Help:Forum Templates

From Guidebook

A few areas of the forum require some degree of tracking or listing of information, below are some quick and easy templates for these areas. Most are optional to use, but only the Advancement template is required for ease of reference. Just copy and paste the code into a new thread and click Preview to see an example.

Advancement Template[edit source]

When you create your Development thread for a character, the advancement tracking template is usually among the first posts. This will help you follow your Advancement progress and make sure you're aware of what to do next or how close you are to ranking up.

[align=center][h1]Rank 1 ⇒ Rank 2[/h1]Path Rank 1⇒ Path Rank 2[/align]
[b]Participate in # Player-Run or Site Events[/b]
[*][url=#]Thread[/url] | Event
[*][url=#]Thread[/url] | Event

[subheader]Magic Ability Instances[/subheader]   
[b]Use a cantrip, boon, charm, or level ability x#:[/b] #
[list][*][url=]Thread[/url] Ability 1
[*][url=]Thread[/url] Ability 2
[*][url=]Thread[/url] Ability 3

[b]Participate in Encounter Thread #x[/b]
[*][url=#]Encounter 1[/url] | Siren
[*][url=#]Encounter 2[/url] | Gnome

[b]One (1) thread involving tests of skill relevant to your Path with another PC[/b]
[*][url=#]Thread 1[/url] | Brief description, only for ranking up to Novice and higher.

[b]Basic Thread Prompts[/b]
[*][url=#]Thread 1[/url] | Thread prompt 1
[*][url=#]Thread 2[/url] | Thread prompt 2

[b](Themed) Thread Prompts[/b] (Overextend/Weakness/Backfire)
[*][url=#]Thread 1[/url] | Themed thread prompt 1
[*][url=#]Thread 2[/url] | Themed thread prompt 2

Reputation Template[edit source]

This reputation template is used for tracking your character's Reputation in the character's Development thread. Copy and paste the code into your development thread to track your character's various deeds.

Whenever you earn enough points to earn another level in Reputation, submit that report to the Mod Request so we can update your level. Note: If you have another template you'd like to use, feel free to use it. Just make sure the same sections are included.

[POST1][h1]In the Eyes of the City[/h1]
[*]Thread 1 - Description
[*]Thread 2 - Description
[subheader]What the Exchange Knows[/subheader]
[*]Thread 1 - Description
[*]Thread 2 - Description
[subheader]What the Police Know[/subheader]
[*]Thread 1 - Description
[*]Thread 2 - Description

Plotter Template[edit source]

An easy plotter template.

[subheader]The Basics[/subheader]




Contact info

Inventory Template[edit source]

A handy HTML template that you're free to use in your character profile. It will appear as a table, with three sections for the item name, description, and effect, with keywords or dice (if applicable). Note: This is for magic items, found by your character, earned in events, or created through ritual magic. You can track mundane items if you wish, but it is not needed.

<div class="inv-flex">
<div class="inv1">Item Name</div>
<div class="inv2">Dice/Luck</div>
<div class="inv3">Effect</div>

<div class="inv-flex">
<div class="inv1">...</div>
<div class="inv2">...</div>
<div class="inv3">placeholder</div>

<div class="inv-flex">
<div class="inv1">...</div>
<div class="inv2">...</div>
<div class="inv3">placeholder</div>

Adding a New Item[edit source]

<div class="inv-flex">
<div class="inv1">...</div>
<div class="inv2">...</div>
<div class="inv3">placeholder</div>

Connections Template[edit source]

A handy html template that you're free to use in your character profile! It will appear as a table, with three sections for the character, a small note about the relationship, and the icons.

<div class="connect-flex">
<div class="connect-column">
<div class="connect2"><a href="link to character profile">Name</a></div>
<div class="connect3">Relationship</div>

<div class="connect1">
<i class="ra ra-bleeding-hearts"></i>

<div class="connect-flex">
<div class="connect-column">
<div class="connect2"><a href="link to character profile">Name</a></div>
<div class="connect3">Relationship</div>

<div class="connect1">
<i class="ra ra-bleeding-hearts"></i>

Adding a New Connection[edit source]

<div class="connect-flex">

<div class="connect-column">
<div class="connect2"><a href="link to character profile">Name</a></div>
<div class="connect3">Relationship</div>

<div class="connect1">
<i class="ra ra-bleeding-hearts"></i>

Icons[edit source]

If you're familiar with using icons and want to add others, you can use the free ones at Font Awesome.


<i class="ra ra-bleeding-hearts"></i>


<i class="ra ra-two-hearts"></i>


<i class="fa-brands fa-pagelines"></i>


<i class="ra ra-crossed-swords"></i>

Concordance (Shifter Specific)

<i class="ra ra-wolf-howl"></i>

Guidebook Navigation[edit source]

General Information Forum GuidelinesDiscord GuidelinesAt-a-GlanceFAQStyle GuideCustom Codes
Character Creation Creation GuidePathsMundanesArcanistsCursedPossessedHalf-BloodsShiftersUndyingSpiritsFace ClaimsCharacter Census
Magic Information Magic SummaryArchetypesWards and Protective MaterialsCodes of ConductRitualsEnchantmentsKeywords
Setting Information General SettingEasthavenCity MapOwning LocationsThe ExchangeExisting GroupsEvents TimelineBeyond Easthaven
Game Mechanics Strike & Cinder DiceDice PoolDice MechanicsDifficulty ClassSuccess RangeEncountersAdvancementReputation
Site Information CreditsHelp:ArchiveHelp:Dice TrackingHelp:Dice RollingHelp:Forum Templates