Three On A Match
Greater Easthaven Easthaven Ren Fair - Printable Version

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Easthaven Ren Fair - Third on the Match - 09-04-2024

As September arrives, so does the yearly renaissance fair that calls Easthaven home for a few weeks of the year. Through the years, their location has shifted around the spaces in Greater Easthaven, but this year they’ve secured a spot deep in the Diflu woods, between the airfield and McCoy’s orchards. Like a wooded city, booths and temporary buildings have popped up along paths and in clearings. It is a living city, however temporary, with some of the travelling entertainers and booths settling to live for the duration of the festival, with tents and cooking fires popping up to add to the atmosphere.

Surrounding the festival grounds itself are multitudes of hiking trails and natural wonders, from creeks and ponds, with some marshland. It is not as grand as Northrop, but far friendlier for the casual wanderer. With increased traffic comes increased odd run-ins along the trails, however, stories coming out of LARPers taking things a little too seriously and animals getting bold with theft.

The grand event for the fair, the jousts and other competitions of skill, happen at the edges of the woods, on a cleared field with enough space for stables and equipment storage. The lists were the first thing to be raised, along with the stands surrounding it, and within days it emerged the picture of a mediaeval tourney, with daily jousts of dramatised stories and the public invited to compete and train with a variety of mediaeval weapons.

Diflu Town
The wooded town has a market of traditional and handmade goods for sale, with blacksmiths, swordsmiths, goldsmiths, silversmiths, leatherworkers, woodworkers, and anything else that falls into traditional handwork plying their trade. Food is also on offer, both traditionally made and imitations of mediaeval fare, along with modern foods for the squeamish or unadventurous. At the designated taverns one can find mead, beer, and wine as well.

Take a Hike
The hiking trails stretch out into the woods, both within sight of the temporary town and far enough away that one can’t even hear the crowds.Go far enough, and odd things will start cropping up. Figures of lore will step out from between the trees to challenge hapless hikers to duels or tests of skill, while fairy-tale creatures will indulge in mischief. Most will assume these are either a part of the festival or someone taking the atmosphere a little too seriously.

To experience these Encounters, drop a thread in the event forum, prefixed with Greater Easthaven, with your character attending the festival and hiking around and request an Encounter. Make sure to mark it as for the Renaissance Fair event! You can start this thread anywhere and move into the woods and request an encounter as well, you don't have to start in the woods.

The Tourney
There’s a jousting competition every day, with different riders facing against each other. The day show is dramatised, maximising entertainment for the attendees, but the evening competition is one of genuine skill between the riders, allowing attendees to wager on who they think might win.

The Attendee Competitions
There are three competition events for characters. Each will happen in their own isolated threads, which will also include an expanded explanation of the process and the characters involved. To sign up, drop a message in the Discord discussion thread on the Ren Fair Tourney. The threads will go up later next week.

Archery: Using the Ballistics skill, characters compete to gain the most passes through three rounds. Each round has a winner, gaining a small prize, but only the one with the most points by the final round will win the grand prize. LINK TBA.
Participants: Emily, Dalton, Hailey

Sword duels: Using the Melee skill, characters will duel each other for the chance to go on to the next round of duels. The final round will award the winner with the grand prize. LINK TBA.
Participants: Theo, Goki, Cookie

Wrestling: Using the Brawl skill, characters will wrestle each other for the chance to go on to the next round of fights. The final round will award the winner with the grand prize. LINK TBA.
Participants: Max, Jack, Brooke