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Early Winter
The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.
- You can post in First Link when Three does not have an advertisement on your site.
- You can post in Link Back if someone has already posted a Three advertisement on your site.
- All advertisements should be done in BBcode, as we do not allow guests to use the dohtml code. If your advert is unreadable because of this, we'll just have to remove it, sorry.
- Bump away, traffic is traffic.
- Duplicate ads are not a problem, but only the most recent advert will remain on the board. After a month or so, we'll gather them up and delete them, and you can repost.
Ashmore. England.
There is a world, kept hidden.
The council has one goal. Keep the supernatural world hidden from humans.
Nothing can remain hidden forever.
Bloodology is an R rated roleplay forum set in an AU modern world in the fictional city of Ashmore. This forum contains dark themes, player centric plots and weird and wacky shineggans.
Opened May 2022