pointed as well.

Animal Appearance

Other Information
+Due to being Fae, she can not tell a lie but that does not mean she won't find ways to work around it +Loves nature/animals +Sometimes switches people's shoes for other things +If you give her sweets, she is more inclined to like or help you +If she injures her wings, she must get spider silk and cat whisker to mend her wings

Born during the autumn equinox of 1971, Ekho's mother was shocked to find that she birthed the strangest child she'd ever seen. She was so small and doll-like when born but what stood out most was her wings and that alone scared her human mother who did not expect to see this. It would take the woman weeks to find her father, shoving the bundle into his arms and thusly abandoning the girl into his care as she did not want anything to do with some half-breed 'monster'. To her father's credit, he took complete care of his half pixie daughter. She grew up slower than normal given her half-pixie status but she did grow. He knew that things would be different for her since she was visibly identifiable, so he took her to live in a secluded glen for a good portion of her young adult years (about 15 years). It took twenty years for her first abilities to start cropping through and when they did, he couldn't have been prouder of her as she started to really come into her magical ways. Living away from people though in general was hard, she wanted to socialize and meet others but could only do so with her father right by her side and with a cloak over her back to hide her wings as they stood out. Now it wasn't to say he didn't teach her things, he did. She learned math, reading, writing, and then magic. She was taught about the Fae and where they stood in the realm of things. All the while, she didn't know that these lessons were to prepare her to live off on her own eventually. Around the year 2005, her father moved her to Easthaven to a special home he had built for her. It had everything she needed in it and gave her the freedom every pixie needed. It was during this, that he left her to let her figure out her own path as he went off on his own again, promising to check in on her. For a while, she was depressed and hid in the forest, only coming out during Samhain since no one thought twice about her wings during that time. As the years trickled on though, she grew even more confident with herself, finding out about a special Inn that helped those who were not human and that perked her interest even more. Working there and helping other supernatural brought her more out of her shell and let her just embrace her differences and now she walked around with mischievous pride over herself as she went about her days.

Magic & The Metaphysical
Strike & Cinder
[path:touchedhalfblood] Flight, Illusion, Minor Shape-Shifting

Spells & Powers
Winged Flight: Ekho has a pair of wings that never retract, never go away, and are always visible. She was born with them and they are her size so they are there and out if she doesn't do something to cover the gossamer-like wings. They are solid and when touched feel similar to a butterfly's wing in texture but look iridescent and almost see-through. Ever since she was born, she had a set of wings as long as herself that allow her to lift and carry herself. She can fly up fairly high as for flight speed, she can go just a little faster than a running human. The downfall is that if she is carrying anything heavy, it slows her down and she absolutely can not carry anything heavier than 12lbs before flying grows extremely tiring and forces her to land. Size Change: Ekho can go from a full-sized woman of a meek 5 ft tall down to that of someone who is only 2.5 feet tall. ONLY her body changes size (herself + wings) but her clothing remains the same size as it is not able to shrink with her. She can stay in this form for a fair amount of time thanks to her practice with it but when it comes to returning to a human size, it is painful and draining. The shift back is as sudden as the snapping of a rubber band and it leaves her exhausted for at least half of the time she was small. Illusion: Ekho has always had the ability to make things appear as if they are there when they aren't. It is a fun trick of the mind and senses that she enjoys doing to other people for either hers or their amusement. It takes a fair amount of her fae magic to make these work though and to be able to include the senses so that they appear as real as possible. Too much use of this makes her dizzy/loopy/slightly drunk/before her illusion just wholly fails.

Minor Magic Abilities
Boon: Summoning: Ekho has the fun ability to summon objects, she doesn't necessarily have to have seen them, she could just know of it to call it to her. She can also only summon something the size of a work boot shoe box and no bigger.

Other Magic Notes

[Gúna Bláth Iarainn] Iron Flower Dress: the wearer receives a +1 to Luck while wearing the dress and loses it if she takes it off. Once that temporary Luck is spent, it does not recharge until the next day. As always, the loss of Luck is up to player writing and storytelling! The Wanderer's Blood - The Nian's blood hits the ground as molten gold and cools, solidifying into elegant golden droplets. Swallow one, imagine a location, and it will take you there. There are two, one for the journey there and one, ostensibly, for the journey back. One blood drop can only take the one who swallowed it, along with whatever nonliving objects they are holding or wearing that aren't larger than themselves. The Imp's Puzzlebox - A playfully constructed puzzle box in bright colors. The polish and grain on the wood make it look like there are waves constantly swirling beneath the varnish. The tangram image is welded into the top. It is magically inert, although it is clear there was once a powerful enchantment on it.

Player Information
Kat713 #5770
Mature Content & Comfort Levels


Ekho Talvikki's Forum Info
Registration Date: 11-26-2021
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 09-08-2024 at 12:24 PM

Joined: 11-26-2021
Last Visit: 02-18-2024, 08:59 AM
Time Spent Online: 1 Day, 4 Hours, 26 Minutes