Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » July Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » June Update


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Posted by: Third on the Match - 07-10-2024, 06:32 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

July Updates

It's been a quiet summery month, so we don't have any game development updates for this July. Instead, take a look at our City Mysteries! There are plenty of ways to find trouble around Easthaven.

  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Apprentice and up.

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Train Station of the Dead City Mystery Event. Phase II has triggered.

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!


McCoy Orchards

To claim a hotspot a thread in a hotspot and submit a mod request for a special encounter. This particular hotspot has been a thorn in Easthaven--and by extension, the Exchange's--side for some time now. Rumors abound of a strange elk-like creature lurking in the shadows of the orchards. It has harassed several people by now, and photos are beginning to appear online, claiming it's a new New England cryptid. Most believe it's just a particularly aggressive elk, displaced by development or something of the sort.

Will you venture out to see the truth?

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 06-01-2024, 09:05 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

June Updates

Only a small one this month, since we're still fresh off the Guidebook update. Remember, if anyone's missing something from the Guidebook or spot a mistake/mistype, please tell us in the #discussion channel in the Discord server, there's an open forum post for any comments or corrections!

  • A limiter for how many posts Null can block Cinder in an Encounter has been added.
  • Shielding has been modified to allow it to be used non-defensively.
  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Master and Legendary

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Train Station of the Dead City Mystery Event. Phase II has triggered.

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 05-01-2024, 07:57 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

May Updates

Some big updates for the month of May! We have an all-new Guidebook that’s undergone a whole lot of minor edits and some major edits, both for clarification and adding more information about various things, especially locations people frequent. While anything major related to the game has been specified, it would be useful for everyone to re-read and get familiar with the pages relevant to them. While we have a search bar now, the new organisation makes it important that you know where to find the information you need when checking the guidebook.

  • New Guidebook! Check it out.
  • The forum rules and discord conduct have been revised and some things have been expanded on, make sure you’re familiar with these.
  • Exchange Equipment has been renamed The Knack, with a new description.
  • Shifters are reduced to 4d6 Strike when they’ve ingested Aconite.
  • The ritual penalties have been organised and clarified, it is very important that all arcanists know the mechanics around rituals.
  • All Advancements from Novice to Apprentice have been reduced to two prompts.
  • All but Possessed Advancement for Apprentice to Master have been added.
  • Toolbox removed, links added to the sidebar profile.
  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Master to Legendary.

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Train Station of the Dead City Mystery Event. Phase II has triggered.

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!


Barbarous Nightclub
Begin a thread in a hotspot and submit a mod request for a special encounter!

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 04-01-2024, 01:27 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

April Updates

We're not big fans of April Fools, so you're saved a joke for today. Instead, have some bona fide updates to the Guidebook. It'll be tweaked a little over the coming months as we cut the chaff and trim the fat, cross our t's and dot our i's.

  • Various pages in the Guidebook have been edited for clarity.
  • A sitemap has been added to the front page of the Guidebook.
  • Born Shifters now gain Inhuman Speed at the Mundian rank.
  • An update to the player toolbox in the sidebar
  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Apprentice and up.

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Train Station of the Dead City Mystery Event. Phase II has triggered.

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!


McCoy Orchards - Nabbed by some adventurous players, currently underway!

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 03-05-2024, 12:30 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

March Updates

March dawns and spring's a little closer! Remember that the Winter Gala and Chased by the Hours end on the 15th, which means no more prizes if you haven't gained enough points/finished the thread! Anyone can keep posting in these threads until they're finished after that date, however.

  • The ritual guidebook page has been updated. The order of actions in a ritual has been clarified.
  • The abilities listed for all Paths have been edited to clarify where you should roll Cinder to use the abilities. Check the Path guidebook page relevant to your characters for any changes.

  • An update to the player toolbox in the sidebar
  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Apprentice and up.

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Train Station of the Dead City Mystery Event. Phase II has triggered.

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!


McCoy Orchards - in progress

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 02-03-2024, 08:36 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

February Updates

Only a small update for Feb! The Gala event is still going, so keep on posting! As stated, it'll run until mid-March, so everyone has plenty of time.

  • Shifter species suggestion list has been edited to reflect more accurately the mammalian apex predator requirement. There were a few mesopredators on the list that are now removed.
  • An update to the player toolbox in the sidebar
  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Apprentice and up.

