Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » December Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » November Update

Early Winter

The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.

August Update | 2023

Third on the Match Offline

August Updates

A new month and a new update! There's an important change to catch in this update, so read carefully and make sure to note the changes.

A reminder as well to everyone, make sure to archive your threads when they are finished. This is done by selecting the Moderation Options drop down and selecting Archive Thread. If a thread is abandoned, you can select Discontinue Thread.

  • Assistance has had a major change. It no longer modifies Threshold. It now adds 1d6 to the rolling character’s dice pool. If the assisting player chooses, they may roll and add 2d6 with an exceptional success. Read the new rules here.
  • Enchanted items with the "Assistance" mechanic will follow the new rules.
  • Familiar abilities have been rephrased, they still modify the Threshold once per thread, they do not offer Assistance.
  • Mundane humans have a temporary 4d6 Cinder pool only for ritual Assistance rolls. This is meant to demonstrate that mundane humans are able potentially to read runes or pick out errors, without being dedicated ritualists themselves.
  • Shifter Synergy’s Threshold modifier has been reduced to 1.
  • Rules around Mundane Humans and rituals clarified: they have a threshold of 5, but can use the Circlebreaker Cinder pool.
  • An elaboration on Familiars and their interplay with other magic has been added.
  • More detail has been added on the interaction of technology and magic, to clarify the original infobit.
  • Iron Will has been updated. It now offers 5d6 in bonus versus mind affecting magic for Mundane Humans.
  • In aesthetic updates, the coding in the profiles has been updated and more aesthetic images added. Feel free to edit in pics at the bottom of the editing panel!
  • Added more custom codes for use in dice tracking, check it out on the code page!
  • A connections section in the profile has been added, feel free to use this code to add your own connections.

  • The rank table for advancement is in the process of being updated as well. Be patient as we work over the code!
  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Apprentice and up.
  • Further details about the Spellbook ability for Arcanists and the components needed will be codified.

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Therefore Sheol enlarges its throat City Mystery Event. Read all about it at the link. There's still a couple of threads someone can nab!

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!


UMass Library & McCoy Orchards
Begin a thread in a hotspot and submit a mod request for a special encounter.

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!

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Messages In This Thread
August Update | 2023 - by Third on the Match - 08-01-2023, 02:41 PM