Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Always Watching - Billy's Plotter

Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
The Basics
You're a wizard Billy. 

So basically nothing is gonna make sense and get ready for a lot of weird situations you're gonna have to badly lie your way out of. Because that's just Billy's life.

He's a guy wanting to do good in a new town with new People. He does a lot of magic and a bit of socializing on the side. All between having some of the worst luck between Easthaven and Vegas (his hometown). 

Billy's got Friends, he's definitely got friends! Friend friend friendly friends, time to meet his friends!

Billy is a generally likeable guy, he is always happy to help out even if he doesn't exactly know what he's doing. Need a guy to help move a couch? Billy is there for you. Need someone to watch your dogs? Call Billy. Need to try and thwart a dangerous murderer? You know Billy has your back!

IC Connections:
Emily Reyes
Max Kuryakin
Juniper Gray
Serafina Duarte

You've just made an enemy for life!

Billy doesn't make Enemies easily. He tries to think of the good in people, though he doesn't mind a little suspicion towards strangers. No, you gotta really set yourself up as a special bastard for Billy to think you gotta be stopped no matter what. For better or worse Billy tends to think poorly of the Undead though, blame Romero, but even then he will try to hold a dialog. In the end Billy doesn't know how he'd treat a real honest to God enemy... guess that will be a surprise for everyone.

IC Connections:

What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!

Billy doesn't have a lot of experience with love. He grew up in Vegas and to be honest was exposed to so much so early on the idea of relationships just seemed weird to him. You won't meet someone as well versed in terrible pick up lines and prostitution laws as Billy, or someone as embarrassed by flirting as him. Billy tends to not see people on a sexual level when meeting them, though he very much appreciates a pretty face or figure. He doesn't really start thinking about sex or love until someone shows an interest in him first.

As you can imagine this means he hasn't had a lot of people he has seriously considered as romantic partners. So, he is a bit inexperienced. Still, Billy isn't immune to love or wanting someone to care for. He just doesn't know what he wants or likes yet.

IC Connections:

Hit me up on Discord. APTI#9520

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