Shifter Path Keywords

From Guidebook

Unlike other paths, the Shifters have a tailor-made selection of keywords that have their own functions and flavour interpretations. This means that Shifters cannot take the general Magic Keywords, but must select keywords from their Path Keywords listed below or the Universal Keywords. Because the shifters and their keywords are more physical in nature, they can use their keywords with a Strike roll instead of the usual Cinder.

Path Keywords[edit | edit source]

Detect Magic
Pheromone Charm
Ground Sense
Prey Paralysis*
Hunter's Mark
Animal Control

Shifting Keywords[edit | edit source]

Size: Facsimile
Size: Dire Beast
Shape: Animal Form
Shape: Hybrid
Partial Shifting

Keyword Notes[edit | edit source]

Shifting Keywords
The size and shape of a shifter is considered to be on a spectrum the shifter controls, based on the size/shape keywords they have access to. Based on which type of shifter the character is, they start with different access to these keywords. See the Rank tables for the Afflicted and Natural Shifters for more information.
Prey Paralysis
The shifter's mind-affecting magic. Intended to bring a swift end to the victim, it is much more brutal than hypnosis, and there is no element of command. The subject is simply unable to move, as if rooted by overwhelming fear, unless they succeed on their resist roll. Since this magic is less an enchantment and more of condition, it is not affected by sunlight or sunrise.
This magic is innately physical for a shifter, often linked to sound, although it is not limited to a shifter's voice. When using this keyword, it must be linked to a physical act, or used in combination with another keyword.

Combination Keywords[edit | edit source]

Bolster Add 1d6 to the target’s Strike pool.
Resilience Add 1d6 to the target’s Cinder pool.
Fortify Add 2 to target’s Luck. It cannot exceed the target’s maximum Luck.
Bastion Add 1 to target’s DC.
Synergy Lower the Threshold by 1 for the target’s next roll.

At the Hyrd and Mundian ranks, a shifter can gain a combination keyword. These keywords can only be used in combination with a keyword from the path keywords to buff another character. These have various mechanical effects, but they can also have purely flavour effects, based on how a player wants to interpret the combination keyword alongside the path keyword it is 'cast' with. Keep in mind the effect only applies to others, not the shifter themselves.

To get a successful use of a combination keyword, you must succeed in a Strike or Cinder roll for a path keyword of your choosing and a Cinder roll for a combination keyword. The impact on the playing field can come in two flavours, an Exceptional Success on the combination keyword roll allows the effect of the combination keyword to be applied to all allies, while a Complete Success allows it to be applied to one specified ally.

Going Feral and Shifter Magic[edit | edit source]

A shifter can use combinations keywords for up to half the number of dice in their Cinder pool, rounded up, but if they exceed this number an Attunement roll must be made. If the roll is a Partial Failure or lower, they become feral. If they succeed and do not go feral, any new use of magic must be followed with another Attunement roll. When feral, they cannot use combination keywords. Both successes and failed rolls with a Combination Keyword counts towards the limit.

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