Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » October Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » September Update


Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

I won't make the same mistake I made last time. I'll make a different one this time

After dark
Hospital car park
30DEC23 (or thereabouts)
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
Unlike most people visiting the local hospital for no discernible reason, Cookie was definitely not up to no good, something she was intent on proving by hauling around a shitload of filming equipment, because if there was anything non-suspicious one could do in the parking lot of a hospital as an undead person, it was absolutely filming every second of being there.

Really it wasn't that big a set up. She was live-streaming and it was a pretty stripped-back thing. Her phone handled the capture of her movements (and kept her connected to the hospital wifi) while her laptop handled her streaming software and VSeeFace for her persona. She didn't think she'd ever show her actual face ever again on stream. These days she really only had a face for radio. A nice one she learned from Grandma, said about someone in her bridge club.

Mm, but Cookie really felt it for herself these days.

Juggling phone, backpack and laptop while wandering around trying to look casual was hard, so really she wasn't streaming yet at all, more like doing a little practice run before the stream she had planned for the following day to ring in the new year. Sure, maybe people were looking at her strange and yeah, maybe a security guy had already come and told her she couldn't film here, but that guy was gone for the night, and people were going home after visiting hours, so no one was likely to bother her now, right? Yeah.

And it definitely wasn't suspicious to keep kinda... sauntering past the mortuary signage and just kinda... scoping that direction out. Just a casual hours long walk around the hospital. Real chill.

Looking into her phone, she turned her head from left to right, watching the avatar in her laptop screen follow in real time. Good, that worked.

She was ready to make the move towards that precious signage again, footsteps real deliberate as she chattered to no one at all.

“--You know, these days I really don't notice the cold that much. I dunno what that says; maybe it's just not that cold any more. Is that like global warming or like--”

An abrupt stop as her next casual little foot swing collided with someone in her path. A path she'd sauntered only seventy six times today! No one had ever been in the way before!

Tilting her head round the laptop-phone combination so she could see, she blinked slowly.

“Uh. I don't think people are supposed to be down here,” was the first thing she could think of to say, a declaration that was not only not even true, but that made her one hell of a hypocrite if it was.

Not suspect at all, Cookie!
Hiroto Ishikawa Offline
Zombie Inactive
Hiro was on a supply run. He haven’t forgot about the mortuary Jules told him about, but it was good to have many sources.

What he was doing, how he was feeding was really morally dubious and if he got burned at one place, he’d rather have back up…

He walked towards his car, trying to hum a song, trying to forget the frightened face of the poor intern who handed him over the bag with medical waste. The only thing that left his mouth was just rhythmic huffing, almost a whistle. He could still whistle at least…

But suddenly a voice. The zombie got tense, quickly turned his head and saw the girl with… a streaming set up? Wh…

Hiro tilted his head to the side like confused dog. Ever since he lost his voice, he emoted more with his body like that. Like some kind of silent movie actor, his movements slightly more exaggerated.
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
The stranger she'd practically stuck her boot into turned round, swinging a suspicious bag in one hand. Weird, and weirder still was the scent in the air of something edible, a smell she'd begun to associate with dead things in a way that made her stomach churn, but also grumble in a manner that screamed "feed me with whatever that is". She was adjusting. Things were weird.

How many times had she thought the word "weird" so far?

In the poorly lit pathway it was hard to make out much of the bag man's face, compounded by the fact that he seemed to be wearing some kind of... scarf? Mask?

Cookie was herself only wearing the face death gave her, though recently fed she really didn't look quite so dead. And it was dark. So. Maybe he wouldn't notice?

She expected some kind of challenge or scuffle from a guy carrying a bag of... stuff? in the far back end of a hospital, but all he did was tilt his head at her like a confused dog.

She blinked. Her avatar blinked on her laptop screen.

“So, uh. I don't think you're allowed to be here,” she decided, doubling down, gaze flickering towards the bag. Was that what smelled so... edible?
Hiroto Ishikawa Offline
Zombie Inactive
Hiro Cinder Prenatural Senses, 3 passes, success

The zombie boy strained his eyes a little, put some magic into his sight to see her better. There was something odd. He remembered what Jules told him about the freshly undead, still adjusting to their situation.

