Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » October Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » September Update


Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Cash or Card?

9:15 pm
Kingslane street
Alexius Offline
Fear Spirit

Alex had trouble understanding people sometimes.

He wanted to though, which made him a notable improvement over his nastier half- at least as far as he considered such things. Alex was fairly certain he had been human before, though had no real evidence of that save that he didn't know what else he could have been, and thus should have little trouble understanding people. He wondered if he had been the Other for too long though, because sometimes people just didn't jive with what he expected. Emotions were hard too but he was making real progress with all of that and had even finally met real awake members of the police force. He just needed to help build up a good reputation there and-

They did it again.

Alex was in the spirit side of things watching people, the heavy oil painting flow of motion around him parting for brief moments of clarity, especially when he focused, and right now he was standing outside the glass window of a store. Watching the people with some serious intent. Because for some reason the store was letting them just take stuff for free and he couldn't figure it out. Sure some threw out cash, he recognized the bills and coins easily enough though he had none on him. Yet then someone would walk up with their purchase, hand it over... then swipe some little card before just leaving with it. Alex narrowed his eyes not really getting it. The cards usually looked different and none had an ID picture on them so how were they using it to pay for things.

This was very vexing and he was determined to quietly watch all night until he understood it.

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