Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Color on your fingers - Carter's Plotter

James Carter Offline
Possessed Human
The Basics
Anyone ever tell you you're kind of an asshole?

Carter isn't a great guy. He makes bad choices and seems to learn nothing from them. Selfish, vain, and with a moral flexibility he is unreasonably proud of. Thank god his has his wife Darla to help keep him on the straight and narrow.

Maybe not that narrow. Carter is by trade a fixer and a grifter. With no work to do he tends to fleece and steal to get by and thinks little of it, but he likes to think his main occupation as "fixing the problems you didn't know could be fixed." This usually means selling his brand of moral flexibility to those in the magical community. Darla has him help people from time to time too.

Carter doesn't really have friends. Just people that haven't figured out they hate him yet. Acquaintances, pals, work buddies, hell even a mate or two. But no real friends. Its just hard to label real friendship on someone that would sell you out to the highest bidder to save his own life, and makes no secret of that fact.

IC Connections:
working on it

You've just made an enemy for life!

Enemies is another matter, he has plenty of those. Carter can be charming and witty and smooth. He can also be real easy to hate, especially when his meaner side gets seen. Fact is most people that end up on this list probably have good reason to dislike Carter... and to be honest Carter probably wouldn't mind working with them again. After all, he doesn't hold a grudge.

IC Connections:

What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!

Carter is married.

Part of his deal with his ghost wife Darla is he can't be coy about that. He can't act like he isn't. Oh he can fuck around, have all the tarts he wants. But she is the wife. She won't play second fiddle for a man or be a mistress ever again, even in death. Apart from that though? Carter has never found being married to be that much of a hindrance to an active romantic social life. He enjoys his time with others and doesn't put much stock on attachments, but never says no to repeat offenses.

More than anything else, Carter just likes to flirt. He will flirt with most anyone with no real intention of it going anywhere.

IC Connections:

Hit me up on Discord. APTI#9520

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