She was a bit still for a human. And his senses caught that glimpse of the uncanny.

The old man was right and Hiro was grateful he was given a list of things to look for...

What she said made Hiro frown, though. He wasn't allowed to be here, huh? Then what was this, he thought as he pointed an accusatory finger at the screen. As if he wanted to say 'Are YOU, though?'.

As far as everyone was concerned, he was just passing by, not using the hospital's lot as recording studio!
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
What did he have in that interestingly-scented bag?

Or was it him who smelled so good?

Or, well. Not good, but like edible.

People didn't usually smell edible until they were dead. It was kind of how she knew for sure when someone had passed and it was safe to take what she needed. She wondered if she'd ever stop apologising to the bodies as she wrenched organs out for later. What did they need them for, anyway?

She didn't snap back to reality and look towards the guy again until he jabbed his finger at her, silent as that one spooky ghost in A Christmas Carol. He even had the ominous point down.

She scoffed, and the pink waves that made up her avatar's hair bounced around her shoulders.

“Hey, we're not talking about me; I asked you first, buddy!” she blustered, juggling her devices into one arm so she could extend a finger of her own, poking it into the stranger's chest. “Kinda weird to skulk around a place with sick people carrying a big old plastic bag, mister.” Deflect, redirect!
Hiroto Ishikawa Offline
Zombie Inactive
Was it weird? Why was she so chafed about him being here, he might have as well just brought his grandma fresh PJs...! He was minding his own business until she got into his business!

It was streaming in public that was weird! Privacy invasion!

Squinting, he pointed with his thumb in the general direction of the subway and flipped her a bird.
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
Not being a mind reader, Cookie could only process that thumb jab and bird flip as a suggestion for her to hit the road in an extremely unkind manner, and both ghoul and virtual girl frowned deeply. The pink haired avatar's mouth hung open in scandal, fangs on show.

“You're the one in my way, dude! You and your, your -- what's in the bag, anyway, huh?”

Taking a deep sniff of the air between them, rewarded with edible scents, she stomped forwards into his personal bubble, jostling her laptop around in her arms.
Hiroto Ishikawa Offline
Zombie Inactive
Hiro hung the bag on his forearm and now used both hands to use sign language.

None of your business. Was the answer to the question, punctuated with a frown.

And with that, he directed his steps towards the subway. He spend too much time here anyways...
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
Okay, she wasn't dumb enough not to realise it was sign, but she was not learned enough to know what he said.

But she knew it had to be hella rude, so with a deep frown she followed him and his edible-treat-smelling bag, giving the air a few more sniffs.

“Hey! Whatchu got, buddy? Do I need to grab security?” It should have been an empty threat given her own experience earlier in the evening... but it wasn't quite as hollow as that. “Smells like... somethin'. Yeah, somethin'.”

Was it weird to admit it smelled like Things She Could Eat? It was totally weird, right?
Hiroto Ishikawa Offline
Zombie Inactive
It seemed like she didn't get the message.

So Hiro, glaring, pulled his phone out and typed into his little text to speech program.

I know what you are. I'm not sharing. Get your own.

He stared her down for a second and then continued his walk.
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
Out came a phone and for a second Cookie thought she might have to close the laptop and beat the stranger silent - not dead! just quiet! - before police turned up.

It was almost a relief that the guy instead tippy tapped a bunch of stuff before one of those text-to-speech voices took over to tell her some Twilight shit.

He knew what she was.

...well, duh - she was a streamer.

“Sharing what?!” she demanded, brave enough to follow only when he turned away from her, the way she stormed after sending her avatar off center and stuck in angry emote. “What do you mean?!”
Hiroto Ishikawa Offline
Zombie Inactive
Why wouldn't she leave him alone.

Just... what's your damage, lady?! Hiro let out a huffy groan and just quickened his steps in the direction of the subway station.

His bag almost ripped, which forced him to stop and change his grip. Had to be more careful here...
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
Strike failure for grab attempt

“Hey! HEY!”

It maybe wasn't smart to be yelling in a spot where she'd just made the point that it was sketchy to be sneaking around at, but Cookie never claimed to be smart. Closing her laptop over, she tucked it under her arm phone still in hand, pursuing the weird, nice-smelling creep with her heels clicking loudly in the little alley. As he came to a stop to readjust she made a brainless decision to swipe at the bag, missing my the very tips of her claws and teetering on her heels, feeling one wobble under her foot.

