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Upper Fens No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Printable Version +- Three On A Match (https://threeonamatch.net) +-- Forum: Easthaven (https://threeonamatch.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Upper Fens (https://threeonamatch.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=4) +--- Thread: Upper Fens No uninteresting things, only uninterested people (/showthread.php?tid=1430) |
No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 03-23-2024 Outfit After spending a few days recovering from the Gala, Nari wasted no time reaching out to Dalton concerning the whole business of drinks. Elsewhere, where they couldn't be tampered with, although Nari found that whole mischief more amusing than anything. It took some time for their schedules to line up, but talk of drinks quickly materialized into finding a new bar riverside between Old Town and Upper Fens, near Dalton's neighborhood. It had an upscale atmosphere, modern but nautical, and good drinks, but ceilings that were too high. The acoustics weren't ideal, with sound carrying a bit too much to make good conversation. Then the band started, and it was a hopeless cause. The pair was chased from the bar with naught but a healthy buzz. “Perhaps the premier ABBA-Journey fusion cover band is a good thing,” Nari mused, voice lilting with a suppressed laugh. Things happened for a reason. Like mixing two titans of music from the 80s and later. Unfitting for the bar, though--perhaps they knew the owner. Smiling in her usual way, the way that said she'd just heard a good joke and probably wasn't going to share it, the dragon lowered her voice as she glanced over at Dalton while they walked. “Better not to talk too much shop in public, anyway.” RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 03-23-2024 Outfit The evening wasn't chilly, but it was drizzling down enough that Dalton had an umbrella out and held up above their heads. That was the only unfortunate part of being chased out of their chosen bar, as the sound drowned out any chance of conversation. They'd met to talk, after all. Talk and drink, and they'd only got the drink part of it done, and even then, not much of it. An inauspicious result of their long-awaited meeting for drinks, but Dalton was not ready to call it quits just yet. Lin's words had Dalton chuckling, remarking with good humour, “Saved from tough questions by the premier band Swedish Hike. Lucky us.” They would have hit a wall where they could no longer speak in euphemisms, or even understand each other's euphemisms, he was sure, so she had a point. “I don't live too far from here, if we wanted to continue with our drinks and discussion? Easier than finding a quiet bar at this time of evening.” And the short walk would mean they did not have to suffer the weather for long. The umbrella was a good one, large and covering their heads, although the pooling water on the pedestrian walkways might risk their shoes. Dalton left his boots at home. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 03-24-2024 The drizzle outside stirred up the scent of the sea from the sand and rocks that outlined the shore. Naturally, the sea dragon didn't mind the droplets hitting her hair and face, but it would be strange to walk next to Dalton and forego the offered umbrella. He held it high it had them walking closely together, stepping around rippling puddles on the sidewalk as they talked. Cars slowly eased past, their headlights highlighting the rain, and she looked out across the wide river mouth when she saw it between buildings. “By all means,” Nari replied, with no hesitation. Enthusiastic almost, if she was more given to those overt signs of emotion. Euphemistic talk about magic would get boring quickly, especially when they'd met and bonded over more material experiences and had fun with them. If it seemed uncouth, Nari didn't care, even adding playfully, “Maybe you can show me something fun?” Her only vague concern was whether or not the Black Lotus had eyes on her and if they would make note of her acquaintance with the man. It was a possibility, but he was also, by all accounts, a fairly good wizard. She found she didn't worry for him. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 03-25-2024 CHARM (Helping Hands) As Lin came with her response, Dalton felt pleased that there was no hesitation in her words. Perhaps not as eager as he was to continue the conversation, but engaged in it. That was all an enthusiastic wizard could ask for in his conversation partners, so long as he was careful to not get too technical about it and alienate her rather than welcome her in. Her further playful words had him chuckling, stuttering out a near-bashful, “Ah, well. Yes, of course.” He didn't think he'd ever got asked to show something 'fun,' as most in his old circles were quite stuffy and academic about it. Enthusiastic, of course, but it was all about the details. “I know some little tricks, although you'll have to be the judge.” As he spoke, Dalton focused his attention and conjured the astral hands, feeling one take over the umbrella as he stepped away, walking a few paces ahead of Lin, backwards as he held his hands up in front of him, grinning. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 03-25-2024 Nari hummed, the sound intrigued about these “little tricks”, though her mind turned to the rumors and stories about the man’s work. She thought he was being modest with the term, and then he was stepping ahead and out from under the umbrella. Nari looked after him with a puzzled expression until he flourished. Catching on that something was happening, she looked up and realized the umbrella was hovering over her still. The sight startled a delighted laugh out of her, and surprised herself when she grinned fully, charmed. “What,” she whispered softly, her voice full of wonder as she reached up to touch the handle of the umbrella. She looked back at Dalton, “How?” RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 03-26-2024 Dalton's grin did not dim in the face of her puzzlement, giving her time to realise he was no longer holding the umbrella. He was rewarded for his patience, her delighted laugh making him clasp his hands together in understated victory. A successful trick, a magician delivering what his audience wanted. Dalton was not showy, but he still enjoyed surprising people. As she inquired why, her wonder another reward for his efforts, Dalton stepped back under the umbrella rather than risk getting rained on more than he needed. The umbrella continued to float between them, held reliably by his astral hand. “One of my fields of research is what one might term the astral plane,” he began, trying not to get bogged down with the details. “Mastery over the astral allows for someone to project themselves into this unseen dimension–existing alongside the physical reality, you see. This is a... modified version of that, you might say. To put it simply, I am projecting a second pair of hands.” Dalton spread his hands in front of himself, looking to Lin and wondering if she understood, or if he might have to go into more detail. Or even if she simply wanted to know more. