Natural-born Shifters

From Guidebook

The natural-born shifters are those who have been born into it and feel every aspect of being a shifter as second nature. They can be strange, clannish creatures and many other supernaturals consider them apex predators, even among humans.

Natural shifters have complete control of their transformations, moving fluidly between each form, but the ease of this depends on the phases of the moon - the closer it is to a full moon, the easier it becomes. Their shifts are simply uncomfortable rather than excruciating, the transformation being a natural part of them for their entire life. The natural shifters can also transform into a human-animal hybrid and a normal animal form. Normally, their animal forms are the same size as the actual animal.

Creating a Natural-born Shifter[edit | edit source]

This is the life you've always known. It's a secret life, maybe one of isolation and hidden communities. Or perhaps your family has managed to hide in plain sight. Either way, here are a few questions you're welcome to answer as you create your character. When creating your character, refer to the Creation Guide for a step by step explanation of the whole process. Below is a quick reference guide to the first two ranks of the Afflicted Shifter Path.

Quick Creation[edit | edit source]

Starting at Reden (Untrained) Starting at Hyrd (Dabbler)
  • Select an animal. It should be a mammalian apex predator.
  • You have two (2) keyword slots at Rank 1, which you may fill with keywords from the Shifter Path Keywords.
  • You may create an Aspect based on your chosen animal.
  • You have the Facsimile, Animal Form, and Hybrid shifting keywords.
  • You have Heightened Strength, Heightened Speed, and Preternatural Senses out of the Universal Keywords.
  • Because you're starting at Reden, you can also add one (1) Mundane Keyword.
  • Select an animal. It should be a mammalian apex predator.
  • You have three (3) keyword slots at Rank 2, which you may fill with keywords from the Shifter Path keywords.
  • You have one (1) combination keyword slot you can select.
  • You may create an Aspect based on your chosen animal.
  • You have the Facsimile, Animal Form, and Hybrid shifting keywords.
  • You have Heightened Strength, Heightened Speed, and Preternatural Senses out of the Universal Keywords.
  • You have the Concordance ability.
Strike 6d6 🔥Cinder 5d6 Strike 6d6 🔥Cinder 6d6

Additional Notes[edit | edit source]

Starting characters normally are only able to start at one of the two first ranks. To read more about the higher ranks, refer to Shifter Advancement for an overview.

Character Questions[edit | edit source]

Here are a few further questions you're welcome to answer as you create your character:

  • Did you live in isolation away from civilization or did your family try to stay involved with humans?
  • Do you know any humans? E.g. Was a parent a human?
  • Tell us what your family was like? Small and secretive? Big and communal?
  • How do you relate to humans? Do you consider yourself human?

Quick Facts[edit | edit source]

  • A natural shifter is born and does not know a life without the gift of shapeshifting.
  • Their transformations are uncomfortable rather than agonizing, and quick.
  • A natural shifter will also feel the pressure to shift while under serious duress, but they have a better grasp of control than an afflicted shifter. Mechanically, there are dice rolls and odds associated with Attunement that deals with the question of control.
  • Shifters cannot be cursed. Instead, their native magic, their native curse, will temporarily go haywire as it rejects the foreign magic and they will have a period of unstable shifting as they cleanse the magic from their body.