September Updates
- We've updated the wording for Aspect of the Beast. It should be clearer what shifters can think up for it!
- A player can now choose to make their Familiar ability into a Focus Object instead of an animal, which provides the same bonus. An Arcanist will only be able to get the bonus once, so if they pick a Focus Object, they will not get a Familiar.
- A guidebook page dedicated entirely to rituals and enchanting has been made, moving that information out of the Arcanist page and making it all easier to navigate. Navigate to it directly here; otherwise, it is linked both in the Toolbox modal, on the magic page, and the Arcanist page.
- The wording around the mechanics for rituals done without a power source has been elaborated on and clarified. The loss of Luck has been changed from "half luck rounded up" to "rounded down." When someone rolls a Partial Failure, everyone in the proximity of the ritual (and the caster) will lose half of their Luck rounded down.
- The Keyword Teleport has been changed to Transmission. Teleport now falls under the Space Master-Legendary Keyword. No character with Teleport has to change their defined powerset, as they still work under Transmission (we checked!).
- We've elaborated on how afflictions such as curses impact Half-bloods. Curses cannot take root, but they will make Half-bloods very ill.
- The Master-Legendary Keywords are changing. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken up into three keywords each. More to come.
- Advancement Prompts for Apprentice and up.
- New Time Untils.
- Path Icons and other badges
September Hotspots
Stoddard Stables & Easthaven Downs
Time Until
Our Time Until meters can be found in the Player Toolbox, under the toolbox icon in the sidebar.