Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Rivers always reach the sea - Sebastien's Plotter

Sebastien Lefleur Away
Cursed Inactive
The Basics
Sebastien has issues, baggage, not to mention a side to him that craves violence to the point of almost having a split personality. That side of him, when he calls himself Bash, landed him 10 years in a state penitentiary.

Sebastien’s trying to change… be a better man. He learned to be a mechanic while in prison and became quite skilled, especially with vintage cars. He now drives a 1970 Dodge Challenger that he resurrected with love and care. A new arrival in EastHaven he will likely get a job at a local shop.

Normally reserved, Sebastien tries to keep his surroundings calm and orderly, yet under the guarded surface he can get quite emotional. This is not to say he is anti-social. He can get pleasure in a quiet bar with a premium ale, or, if it's the right rock band, a concert. He just prefers to do his socializing in small, more intimate, groupings. Once opened up, he can be quite warm and affectionate.

In his youth, violence was Sebastien’s method of becoming accepted. While he is rejecting violence, there is still that boy inside, wanting to be accepted.

Sebastien’s mother was a witch, so is somewhat in the know. He’s learned of magic, creatures, and, of course, curses, but has had almost no real exposure to the otherworld. Although he is aware that some of those with abilities join for strength and protection, he’s not known of anything more than small ragtag groups; nothing akin to The Exchange.

Being somewhat reserved, Sebastien finds making friends difficult.

Once established, Sebastien would be extremely loyal and trustworthy to his friends. He would go out of his way for a friend in need. He would expect the same in return.

Sebastien would probably tell you he’d like someone calm as a friend, like himself (like he’s trying to be), but actually, he enjoys the company of the lively, outgoing and gregarious. It pushes him to be that way too… and he likes it (even if he won’t admit it).

Anyone seemingly good and kind has the potential to be his friend. He would not take to bullies, snobs, or those who act superior.

IC Connections


Sebastien’s only true enemy is the creature that attacked him and his mother, resulting in his curse and eventually, his mother’s death. He has little knowledge of the creature, but since Sebastien was cursed, they seem to share a connection. He has “seen” the creature in his mind.

Others that could end up as enemies would be other beings of evil intent; those who act superior to others; or those that harm friends or lovers.

Sebastien has never really experienced love of the romantic kind. He’s had plenty of short term relationships, and one night stands. Now in his mid-thirties, he is starting to feel time slipping away, and while not actively looking, is open to a stable loving relationship.

In the meantime, short-term or one night stands are more than OK with him.

Again, for a long term relationship, his lover would also have to be his friend, and more… his partner. Once committed, Sebastien would be monogamous. He would give his all to his love…. loyalty, trustworthiness, and fidelity. He’d expect the same in return.

IC Connections

Possible Plots/Ways to meet

There will be a time when he and the dark force that was the catalyst for Sebastien’s curse will be inevitably drawn together. The creature was weakened and is currently gathering strength. In his attempt to reject his violent past, Sebastien is trying to ignore the connection he has to the creature. That will become increasingly impossible.

For charrie connections here are some possible ways to meet.

Sebastien is a mechanic. Got car troubles? Perhaps broken down on the side of the road?

He’ll be living in a motel in the lower fens within walking distance to “The Witch and Broom”. Perhaps someone has reason to be in the area?

He enjoys a quiet beer and will frequent a bar to have one. He’ll become a regular in “The Witch and Broom”

You may find him sleepwalking. In this encounter he is seeking violence and could attack your cherrie. His ink will be focused on his face, creating a mask that should normally hide his identity.

If you're interested in plotting with Sebastien, contact me on Discord @mojo

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