Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Hello and welcome to the advertising section of Three on a Match! We welcome all kinds of forums to drop their advertisement here, so long as they have a guest-friendly advertising spot where we can toss ours up in return.
  • You can post in First Link when Three does not have an advertisement on your site.
  • You can post in Link Back if someone has already posted a Three advertisement on your site.
  • All advertisements should be in UBBC code, as we do not allow guests to use the dohtml code. If your advert is unreadable because of this, we'll just have to remove it, sorry.
  • Bump away, traffic is traffic.
  • Duplicate ads are not a problem, but only the most recent advert will remain on the board. After a month or so, we'll gather them up and delete them and you can repost.
If you're interested in affiliating with Three, read on at the Affiliate Request thread!

Thread Review (Newest First)
Posted by - 11 hours ago
What's The Current Job Market For Cutest Pornstars Professionals Like?
cutest pornstars
Posted by Indy - 11-06-2021, 09:30 AM
Are you interested in affiliating with Three on a Match? Thank you for your interest! Below are our simple rules for affiliation.
  • A dedicated affiliates section on your index (front page), not in a forum description or hidden in a modal.
  • Whether you choose a static or scrolling affiliate spot, our button should be placed similarly.
  • Your button must be 88x31.
  • We check affiliates regularly. If your site appears to be inactive (roughly two months or more of zero activity) we remove it.
  • We accept any genre of RP or site in our affiliates.

Partner/Sister sites should only be supernatural and/or fantasy sites, and ideally urban fantasy. A Partner button will be added soon.

We have 3 spots open for affiliates.

Three's Button Code:
[Image: EnpwR9.png]
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" title="Three on a Match: Modern fantasy/supernatural RP"></a>

No forms here! Just post your affilates code and mention whether you want static or scrolling positioning on our index. We'll check if our button is visible on your index in an appropriate spot.