
From Guidebook
General information

The Aston Family


Arthur Blackbird


Old Town, Upper Fens, Lower Fens,
Newton, Greater Easthaven

Historical information

1626, British Colony

Other information
Sister City

Erasmus Cross



The old city of Easthaven has butted up against the Atlantic since the establishment of colonies in New England. With this legacy comes an appropriately long and storied history to match of vibrant trade, industry, and dark tales. The Old World's ancient fears and folktales have established themselves, becoming a reality among the cobbled streets of a city straddling the Old World and the New, trapped between modern ingenuity and medieval superstition.

Located in Essex County, Massachusetts, Easthaven is a city in the Greater Boston Area, just behind Boston at 77 square miles. With a population of around 450,000, its supernatural community is moderately sized, far outstripped by cities like London and New York, and even the nearby city of Boston. Easthaven has a reputation for being just a little weird, framed as jealousy of Boston and other major cities in the US, along with a small rivalry with Salem among the New Age and Wiccan crowd.

There's just enough weird in Easthaven to keep it interesting. There are stories of witch burnings in its past, strange hauntings, and unexplainable incidents, but essentially it flies under the radar. In contrast to the nearby Salem, Easthaven may as well be completely mundane if magic wasn't a global phenomenon. Still, there are multiple theories as to why some are drawn to Easthaven, from magical theorists researching leylines or investigators looking into the unique layout of their subway system, to rumours of mystical rituals done in years of yore. Still, despite being an unknown gem of supernatural tourism, they do get a steady trickle of tourists to boost the local businesses who take full advantage of it.

Although Easthaven is the setting of this RP, the whole world it inhabits is magical. Globally, attitudes towards magic differ, based on culture and history. In the West, particularly in North America and Europe, magic is superstition and conspiracy. In other cultures, magic may be broadly accepted as aspects of religions or nature. Easthaven is a drop in the ocean in a world of magic.

The city itself has four neighbourhoods: Old Town, Upper Fens, Lower Fens, and Newton. Each location has its charm and looks based on its inhabitants' socio-economic levels and the regions history. The pages for each neighbourhood has more details on the neighbourhoods themselves, including points of interest and local businesses. Shared among the neighbourhoods and Greater Easthaven are seven police districts.

Movers and Shakers

Here are some central groups in the city, but you can find out more detail about them and others on the existing groups page.

The Easthaven Police

As might be expected, the Easthaven PD is the major lawkeeper in the city. With several precincts throughout the city, their presence is about as visible as any other standard police force, and they are competent and generally well-trained, with their own share of heroism and scandal. The police will be the first responders for every reported crime, magic or mundane, whether or not their officers are in the know. The Exchange is known to cooperate with the police should any magical crime catch the police's attention. There are those on the force who are aware of the Exchange's true nature and will reach out to the group when a case turns out to have supernatural influences.

Breaking the law or creating a disturbance in the city will catch their attention.

The Exchange

Although they are legally registered as private investigators, the Exchange works beyond the law and could easily be termed vigilantes if the police knew what they were up to. They have set themselves up as the sole adjudicators in matters of the supernatural and have the numbers and resources to maintain this position, even if the Easthaven cohort is smaller. Their methods are straightforward and often brutal, offering no quarter to those who may compromise the safety and security of both the supernatural community and the mundane community.

The Exchange does not involve itself in matters of mundane law enforcement, whether or not the perpetrator is supernatural. However, should they catch wind of a supernatural incident that endangers their stated goals, either through the police or their own channels, they are quick to get involved and often don't concern themselves with red tape.

In the local supernatural community they are seen as a necessary line of defence against out of control supernatural entities. Opinions on them do vary, but the Easthaven Exchange has worked up a lot of goodwill and proven that they're on the side of the local supernaturals who want to exist unharassed. With the Lethe Hostel, they also do extensive social outreach to any supernaturals in trouble or in need of housing and support.

Please take note: Players who do things to catch the Exchange's attention will have to contend with the consequences of their actions, although the way those consequences manifest can be discussed. Carefully consider what you will or will not do in a plot where your character is in trouble and talk it out with staff and other Exchange players. Crossing the line can be anything from bothering the locals enough to get reported, attacking an agent, or causing a magical disaster that harms someone or threatens the secrecy that the Exchange work to maintain.

The City and Its Bureaucrats

With a city comes politicians, administrative staff, and other support structures for basic safety and functions. Easthaven has a decorated fire department, emergency medical service, parks & recreation department, and a mayoral office that manage to do their job efficiently despite some bureaucratic meddling from various avenues.

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