Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Playing the Fool
Greater Easthaven 

Ren Faire
Mina Straus Offline
Possessed Human
Mina couldn’t remember the last time she’d been to the ren faire. It had to have been when she was a child and with her parents. She had a memory of a turkey leg the size of her arm, and not being able to eat it all. Now, she bit into a spit-roasted drumstick that was definitely bigger than a chicken leg, but not as large as she remembered. The dark meat, juicy and glistening, tore away in tender bits. She chewed, sucking air past her lips to cool her mouth.

Warm fat dribbled from the rend, across crispy flesh and down the pale bone to be absorbed in the paper napkin which held the turkey leg. She could feel the damp warmth against her skin where it soaked through. Just as long as she didn’t dribble any on her clothes, she’d be happy. To this, she swallowed and took another bite, leaning forward as she did.

Mina strolled as she ate, taking in the sights. A lute played from somewhere distant, plucking out a sweet melody. The tune familiar, but she couldn’t place it. She watched a troop of knights in full plate tromp past in ringing steel; they were cosplayers, or maybe LARPers, she didn’t really know the difference but assumed there had to be one. Or maybe it was just a different word for the same thing. There was a name for that, too, but her sleep-deprived brain couldn’t pin the word down.

The napkin wrapped around the turkey bone was sodden now, the fat congealing into something unpleasant in her fist. Mina took another bite, the meat cooler now. Laughter drew her forward and brought her to stage show; a jester in motley danced on stage and juggled knives. He joked with the audience as he did. It was a bawdy juvenile kind of humor that adults understood but children still laughed at.

The joke caught Mina by surprise and she laughed around a mouthful of turkey, coughing as some started down the wrong pipe. The corners of her eyes prickled with tears and she felt her face redden as she coughed the bit of meat into her palm.

Glancing to the person she found herself beside. “Almost died there.” She said, and chuckled through her embarrassment.
Mathus Dascălu Offline
Wolf Shifter
Although the Renaissance Faire was not his scene, it was also not not his scene. Mathus was best described as Renaissance Faire "Neutral"--he didn't dress up, but he also didn't disdain the day's activities. He'd come with a group, friends and families from his local parish, but had excused himself to take a tour around all the attractions alone. Amidst the costumed crowds, he found his mind wandering, playing down fanciful paths and wondering if this is what it would be like to walk a street in a fantasy world. What would his class be? He didn't know enough to say, but surely a werewolf made a formidable ally to any party.

But that was neither here nor there, not when there was food to be had. Naturally, the werewolf had fallen on the turkey legs like a, well, hungry wolf, and was already finishing up his second as he approached the stage. He tossed the bone in a nearby trashcan, and watched the show as he wiped his hands.

There was an actual jester was dancing about on the stage, showing off some fairly impressive feats of dexterity. Still, as distracting as it was, the sound of the woman next to him choking on her mouthful didn't escape him. The man looked over with clear concern, even going so far as to reach out a hand, hovering it behind her in case she needed a good slap on the back. She recovered before it came to that, though, and he smiled broadly, amused by the touch of morbid humor.

“You are in luck, I'm a doctor,” he said, his Romanian accent thick in his words. “But I would need to find your insurance card first.”
Mina Straus Offline
Possessed Human
Tear-brimmed and reddening, her eyes widened in mild surprise at finding a doctor amongst all this tomfoolery. Or maybe it took a second longer to pierce his accent. Mina’s mind raced and she stared dumbfounded for the moment, trying to conjure a comeback. She coughed, working the tickle from her throat.

The jester made another joke and the crowd burbled with laughter. Mina glanced towards the stage and then back to the doctor. Eventually, she smirked, bleary and exhausted. “I’ll remember that for my next bite.” Mina rasped, and chuckled at her own joke, not really thinking it funny but needing to show she was making light of the situation.

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