Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » October Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » September Update


Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Sundry Adoptables

Max Kuryakin Offline
Wolf Shifter
Below is a list of some characters on offer! All have connections to Max, but how well they know each other/like each other can be discussed!

Will the Firefighter
A male firefighter with a long career in the Easthaven Fire Department. He's generally charming and easygoing, and often the man is tapped in for recruitment drives at the UMass campus to promote the Associate's and Bachelor's degrees in fire science. Although he's run into Max on campus, he first met Max as a paramedic with the EMS service and tried to convince Max to shift careers to firefighting.

Will is a mundane human, and he may or may not know about the supernatural, although he is unaware Max is a werewolf. 30s to 40s. Suggested FC: Ryan Gosling.

Olivia (Olly) ex-soldier
A female soldier who went through basic training with Max. She’s level-headed and sensible, often overly serious, but foiled well with Max trying to brighten her up. They served together until Max went on to special forces training, and kept in touch after. She has recently been discharged from the military due to injuries that are relatively debilitating and cannot be fully healed through magic. Now she is seeking out Max because she knows becoming a shifter would heal/regrow her limbs.

At start, she’s a mundane human, late 20s or early 30s. She has either always been aware of the supernatural or has learnt about it later on, but she managed to put together some pieces and strongly suspects Max was infected during his accident with NATO. Suggested FC: Brie Larson

Unnamed, Street-rat
A former antagonist of Max's in a brief scuffle. Starving and desperate, the Colo-colo half-blood got in a little bit of a fight with Max and Dune when they were taking out the trash. After the altercation, they were tracked down by an Exchange agent and dragged to Lethe Hostel to be fed, cleaned, and have some sense slapped into them. Right now they're trying to pick up their life after spending considerable time as a vagrant.

This adoptable is set firmly as a Colo-colo half-blood, but the details of why they landed on hard-times is up to whoever picks it up. There's a group of colo-colo half-bloods that get used as small-time criminals in encounters on site, but the adoptable does not have to be connected to them at all.

I'd like for Max to be involved in them picking up the pieces of their life, either as an enemy turned friend or a mentor-like figure, depending on what works for the one who picks them up.

This list will be updated as more pop up! Also check out my more open general connections Wanted Ad: Max's exes and past lovers!

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