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 03-26-2024 Dalton’s delight in the whole act was contagious, Nari feeling herself drawn in by his guileless energy. He simply wanted to share and show, which was anathema to someone like her, but paradoxically attractive. As the man returned beneath the umbrella and explained, Nari was quiet, absorbing the idea that there were vast swaths of magic she could never know. The dragon’s magic was very physical, an intuitive part of her that she could command with a thought. That there existed research on magic with fields and studies and other technical disciplines was endlessly fascinating to her. Humans could do such interesting things with aspects of the world that she took for granted. Further, the idea of astral planes was wholly unfamiliar. Intangible, out of sight, out of mind. She looked back up at the umbrella and noted it was still floating, moving with them as they left the bar down the street and meandered into a neighborhood. When he paused and looked down at her, Nari had been intently listening, her brow furrowed with thought. Now that he looked for a response, she quirked a smile and judged, “You are being too modest.” She was impressed, that much was clear. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 03-27-2024 Dalton bowed his head with a brief laugh as she accused him of being too modest. It had been a quick explanation, leaving out the technical bits. Even skating over the fact that he had, in fact, projected himself into the astral plane, the first step of even accomplishing the trick. It was gratifying to see that she was genuinely interested. “Well, yes,” he allowed, tipping his head to one side in assent. “On the surface, it is a simple trick, but there is more to it. The research took some time.” They were walking into his neighbourhood now, a street with houses in varying styles, but all matching the upscale neighbourhood and hinting at its price range. Dalton's was at the end of the street, a mansion done in French styles, it's mansard roof quite eye-catching in the neighbourhood. He'd heard it called neo-French, but Dalton had little understanding of architectural styles. It only mattered how well it suited him, and it was very spacious for a single man. He enjoyed the space, well used to it. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 03-28-2024 Nari continued to quietly marvel at the gulf between their magics. The trick of holding his umbrella was not nothing but it wasn't grand either; the idea that it took a great deal of research to get to spoke to how magic just didn’t come naturally to humans. It was all an endeavor of the mind, though that was a good portion of why the dragon was attracted to it. “I admire that,” she said, simple and complimentary. Curious, she pried further, wondering how much mischief she could coax out of the wizard. “What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?” She noticed the change in scenery, their path taking them down a quieter residential street. Even in the evening drizzle, the houses looked stately, most shedding light on the street and promising warmth and comfort. Nari looked at each one as they passed, patiently waiting for Dalton to cut into his own driveway. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 03-29-2024 Dalton gave in to his own pride and sketched out a rough half-bow at Lin's compliment, hand settling on his chest as he smiled crookedly. All in good humour, as he was fully aware of him playacting a circus master throwing out tricks for an audience to 'ooh' and 'aah' over. He embraced it in the classroom as well, well aware that academics could get so dry if one did not liven it up. As she pried into his repertoire, Dalton lifted a hand to scrub at his chin, giving her a sideways look. Amused, as he could spot she was doing much the same she'd done in their first meeting. Eking out more from him through challenges and prompts. “Oh, certainly more than that,” he declared, grinning. He dropped his hands and tucked them in his pockets, breaking the line of his suit, but not caring much about it. “But what showman would I be if I marched them out one after the other?” As they spoke, he guided them across the road; the plinths flanking the road to his home marking where they had to turn in. It was not gated in, enjoying a more open and welcoming atmosphere from the outset, but it was set a distance from the road. With the peaceful neighbourhood, he'd never had any cause for concern. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 03-29-2024 “Oh, a very generous one,” Nari insisted, good-humored and chuckling as he teased her with the promise of more. She would've liked to see more now, and made it clear, but her goading remained light as ever--after all, she was there out of real enjoyment in his company rather than a need to be entertained. With bounce in her step, she followed Dalton and his floating umbrella across the road and into the driveway of a grand house with a mansard roof. It looked inviting through the rain and she was eager to get dry. She liked the water, but she did not like the way it felt beneath the straps of her heels. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 03-30-2024 House Album CHARM (Light Painting) Dalton let out a cheered laugh at her insistence as they turned into his driveway, flanked by greenery and a sort of organised front garden that was maintained, but in the sort of way that was more natural than manicured lawns and square hedges. There were some of that ilk around, but Dalton had rather liked the place for the way the garden looked more natural than groomed. “Well, if my audience demands,” he said with good humour, extending his left arm to look at his watch, as his right hand passed over the timepiece. Light bloomed under his palm, and he turned it upwards to show her what he’d produced. “But the evening is early enough for you to get your fill before the end.” In his palm, a golden circle floated just above it, with detailing filling in the shape as they watched. Lines of light, delicate and thin, following the curves and lines of the timepiece's face. Numbers, hands, and dial reproduced in delicate lines of light. It still moved, telling time, the second hand ticking the fastest on the dial. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 04-03-2024 Nari was watching him curiously but did not picked up that Dalton was leading into another trick until he held the glimmering clock face in his hand. At first, she didn't know what she was looking at, not quite believing her eyes until she saw the second hand move. “Oh,” she breathed softly, her exuberance quiet but no less potent, her eyes widening and her mouth tugging into a grin. “What a showman you are!” There was no sarcasm in the way she said it, just simple enjoyment, admiration. She was delighted that he'd humored her and showed her something so lovely, and to her quiet surprise, his openness to all this magic was making her eager to join in, show him a trick or two. Her magic was stranger than his by far, but Nari looked for an opportunity all the same as they passed through the garden and into the shadow of the grand house. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 04-04-2024 Cinder Collection Laurel branch, good Her soft wonder was gratifying, in that way many men enjoyed impressing the fairer sex. Dalton counted himself among them, and found himself charmed in turn when she echoed his own phrase in her compliment. Grinning, he closed his hand on the illusory timepiece, snuffing out the light. It disappeared as his fingers closed over it, intangible light fading as the trick concluded. “Only when I have a bad influence encouraging me,” he teased, alluding to their first meeting again. By his smile, he didn't mind in the least. As they passed by a laurel tree, Dalton reached out and broke off a pretty branch. The evergreen had been a green spot all winter, only hiding when the snows covered it. It hadn't bloomed yet, but the buds were starting to make themselves known. He twirled it in his fingers as they crossed the paved driveway, shaking off droplets of rain. They were nearing the steps leading to the front door, the lights illuminating the area. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 04-05-2024 Cantrip Water Pulse “Mmm, no,” Nari mused with a little laugh as he plucked the branch from the tree, shaking water from the rest of the buds. Rain water sprinkled pleasantly into the grass while Dalton seemed set on carrying his branch with him up onto the porch. Nari bore the accusation well as she followed him, “I do not think you need very much encouragement.” Standing next to him on the porch, she made a gentle beckoning motion and pulled droplets of excess rainwater from the leaves and buds on the branch he carried. After that, she swept her other hand up and pulled the rest of the water from the umbrella, leaving the fabric conveniently dry. Pulling her hands together, she floated a wobbling bubble of water between them, and with a glance up at Dalton, she made a circle with her finger, causing it to separate into a little spinning ring. Neither, it seemed, did she. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 04-06-2024 Spinning the small laurel branch between his fingers, Dalton laughed as she accused him of not needing much encouragement. Which was true, Dalton always delighted in showing others something new, if they were open to it. It was only with the mundanes, those who knew little of the work he did, where he hesitated. He had no such qualms with Nari, their respective pieces of knowledge made clear on their first meeting. He was preoccupied with fishing his keys out of his pocket when he looked at her hands, seeing the motion of her beckoning fingers. Dalton was momentarily confused before he spotted the droplets seemingly moving at their own volition. They floated towards her from both the branch and the umbrella, and he saw her gather the orb and set it to spin, separating into a ring of water. “Exquisite,” he murmured, the branch no longer spinning in his hand as he was fixated on the display. Holding it between thumb and his little finger, he reached up with a pointed index finger but stopped himself. He looked at her, tilting his head and smiling at her. “May I?” He asked, curious about the physical feel and interaction of the floating water. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 04-10-2024 Cantrip Water Pulse Finding herself the subject of his attention, Nari's mouth curled into a pleased smile, though she didn't look up at him as she concentrated on maintaining the little ring. At his question, she did glance over at him, seeing his extended hand, and that amused her enough to laugh. It reminded her squarely of how inquisitive wizards could be, but this time, she didn't mind being asked. She had, after all, decided to share. “You may,” the dragon said with theatrical magnanimousness. Nari extended a hand, palm up, letting the water ring float above it. It spun delicately, cool and slow moving, like water dribbling over the stones of a small fountain. When Dalton touched it, it would continue to spin, but slowly start engulfing his fingers and hand. In a little burst of mischief, Nari sent a tendril up his wrist, threatening to worm it under the cuff of his sleeve. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 04-11-2024 Cinder Collection Drops of water, good She was so focused on the water that she didn't look at him, only a glance as he asked. It was an impressive bit of magic, to only need focus, a wholly different thing to his own tricks. The theory he knew that allowed him to do it, the steady practice of the abilities. Hers, he suspected, came naturally. When she theatrically gave him her permission, he let out a low chuckle and gave in to his initial urge to touch the water. Unsurprisingly, it felt like water, as wet and cool as water tended to be. The flow of it, as it floated, engulfed the fingers he touched it with. Then she sent it shooting up his wrist and towards his cuff, and he reacted to the sudden chill before thinking twice. Jerking his hand away from the questing tendril, letting out a small yelp as his fist closed over the water in his hand. It took a moment more to realise she'd just been playing with him. Letting out an embarrassed laugh, Dalton unclenched his hand to reveal the droplets resting in his palm. He held his palm up between them, shaking his head. “You're just full of mischief.” RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 04-12-2024 Cantrip Water Pulse Dalton's yelp made Nari's lips press together in a suppressed smile, as she fought an exuberant laugh. She was not given to more animated displays or acting smug at pulling a trick, but her delight in getting such a reaction was clear. Withdrawing the water so that it nestled in her palm in a wobbling bubble, she made a pleased 'hm' noise when she saw he'd captured a few droplets. A quick dip of her head was silent consent. “A bad influence, as you say,” she murmured. Then, to mess with the man a little more, the dragon gestured to the door and asked with a smirk, “Will you still invite me inside?” She was not held back by thresholds, but Nari reasoned that if he wasn't asking her about her occult studies, he was starting to suspect her. The Dalton Cessair she'd heard about was said to be a very intelligent man, so she wasn't surprised. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 04-15-2024 CHARM Helping Hands Her quick nod—barely there but for the pleased noise she'd made to make Dalton pay attention—prompted him to lower his hand. He kept his palm upturned, knowing he wanted to keep it and store it, but he hadn't equipped himself for that sort of thing on his way out. “They say curiosity killed the cat,” Dalton began, grinning crookedly as he caught on to her play of words. His other hand used the key he'd dug up to unlock his door, pushing it open and stepping inside. “But satisfaction brought it back.” He could not be sure if she spoke a truth about herself, for either she was simply referencing the odd rules that ruled the supernatural or she was admitting to being beholden to one. A common rule among the supernaturals he'd observed was to obfuscate and speak in half-truths, so only further data would confirm which it was. Regardless of truths, Dalton opened the door wide for her and gestured her inside, the sweep of his hand and the rattling keys a juxtaposition of formality and play. The entryway itself had a chequer-pattern tile flooring, leading towards a staircase to the second floor, which hid a reading nook just underneath it. Plants were scattered around, vibrant and green, some for show and some for his work. As soon as she entered, the spectral hands holding the umbrella would lower it and shake off the little rain that had gathered after she'd drawn it to her. Then it was gently propped up in the umbrella stand for the next time Dalton had to use it. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 04-17-2024 Cantrip Water Pulse Once again, Nari realized she was challenging Dalton in not so many words. When it came to magic, one could never be sure what they were dealing with. With her being deliberately esoteric, was he willing to take the risk? And once again, the wizard rose to meet her challenge without batting an eye, even offering a little proverb in retort. Nari hummed a laugh, charmed and wondering again how far they would goad each other. “You would know, no?” she asked, amused. She felt a little swept up in him, curious and buoyed up by his enthusiasm. As he gestured her inside, she flicked her hand, casually letting the orb of water dissolve into a cloud of vapor. Stepping over the threshold, she took her first impressions of his well-appointed home. She didn’t spend a great deal of time imagining how someone might decorate their home, but this fit Dalton, as she knew him. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 04-18-2024 Her response got another chuckle out of Dalton, as she lampshaded their first meeting once again. It seemed a defining feature of their acquaintance so far. A call and response in the form of challenges issued and meeting said challenges. The doctor let his eyes follow the flick of her hand as the water turned to steam, once again impressed with the ease and burning with curiosity. He didn't bring any more attention to it, knowing it would be rude to pry into something he suspected was not constructed magic. Arcanists could be secretive, but it was somewhat technical enough that Dalton judged it perfectly fine to ask. For those who were born to it, there wasn't much he could learn that wouldn't risk seeming invasive unless he was invited to ask. As she stepped inside, Dalton let the door swing shut behind her, stepping over to the drawers occupying the hallway. Next to it was an elegant shoe rack with a few various sizes of slippers, bought because the floors of the home could be quite chilly. He ignored the slippers for now, instead going for the top drawer, but he gestured to them for Lin's sake. “Feel free to use any of the slippers, my floors can get cold,” he said, as he rummaged in the drawer, but he found what he needed quickly. There was a collection of useful detritus in there, and he fetched a small Erlenmeyer flask. He tipped the drops of water in his palm into it, picking up a stopper and sealing it. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 04-18-2024 Following his gesture, Nari nodded silently to the invitation to don some slippers. Although she wasn't uncomfortable in her heels, it was still a relief to doff them, placing them neatly next to the shoe rack. Barefoot, she found the floor to have the same chill as bathroom tiles in the early morning, and she went up on her tip toes as she peered over the selection until she found a smaller pair that would fit her. As she picked them up, she looked over at the sound of a drawer sliding open, and watched with serene curiosity as the man rummaged around inside. He withdrew a flask, and with the slippers in hand dragon drifted over to him as he dribbled the water droplets inside. “What will you do with it?” she asked, ever interested in the wizard's craft. When she was a child, she and her cousins used to collect knick knacks and oddities from the sea to sell to sorcerers in coastal villages. Shells from deep water, pearls, and rare seaweed were always welcome, but the better sellers were always bits of horn, clipped lengths of dragon's mane, or shed scales. Cast offs, to Nari's eyes, but treasures to humans. