Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » October Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » September Update


Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Roll for Perception
Greater Easthaven 

Renaissance Fair
Hailey Watts Offline
Mundane Human
Hailey stood just inside the entrance to the Renaissance Fair. Once past the threshold, the event enveloped her in a vibrant array of costumes, ranging from magical to medieval. Several attendees already held giant turkey legs in their hands. To her right, a booth offered costume rentals at what she was sure was an egregious rate, but she couldn’t help but consider trying on a tunic.

Diflu Woods provided a welcome reprieve from the city. The woods were a refreshing break, especially in autumn, with leaves changing colors and a chill filling the air that made her long for a cup of tea. Upper Fens had certainly charmed her, particularly the Ink Pot, but working third shift was... interesting.

The area had plenty of hotspots for teenage shenanigans. She received frequent calls about kids sneaking into Eden Cemetery past sundown. No matter how many times she went, she always managed to get turned around in there. Then there were the visits to Mottershead Park and, worst of all, Mottershead Asylum. On both occasions at the Asylum, the kids had come running out, screaming, and she was grateful she had never had to set foot inside.

That was life lately—handling accident reports and chasing after teens to return them to their wealthy parents. It wasn’t exactly why Hailey had joined the force, but it was a step in the right direction. But this? This was a nice break.

With her map of the fair in hand, she pondered where to go and what to do first. Stages for plays, jousting, archery, and other activities were clearly marked. The map even included a network of hiking trails and designated areas for live-action role-play. Hailey’s eyes lit up; as a D&D player herself, she couldn’t wait to see it in action.

After idling there long enough, she turned to the costume rental booth and picked out a navy blue tunic that fit over her clothes, cinching at the waist. She took a selfie and sent it to her sister.

“Okay, time for a beer,” she declared. Just like that, she felt transported to the 1500s as she headed toward the tavern, eager to encounter whatever adventures awaited her.

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