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Train Station of the Dead City Mystery Event. Phase II has triggered.

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!


McCoy Orchards
Begin a thread in a hotspot and submit a mod request for a special encounter. There's already been one attempt at this hotspot that didn't make it to the finish line, but that just means there's a second shot at whatever's lurking around McCoy's orchards!

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 01-02-2024, 04:15 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

January Updates

Happy New Years! January's here, and so's the next update. We've got a small one this month, but we've got an Event coming mid-January so keep an eye out for that!

  • Edited the phrasing of the 'test of skill' advancement prompt, giving examples and narrowing it down.
  • Updated the Encounter page to clarify phrasing and add allowances for "Homebrew" non-official encounters between characters.
  • An update to the player toolbox in the sidebar
  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Apprentice and up.

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Train Station of the Dead City Mystery Event. Phase II has triggered.

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!


McCoy Orchards
Begin a thread in a hotspot and submit a mod request for a special encounter. There's already been one attempt at this hotspot that didn't make it to the finish line, but that just means there's a second shot at whatever's lurking around McCoy's orchards!

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 12-01-2023, 05:38 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

December Updates

It's our last update of the year! December's here and the holidays are closing in. There wont be a winter holiday event this year, but look out for something coming in the New Year!

We've got a few updates for December, make sure to read the changes relevant to your Paths! Therefore Sheol's second phase has triggered, so run along and read what happens next!

  • Possessed abilities have been updated. Quid Pro Quo now allows a little more playing with the dice. Monophysite has been added, allowing the player to pick between Perfect Sync or One Mind, both offer the same bonus, but carry different flavours.
  • The Parting Gift ability for Possessed now allows the player to switch Path to either Undying, Half-Blood, or Cursed.
  • The Thoughtform ability for the Spirits has been updated. It allows a spirit to pick a Keyword from the Fey or Elemental portfolio in addition to the Path Keyword they get at the Mane rank.
  • Oaths now work between the Possessed and their Passenger, and a Possessed breaking and Oath with their Passenger would feel the consequences.
  • Oaths have been slightly modified, now it is not simply speaking a promise that can trigger an oath, but also agreeing to an oath or promise.
  • Added an Age Restriction Plugin to be activated on the 1st.
  • Removed Strike, Cinder, and Keyword instances from Advancement.
  • There's always been hospitals in town, but now we've named one in Newton. Say hello to St. Erasmus.
  • An update to the player toolbox in the sidebar
  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Apprentice and up.

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Train Station of the Dead City Mystery Event. Phase II has triggered.

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!


Kingslane & McCoy Orchards
Begin a thread in a hotspot and submit a mod request for a special encounter.

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 11-02-2023, 07:27 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

November Updates

November's here, along with Black Friday madness and Thanksgiving turkey, and we've got another update for everyone! A small one this month, but Something Wicked, our Halloween event, will continue until the end of November. Even though Halloween has passed, players are still free to join, and eligible to win prizes until the end of the month. Read all about it and consider giving your characters a fright!

  • We have clarified the wording around what manner of entities are eligible for the Possessed as a pasenger in the Guidebook.
  • The Cursed abilities have been modified. Reflection has been removed, and False Hope and MAD has been added. Check out their abilities list for more details.

  • An update to the player toolbox in the sidebar
  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Apprentice and up.

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Therefore Sheol enlarges its throat City Mystery Event. Phase II should be oncoming soon.

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!


Kingslane & McCoy Orchards
Begin a thread in a hotspot and submit a mod request for a special encounter.

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 10-01-2023, 09:14 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

October Updates

Autumn's charging in and so's the spooky month! October's here and we've got some small updates made over the course of the last month.

Our October event has also begun and will run until the end of November. Read all about it and consider giving your characters a fright!

  • We've changed the mechanics around the Spellbook ability. An Arcanist can now cast their prepared spells up to four times a day, but must roll a d6 for Resonance each time. Read more about the levels of Resonance on the Arcanist page.
  • Grounding for Undying has been clarified. It does not reset their magic use, but stabilises them. Read the new nuances to Grounding on the Undying page.

  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Apprentice and up.

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Therefore Sheol enlarges its throat City Mystery Event. Phase II should be oncoming soon.

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!


Kingslane & McCoy Orchards
Begin a thread in a hotspot and submit a mod request for a special encounter.

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!
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