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 04-19-2024 Dalton glanced towards Lin as she approached, smiling distractedly as he shook the flask and held it up so the light of the hallway caught the water inside. It seemed to have more volume when contained, despite how few drops he'd had in his palm. Her question had him letting out a thoughtful hum, no real plan in mind for it, but many plans always in the back of his mind generally. “I'm not sure,” he admitted, shaking the flask again before holding it out to her, a second time, to look over if she wanted. “I have a few things in mind, generally—” here he gestured vaguely with his other hand, as if gesturing to a board of scribbles only he could see, “—but nothing specific for this. I find– well. I find they make their use clear when they're most needed.” RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 04-23-2024 Nari had half-expected that answer. Wizards often seemed to be part scientist and part creative, working by feel rather than strict recipe when they were experimenting. Dalton had collected some of her magic on a whim, to be used later. Billy had done the same. Nari found she was deeply curious to see the end result--it was her magic, after all--though their spell-work would doubtless be very different. Tucking the slippers beneath her elbow, pinned against her side, she reached out and took the flask. She was delicate with it, holding it daintily in the fingertips of both hands. The water droplets filled the vial, clinging to the sides. Nails tinkling gently on the glass, the dragon turned it over, making the air bubble float to the bottom--now the top--and hummed a thoughtful noise. It wasn't very much and didn't seem to have the same luminous quality as the one she'd taken from Billy, but the other wizard had taken far more. Dalton had been very conservative, it seemed. And polite, which was the more important thing. Satisfied, she held it back out to the man. “Will you show me when you do use it?” she asked, eyebrows lifting with earnest curiosity rather than her usual mischievous bent. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 04-24-2024 When Nari took the flask, Dalton took the opportunity to slip off his shoes. His usual pair of slippers were within reach, next to the basket of guest slippers. He tucked them onto his feet and put his shoes away so no one would trip on them in the hallway. It was a quick task, so he was turning back to Nari as she rolled the flask around in her hand, the thoughtful hum catching his attention. When she held it out to him, Dalton accepted it and smiled thoughtfully at her question. He turned the flask over in his own hands, examining the contents. “Of course. Hm—” he interrupted himself, hand lifting to his chin and considering the flask. Possibly, if- he shook his head, as if shaking the thoughts of out of his head. “Come, let me get you a drink. I have to be the gracious host before you get me going on magical theory.” He was chuckling as he said it, gesturing with a hand towards the living room. The space beyond open threshold was spacious, large and comfortable couches taking up the central space, with a bar cabinet by one of the walls. The windows facing outwards, to the garden, were large and in the evening, pools of black beyond the lit interior. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 04-24-2024 Nari looked on as Dalton stop-started his way through his thoughts, both verbally and physically. Her eyes crinkled with a smile when he interrupted his own building head of steam. It was both entertaining and endearing to see. And she didn't mind a drink, though he did leave her burning with curiosity as to where he'd been going with it. “Oh, yes- a strong drink will help me follow along,” she joked drily of herself. She carefully dropped the slippers and slide her feet into them, one at a time. The move was quick, and she turned to follow his invitation into the living room. She took in the space with her usual quiet attention, already decided on one of the couches. As she moved toward it, she caught sight of the dark pools outside, and thought absently it would be nice to explore out there and watch the rain dimple the surface. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 04-25-2024 Her joke had Dalton chuckling, pausing for a moment to let her slip on the slippers she'd picked for herself. He was glad he'd thought to find more sizes than his own, to accommodate a variety of guests even if he hadn't had many people over in his time in the city. When she was on slippered feed, Dalton led the way into the living room, making his way to the bar cabinet as she sought out on of the couches. The bar cabinet was richly appointed, filled with the needed glassware and mixologist tools, along with plentiful of spirits and mixers for any taste. He reached for a bottle of gin, turning it over in his hands, as he joked a little back at her. “The best ideas come to those who are a little intoxicated,” he said, reaching for a balloon glass. “But how many hold up in the cold light of day is another matter. What would you like? I have a selection; gin, brandy, whiskey... well, I suppose I have everything. Mixers too, if you'd prefer a cocktail?” Dalton paused, the butt of the bottle of gin resting on the top of the cabinet as he lightly spun the balloon glass. He looked to Lin, waiting for her response. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 04-25-2024 Nari leaned back on the couch next to the bar, adjusting her skirts so she could withdraw one foot from the slipper and tuck it under her other knee while keeping herself decent. She was comfortable and relaxed, even in a new space, laying claim to the couch and settling in. Turning to face Dalton as he rooted around in the bar, she propped an elbow on the back cushions to rest her head on her hand. She watched him pull out the bottle of gin, one side of her mouth quirking up at his supposed wisdom. Nari found she liked the way he talked--Dalton had a way of filling the space and she was happy to simply listen. When he asked her what she'd like, she straightened from her lounge with a smile. Gesturing to the bottle he'd already rested on the bartop, she asked, “Gin and tonic?” RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 04-25-2024 CHARM (Helping Hands) Lin settled in without a hitch, which Dalton preferred to the guests who stood around at loose ends. As she answered his question, he nodded in silent approval. He reached for a second balloon glass, a spark of magic conjuring his spectral hands to fetch the ice from the freezer in the kitchen, along with the tonic. A bowl of limes was ready, but it was worth asking if she wanted any variation on the typical cocktail. He took one lime, rolling it over the surface of the little cutting board on the cabinet, releasing the juices. “Any modifications? Garnishes, bitters... flavoured tonics?” Dalton checked, hearing the ice bucket rattling gently as it floated over. “The man who stocks my bar is very... thorough.” He gave her a glance, grinning a little. