Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Early Winter

The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.

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Thread Review (Newest First)
Posted by CC Staff - 01-07-2025, 09:44 AM
An original fantasy roleplay

[Image: aozuKjs.jpeg]
Choice & Consequence is a 18+ jcink premium site focused on character development – an integral part of any site. In this medieval fantasy setting, we want you to explore the world and establish your characters within it. We have no word count, we offer collaborative writing and you can make unlimited characters!

It has been 30.000 years ago since the God of Chaos tried using forbidden sorcery to take over the heavenly realm and was sealed away, though the racial hatred between demons and fairies have only continued to fester, resulting in many border struggles between the kingdoms of fairies and the kingdom of demons. The sudden betrothal and upcoming wedding between the Goddess of Light and the God of Chaos, fairy and demon respectively, has set the realms on fire.

You have the opportunity to permanently shape the world – and the people within it. Life is like a game of chess -- and you don't want to make the wrong move.