Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » October Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » September Update


Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

A Foodie Outing

Hailey Watts Offline
Mundane Human
Hailey’s stomach groaned so loudly, she swore anyone within 30 feet probably heard it. She sat on the concrete wall outside the Newton Police Station, swinging her legs and staring at her phone. It was the first time she’d been here since onboarding, but instead of her uniform, she was in yoga pants and a Star Wars t-shirt. She’d glance at her phone, look away, and then check it again. Over and over.

Emily had texted her, inviting her to one of the pop-ups she’d mentioned the day they met. Hailey was trying not to let her excitement get the best of her... but she was failing miserably. She’d gotten here an hour early and was now anxiously waiting for Emily to show.

In her time since onboarding, Hailey had been working her assignment in Upper Fens. The area had charmed her, especially places like the Ink Pot. Working third shift, though, had been... interesting. The area had its share of teenage troublemakers. She constantly got calls about kids sneaking into Eden Cemetery after sundown. No matter how many times she responded, she always managed to get turned around in there. Then there were the trips to Mottershead Park, and worst of all, the old Mottershead Asylum. Twice she’d had to respond to kids running out of there, screaming. Thankfully, she hadn’t had to set foot inside—yet.

That was life lately—filing accident reports and chasing after teens to return them to their wealthy parents. It wasn’t exactly the work she’d envisioned when she joined the force, but it was a step in the right direction.

The door to the station opened, and there was Emily. Hailey jumped down from the wall but didn’t exactly stick the landing. She stumbled, and in an attempt to cover it up, bent down to tie her shoes... only to realize she was wearing slip-ons. She rolled her eyes at herself, muttering under her breath, “She didn’t see. It’s cool. It’s cool.”

Straightening up, she forced a smile and turned.
Emily Reyes Offline
Arcanist Human
It was always interesting how plans could get out of hand. Evolve would be more accurate. Emily hadn't meant to go from meeting Hailey by chance at the Newton precinct to going out for food with her, but here they were. She'd caught wind of a pop-up nearby for Mexican-Korean fusion food and the rookie officer was the first person to come to mind.

If she was being honest, Emily was mildly pleased by the development. It was out of her comfort zone, but she'd been doing a lot of that lately, so the prospect was exciting. Was this a new era for her, she thought with amusement, as she pushed out the front door and into the cool fall weather. Perhaps, perhaps. Maybe next, she'd try something wild like buying a plane ticket to anywhere. Take actual flying lessons... She could use that with her broom.

The whole thought process had Emily smiling to herself. She caught sight of Watts perched on the concrete barrier, and lifted a hand to give her a short wave as she descended the front steps.

“Watts,” she greeted amiably as she approached, one thumb hooked under her purse strap where it was slung over her shoulder. “How's it going?”

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