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 04-29-2024 Nari huffed, pleasantly surprised as he offered her not only a gin and tonic, but a gin and tonic with variations. Interested in a well-stocked bar, it took a moment for her to think of a good modification on the classic, but as her lips parted to answer, she was distracted by the sound of rattling. Glancing toward the sound, she expected to see someone else--it wouldn't surprise her to see a house keeper in a home like this--rather than the ice bucket floating toward them. The comical fantastical sight of it made her hitch a laugh, and she pressed her fingers over her lips to quell the exuberant sound. Looking over at Dalton, fully amused, all she could do was shake her head to offer of variations. Instead, she got up, drawn in by the sight of the floating ice bucket. Reaching the bar cabinet at the same time as the bucket, she waved her hand beneath it, concluding that it was the same trick he'd pulled with the umbrella, but delighted nonetheless. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 05-02-2024 CHARM Helping Hands Her huff had him smiling again, but Dalton turned his attention to the lime, patiently waiting for her answer. He'd sorted out his lime slices when he heard her laugh, looking up with a curious expression before he turned to follow her gaze. Then he chuckled himself, realising what she found amusing. It was honestly something he barely thought about, these days. The little things he did to make life a little easier. He didn't see the harm, when he could do it anyway. The shake of her head seemed to be for the drink, as she rose to take a closer look at the ice bucket. Dalton left her to it, although he did steer the other spectral hand to scoop up a handful of ice cubes to pour into the glasses. They clinked merrily as Lin waved her hand underneath the bucket, seeming reassuring herself that there was no mundane trickery behind it. Dalton began pouring in the gin as he looked her way, grinning crookedly. He liked that she was so fascinated by his complicatedly simple trick. “I might be guilty of overdoing it, for the sake of convenience,” he admitted, chuckling a little to himself as he set the gin down and topped them up with the tonic. Then, the lime slices went in. A straightforward gin, although Dalton did sometimes muddle some berries to give it a bit of a different kick if he felt like it. He picked up the drinks, offering one out to Lin. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 05-03-2024 Nari watched the ice lift from the bucket, clumped together like it was cupped in a hand--which it was, by all accounts--and followed its trajectory until she was watching Dalton pour the gin. She grinned at his admission, the smile reaching her eyes. “Oh, I would too, if I could,” she chimed, amused but meaning it in earnest. She could fly, but the grass was always greener--Dalton showed that he might never need to worry about being unable to find the remote, among other things. Stepping around the bucket she stood unobtrusively next to the wizard, watching as he poured the tonic and added the lime. With a murmured thanks, she took the offered drink in both hands, and then held it up to touch her glass to his in a toast. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 05-04-2024 Dalton bowed his head and tried not to chuckle as she agreed with his sentiment. Magic did not flow in his blood, not as he suspected it did for Lin, so he could see why more casual magic use might come more second nature to her. For him... well, he was arrogant enough to want to use the fruits of his many hours of research. As their glasses clinked, he smiled, and the ice bucket lowered itself onto the bar cabinet. The spectral hands, now no longer necessary, faded away, and that tug on his spectral shape eased. He lifted the gin and tonic for a sip before he lowered it and asked, tone curious. “Are you still interested in seeing some magic? Or, listening to me explain it?” He angled his body towards her, an unconscious act as his mind returned to the thought he'd been puzzling on before he'd dismissed it in favour of being a good host. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 05-09-2024 The walk had left her with a comfortable, if fading buzz, so, Nari was eager to revitalize that pleasant sensation. She took a long, refreshing sip, appreciating Dalton's mixology skills. Lowering the drink, she licked the residue off her upper lip. The wizard's question made her smirk in amusement. From the way he asked it, it seemed like he'd been waiting to draw them back to the topic of magic. “Oh, yes,” she said readily. She inclined her head, teasing, “You seem to have promised me drunk magic--I'm extremely intrigued.” RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 05-14-2024 Dalton laughed, a little too loud in his tipsy state, but happily amused by her choice of words. “Well, not drunk, I'd hope. Just a little under the influence,” he japed, lifting his hand to demonstrate with two fingers, the fingertips only just separated. He snickered, dropping his hand as he stepped towards the couches, and the coffee table in the middle of it all. “But- Magic. I do have some ideas, and I think the water could work for it, if you fancy.” He gestured to the couches around, a bid for her to settle down and not remain standing, but Dalton himself kept to his feet. The man wasn't a stranger to spontaneous rituals in his home, even if conventional wisdom did tell him to not make a habit of it. He'd only blown up some of his furniture in his illustrious career, so far. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 05-20-2024 Nari's lips twitched in a smile as Dalton laughed; she enjoyed his unabashed amusement, but a lot of her delight in his whirlwind company showed around her eyes rather than her mouth. Speaking of the whirlwind, he moved them along, and she followed his invitation to once again settle down on the couch. One foot tucked up under her knee as she raised her glass, to her lips, but didn't drink listening and watching him over the rim. The man looked about ready to start with some magic, right then and there. Would they be shoving the coffee table aside? It really seemed that spontaneous. Dalton didn't need to include the tidbit about using the component he'd gathered from her to keep her interest, but it certainly heightened it. It showed on her face, as Nari nodded slightly, her eyebrows raised in intrigue. “I do fancy,” she replied, her voice its usual subdued lilt, but with a laugh somewhere in the back of her throat. Then she added, in a faux serious tone, “Just so you know, my expectations are astronomically high.” They weren't, not when they were just having fun, but Dalton did have a reputation. Throwing in some gentle teasing about that didn't seem amiss. