Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » January Update
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Early Winter

The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.

The Lighthouse - January 2022, Volume 1 Issue 2

Third on the Match Offline
Weather Forecast: Scattered Showers
The Lighthouse

Easthaven, MA - Saturday January 1, 2022 - Seven Pages

A Very Barbaric New Year!
January 2022 Sightings

A very happy New Year to everyone! Happily, most loyal readers report that their midnight celebrations were uneventful. However, late last night, we received several reports in our email about some very strange happenings!

If you rang in the New Year at the Barbarous night club last night, it's possible that shiver up your spine wasn't just the chill from the front door. The LIGHTHOUSE doesn't have all the details yet, but we have it from several VERY REPUTABLE sources that suspicious characters were drawing circles in the alley behind the club! You know the kind!

Whatever happened last night, there's something strange about the club in the morning light, wouldn't you say, dear readers?? And it's not just the hangover! Be careful with your party spots people, but if you just can't resist the dance floor, report back if you see anything!

The other set of reports comes from the library, the site of just last month's Winter Festival! Just as the LIGHTHOUSE predicted, not all of those sheet-wearing mischief-makers were people in costume! And we're POSITIVE that not all of those little trinkets they handed out were just nice to look at!

Flying books, shadowy figures between the stacks? The Grey Mares must've pissed something off in the library! If you're the knowledge-seeking sort, brave the shelves for us and report back!

To the more adventurous readers of the LIGHTHOUSE! Head out to Aston Public Library or Barbarous and report back!

A prowling tiger
An approaching Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year isn't happening until February 1st but that just gives you, dear readers, more time to prepare! While we're sure to see a glorious festival down in Balmoral, there's always more under the surface! Whatever your tradition, it's always good to have fireworks on hand to ward off bad spirits and Nian. And for extra good luck, consider buying and decorating your dinner table with twelve different round fruits, one for each month of the year!

Dragon Lantern
Photo by Ridwan Meah

And if anyone wants to send some of those red envelopes our way, our PO Box is always open. More on this great festival next month! Stay alert and stay safe this new year! And remember your S.I.S!: "Silver. Iron. Sunlight."

Cantankerous Karaoke
Mermaids in the harbor???

Sometimes that enchanting singing down in Old Town subway isn't just a particularly good street performance. The LIGHTHOUSE has it on good authority that there are MERMAIDS in the harbor and reports of a recent altercation PROVE IT. Although there was no body or remains, eyewitnesses drawn by the sound of shouting and gunshots say that they spotted two men fighting an aquatic monster! A heinous creature that tried to draw our two heroes into the depths with its alluring song.

Dragon Lantern
Gif from Tenor

While we have no photographic evidence and no access to police reports, there is no doubt in our mind that mermaids lurk in the dark waters of our fair harbor. Be careful where you go swimming, dear readers! Stick to indoor pools!

Have a Tip?
Write-Ins Welcome!

The LIGHTHOUSE is always on the lookout for the supernatural and otherworldly. Have you seen anything around our fair city? Write in at our PO box so we can inform the world!

The Lighthouse is Easthaven's local supernatural rag. Everything in here is in-character and, as such, has the potential to be deeply misinformed. You can decide if your character believes them or not! The only thing that is objectively true is the listed locations in the sidebar. Those change each month, and if you visit them, there's a good chance you'll meet something (extra) spooky!

Since it's in character, you can respond in character in this thread using the code below. You're able to change your avatar image in the avatar section. Just link to any image!

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The Lighthouse also takes reader submissions! To submit one, please fill out the form below and PM it to this account using your OOC account. Then tag the staff in the Discord, so we don't miss it before the next Issue! Thank you!
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Malik Cartwright Offline
Arcanist Inactive
It really is a shame that our so called protectors aren't really doing much to protect us. I even heard rumors of them sicking out these monsters. Is this the kind of city we want to live in.

citizen watch
Krow Offline
Character Name: Malik Cartwright
Character Alias (if any):

Undead Unboxing?

Rumor has it that a video showing two individuals discovering and "unboxing" an undead individual at the Eden Cemetery. The reported video's clip was first discovered on [insert popular video streaming] and [insert social media site]. The video has been said to feature graphic violence, including the use of an illegal flamethrower.

The Exchange have refused to comment on the incident or rumored video.


The Lighthouse has been able to acquire a copy of the video...

Krow Offline
Character Name: Malik Cartwright
Character Alias (if any):

Pandemonium breaks out at Barbarous

broke out at the Barbarous as three individuals were caught on video getting into a knife fight inside the nightclub. Witnesses say that they saw two men leave the club in a hurry and were pursued by a woman dressed in a kimono.

Authorities were called to the scene to investigate gunshots and explosions in the outside alleyway. The three were not found but officials that multiple bloodstains, claw marks, and bullet casings were found at the scene.

An Anonymous sources claims that the woman captured on video was said to not be one of the dancers but was seen in several shots inside one of the cages. An another anonymous source has contacted the Lighthouse with the claim that Barbarous nightclub is using undead labor and is abusing it's power over them. We reached out to Barbarous Nightclub but have received no further comment.

In related news, Local frat found stripped down and robbed outside of Barbarous. The members of the local chapter of PKE were leaving the scene when they were approached by eight men in suits. Police are still on the look out for these men.

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