Conjuror > Thaumaturge
Participate in 2 Player-Run or Site Events [COMPLETE]
Roll Cinder or Strike 30x: 17
- Distant water does not put out a nearby fire | Max Kingsman and Mathus Dascalu | Cinder 4
- Magic in the Moonlight | Billy Broder | Cinder 7, Strike 3
- Ballistic Magics | Billy Broder and Emily Reys | Cinder 1, Strike 1
- Price and Power | Jules Durand | Cinder 1
Use a cantrip, boon, charm, or level ability 10x: 10 [COMPLETE]
- Distant water does not put out a nearby fire | Max Kingsman and Mathus Dascalu | Second Sight 3
- High Price of Mistakes | Emily Reyes | Second Sight 2
- Need a Hand? | Billy Broder | Second Sight 1
- Magic in the Moonlight | Billy Broder | Second Sight 1, Foresight 2
- Of things Alive and Dead | Jules Durand | Second Sight 1
Utilize Each Keyword 3x
- Magic in the Moonlight | Billy Broder | Divination 1, Healing 1
Participate in Encounter Thread 2x One (1) thread involving tests of skill relevant to your Path with another PC
Perform a ritual with a Keyword outside of your chosen portfolio
Perform a ritual with 5 Collected components
- Perform a ritual with non-human or tainted blood
- Perform a ritual under pressure (rushed casting, less than 3 posts)
Ballistic: Untrained > Rank I
- Ballistic Magics | Thread training the desired skill
- | Thread utilizing keyword
- | Thread utilizing keyword in Encounter
- | 10x rolling Strike utilizing desired skill