“Oh! H -- stop already!”
Hiroto Ishikawa Offline
Zombie Inactive
Hiro Strike vs DC4 Cookie, 3 passes, miss
Did she...

Did she tried to hit him?

The goddamn audacity. Hiro stopped dead in his tracks, staring in disbelief for a moment, before he rolled his sleeves up, just ready to thrown down.

The hammer of 'fuck you' was unisex and so were his fists, and so he threw a punch. Just stopping himself right before her nose, because he still had enough decency to hold back.

His message was clear. Fuck you and leave me alone.

Hiro DC4 Luck 4/4
Grounding 3/3
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
Cookie Strike vs DC4 Hiro, 4 passes, success

Oh-ho! They were getting punchy now?!

Well, in Cookie's humble opinion, that meant he lost his mysterious bag privileges. By what authority, she didn't know, but seeing red as he tried to hit her, she carefully lowered her equipment to the ground, and then took another big lunge at the prize he carried, seizing the plastic successfully and with a tug, tearing it slightly.

So it was tug of war.

So be it!

Cookie DC4 Luck 4/4
Grounding 3/3
Hiroto Ishikawa Offline
Zombie Inactive
Hiro Cinder Fear Aura vs DC4, 2 passes, miss

No, he needed this to SURVIVE.

Hiro didn't let go of the bag, shooting the girl a mean glare...

But he came off more like a pissed off cat. Kinda adorable. Whatever magic that was cursing his body failed to make him intimidating.

Hiro Luck 3/4
Grounding 2/3
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
Cookie Strike vs DC4 Hiro, 2 passes, failure

Both of them held the bag firm in tense and vicious grip, and Cookie really did intend to give the thing a really good yank, maybe reveal its contents to the frosted street, but that look the guy gave her - was she supposed to be intimidated by that?

Her strong and insistent yank became more so a trembling wiggle of the bag between them as silent giggles shook her chest.

“What is that look, man?” she tittered hoarsely, gleefully amused.

Cookie DC4 Luck 4/4
Grounding 3/3
Hiroto Ishikawa Offline
Zombie Inactive
Hiro Strike vs DC4, 0 passes, no fuckin comments

Since that didn't work, the zombie boy tried to use the moment od distraction to yank his bag back.

But... his hands were stiff from the cold and... he lost his grip as he yanked. And then the slipped on the icy puddle.

And then he landed his ass in the same puddle with a huffy groan.

It wasn't his day. Oh no, it was not.

Hiro DC4 Luck 3/4
Grounding 2/3
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
Like two angy puppies playing a futile game of evenly matched tug of war, Cookie and the mute stranger held fast to the bag and tugged at each other until the environment got involved, ice seemingly rising from the sidewalk and tripping the streamer's opponent up.

And then down he went into the icy puddle below, and with torn bag in hand, all Cookie could do was cackle, dissolving into unkind giggles.

“I win, bro; give up!” she yelled, trying to make head or tails of what was trying to escape the bag.

Cookie DC4 Luck 4/4
Grounding 3/3
Hiroto Ishikawa Offline
Zombie Inactive
Hiro Strike vs DC4, 3 passes, fail

He wasn't letting someone escape with his meal that easily. Wet and angry, the zombie tried to go for a leg swipe but missed by an inch.

Hiro let a frustrated groan.

Give. The bag. Back.

Hiro Luck 3/4
Grounding 2/3
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
In all fairness, it was likely that her opponent on missed his swipe as Cookie opened the bag and in adjusting her stance slid on the icy patch underfoot, sending her drifting backwards like it was an ice level in Super Mario Bros. Or, you know. Like ice in real life.

Peering into the torn plastic, she didn't exactly recognise what was in there, but the unsettlingly appetising stench and the squidgy bloody look of the matter within made it pretty obvious.

“Dude! Ohh man; whoever gave you this is in like. Deeeeep trouble, bro,” she cackled, equal parts disturbed and intrigued.

Cookie DC4 Luck 4/4
Grounding 3/3

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