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 05-28-2024 “Astronomically high!” Dalton exclaimed, although his grin made it Lear that he was hardly upset about her throwing a challenge his way. Another one, but it seemed to be the rhythm they were picking up between the two. “Now I don't have a choice but to dazzle you, then,” he continued, spreading his hands in a helpless gesture, despite being the opposite of helpless. He could simply not play into the challenge, but he'd already decided to do some tipsy magic, so what else could he do than rise to the bait? “I do need to get some more things to work with, first. You'll have to be patient in the setup before your astronomically high expectations can be met,” he added, voice going absent minded as he glanced around, side to side, up and down. There would be no dazzling until he had both the items he intended to enchant and more components to use. He had a few on hand, and plenty of things in the room would suffice. As far as location... the living room wasn't a bad spot for it. The coffee table was a good central location, no load bearing walls or columns near it, and the ceilings were high. Minimal risk to building structure if it went wrong. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 06-12-2024 Lifting her glass from her lips—and neglecting to take a sip again—Nari said with magnanimous flair, “Do what you must.” Seeing him eye the coffee table, the dragon did what seemed sensible and shifted her foot to tuck her slippers beneath the couch. Once they were out of the way, she lifted her leg and pinned her knees together to sit with both legs folded to one side. She pulled her skirt so she didn’t flash the wizard while he worked, and finally took a sip. She watched him with careful attention at the same time, enjoying a pleasant buzz. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 06-27-2024 Dalton was aware enough of his role as host to not disappear entirely into the task of crafting a ritual. Even when he wasn't hosting, that wasn't something that Dalton indulged in, anyway. Single-minded focus to the detriment of awareness of what was going on around him usually meant someone might get blown up. With Lin's permission, he felt he could at least leave her to her own devices, once he'd established that she could, indeed, make herself at home. “Thank you,” he said, mouth curling into a grin, as he gave her a little bow. “Make yourself at home, please. Is there anything else I can get you?” He asked this as he fished the vial out of his pocket, placing it on the coffee table, ready to be used. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 07-17-2024 Swallowing her gulp, she shook her head quickly, and waved a hand, inviting. “No, no. I have my drink. Do not let me distract you,” she said with an eager glimmer in her eye as he put the vial down. She shifted in her seat, leaning forward a bit while resting on the arm of the couch. She pillowed her chin on her hand, looking comfortable as she added, “Though, I wouldn't mind you talking me through it.” RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 08-01-2024 “Of course,” Dalton said with a chuckle, grinning. “I did say I'd get into magical theory, so you're forewarned!” There was a cheerful emphasis on the last part, her last chance to beg off, although she hadn't indicated she would. Nor did he didn't linger in the room for long to hear it, wandering out of the sitting room to fetch the tools of his trade. Dalton did not have a workshop in his home of the same calibre as the one organised by the Circle, but his kit of sundry components and interesting items sufficed on the go. It was all contained in a spacious briefcase, well-cared for leather, protecting pouches and boxes of anything he'd found useful through his time as a ritualist. It was simple to grab it and make his way back to the sitting room, where Lin sat. Crossing the room to the coffee table, throwing Lin a smile, he sat the briefcase down by the couch and settled down himself. “The first step,” he began, unlocking the briefcase fastenings and flipping the flap open. He reached in and lifted out a pair of unadorned gold bracelets. “Something to enchant.” RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 08-06-2024 Given her due promise, Nari was satisfied to sit back and watch Dalton get his things together. She sipped her drink, finding it delicious enough to drain it down to half by the time he returned with an intriguing case she was sure was full of his tools of the trade. Nari decided she was rather fond of his... did wizards decide on a particular aesthetic? Dalton seemed to have, whether or conscious or not, between his flourishing and this new box of tricks. He sat down next to her, and although the couch was wide enough for the both of them, the dragon was both drunk and bold enough to unfurl from her cozy spot and scoot closer. Drink in one hand, she comfortably leaned against the wizard, shoulder to shoulder when he straightened up, holding two gold bracelets. “Oh, how stylish!” she cooed, a little surprised at the fashion choice, but intrigued. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 08-07-2024 Cinder Collection Failure, poor leather cord As he pulled out the bracelets, Lin shifted to sit next to him on the couch, her body against his side a warm line. An unfamiliar cosiness, Dalton realised absently, rather more contained in his touching than she was. She was positively tactile in comparison, but the sorcerer found he didn't mind at all. Welcomed it, even, as he turned his head to smile at her reaction to the bracelets. “If all goes well, they won't be visible under my shirt sleeves,” he pointed out as he placed the bracelets on the coffee table, the smooth gold catching the light. Style had very little to do with it, but Dalton couldn't deny that he had his habits in what manner of objects he chose to enchant. Ideally, they'd sit flush to his skin, firmly seated and further up his wrist than a watch strap, a hidden weapon he could use when the worst happened. He'd had a few close calls in his years of practising magic and had even made similar enchantments for himself. The enchantments had worn out long ago, and he had recently been reminded of their necessity in a world where he wasn't protected by ignorance. He reached into the briefcase, rummaging around and pulling out a leather cord. Magic sparked at his fingertips, but as he brought the cord out, he noticed it was stiff and cracking, clearly not the quality of work he liked using for his enchantments, at least when he wasn't creating something designed to blow up in the user's face, which he'd never done anyway. “Hm,” he let out, unhappy with what he'd found, and set it aside on the end table next to the couch. Better not keep it amongst his kit if it wasn't good enough to work with. