Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Early Winter

The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.

Enchanted Item Creation Request

Third on the Match Offline

Wild Shape Medallion

Creation Thread

Quote:Keyword(s): Minor Shapeshifting, Growth
Power Source: Campfire
Component Quality:

Touch - Wolf Fur (good)
Taste - Moon Pie (average)
Sight - Crystal wolf carving (average)
Smell - Morning glory perfume (average)
Pumpkin charm (growth/reduce) (superb)

Description: A well-made woven bracelet with a small blank medallion strung on it. The runes for the spell are inscribed on the side of the medallion facing the skin. It doesn't look extraordinary, unless one looked at the inside. Simply a piece of pretty jewelry.

Approved Effects
The Wild Shape Medallion allows the user to transform into a large wolf. The wolf's pelt color is dependent on the user. Clothes on the body and small items in pockets are folded into the change.

With a successful Cinder activation roll, the user of the Wild Shape Medallion is able to turn into a large wolf. The user has an additional 1 Luck versus Strike rolls. This is a separate Luck pool from the base Luck pool and should be tracked as such. If the user's base Luck pool is drained, the Wild Shape Medallion's Luck is no longer valid.

If the user of the Medallion is knocked unconscious, they transform back into their original form.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Enchanted Item Creation Request - by Third on the Match - 10-19-2023, 03:58 PM