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 08-27-2024 Their placement seemed sensible enough, leading Nari to suspect that a majority of his wardrobe was nice button downs and suit jackets. Very handsome, she liked that sort of attention to detail, watching over another sip as he pulled out an old piece of leather and subsequently put it aside. It didn't look all that nice, even through her tipsy haze. As she downed another swallow of her drink, enjoying the fizz on her tongue and thinking about fashion, she noted, “It will be nice, but you will need options for when you put on your Tommy Bahamas this summer.” Her tone was serious, fully assuming Dalton had some short-sleeved button-downs with tropical prints, but a little slurred, betraying her inebriation. The ridiculousness of her point occurred her a split second later, and she was tempted to laugh, but she did not crack. Instead, she looked at Dalton with lifted eyebrows--clearly, wizards ought to be fashion conscious of the seasons. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 09-05-2024 Cinder Collection Exceptional success, good vial of sunlight As he continued rummaging, bottles clinking and pouches of various objects shifting––volcanic sand, obsidian, gems, and other such sundry–he had one ear to Lin's remarks even as he applied his discerning eye to what might work for what he had in mind. Her remarks about shorter-sleeved shirts had him chuckling, although he did consider it once she'd pointed it out. The bracelets were masculine enough that he didn't think his ego would take a hit if anyone did see them, but it was a bit odd to have two identical ones on each hand. “Perhaps I'll disguise one as a timepiece?” He mused, smiling as he pulled up a delicate vial of shimmering light, corked with a glass stopper. This was, he recalled, the bright sunlight from his recent tropical vacation to the Seychelles. He smiled at Lin, one of his charming ones as he teased her. “Would that meet your exacting fashion standards?” RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 09-09-2024 Getting more comfortable, Nari lifted an arm and rested it on Dalton's shoulder to pillow her head on it. It was a casual gesture, the sort of touchiness that came naturally to someone as tipsy as her. It also gave her a better vantage point as he sorted through his sundry treasures. Of course, the glimmer caught the dragon's eye, and she looked on in fascination, spying what she could only describe as liquid light. That familiar, instinctive covetousness squirmed around in her gut, but she kept her hands to herself. She was a noble dragon, after all, not some magpie to go around snatching shiny things. Not since she was much younger, anyway. The suggestion of a timepiece disguise earned Dalton a thoughtful noise, and then his teasing question made her laugh. She cocked her head at his charming smile, her dark eyes crinkling with mirth. “It will have to do,” she allowed, playing at aloof, though the tête-à-tête was worming a smile out of the corner of her mouth. Gesturing back at the bracelets with her drink, she asked, “And what, together, will this contraption do?” RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Dalton Cessair - 10-23-2024 CHARM Light Painting Cinder Collection Average quality laser pointer The woman was not heavy as she braced her arm on his shoulder, so Dalton barely noticed as she rested her head in the casual closeness often seen in those under the influence. He was tipsy enough that he barely thought twice about it, only making sure he didn't accidentally jostle her off his shoulder as he prepped. He grinned as she aloofly accepted his solution to the impending fashion disaster of two bracelets on his wrists. It did have him wondering how the watch would work in tandem with the attached enchantment. He would need an automatic or mechanical watch, not quartz. The battery would not hold up to the magic, leaving him with a dead watch. Dalton always had a watch on his wrist, so it was simple to adapt that accessory to this magic. A shame, though. He liked wearing the different watches he had, a fashion accessory just like his clothing. But perhaps... an idea sparked, as Lin queried about what, exactly, he was making, and Dalton glanced at her propped against him. He cocked his head, considering how to explain it. A weapon, most definitely, even Dalton couldn't deny that even if he would not count himself warlike, but he wasn't naive enough to think there wasn't a necessity to it. He'd been... sheltered, in New York. Sheltered in a way he couldn't be in Easthaven. “Ah. A modification to my light charm, to put it simply,” he began, twisting his fingers and drawing a glowing circle in the air, thoughtless and habitual. “Weaponising it, in a way. It doesn't carry force with it, as it is, merely... visually impressive. I want to add a physical aspect to it, projectiles or–” he flicked his fingers, placing the intricate pattern of his amulet in the middle of the floating circle, “–a shield, to beat back anything dangerous.” He twisted his fingers, the light threads forming the pattern disappearing as quickly as they'd come. Burying his hand in his bag again, he pulled out a laser pointer, turning it around in his hands as he felt that spark along his fingertips, evaluating it. RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - Lin Nari - 01-07-2025 Nari looked on, enthralled as the wizard casually traced a circle of light in the air in front of them. It was larger than the ticking clock he'd created for her before, and suddenly far more intricate with a new pattern blooming in the center. He made it look so effortless. Reaching out with the hand holding her glass, she thought to carefully pass a finger through the ring to see what would happen, listening all the while. She grazed one edge just before it collapsed, and sighed, disappointed. Still, the topic of the conversation intrigued her more. “Does it seem very dangerous in Easthaven?” she wondered, understanding that many came here and saw nothing. And others ran into trouble right away. What drew him to the conclusion that he'd need protection or a weapon? “Or- Wherever you are from. Is it very dangerous there?” |