Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Wil Carter - Half-Blood

Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Path: Half-blood.
Rank: Untrained.
Reputation: Fame - 3.
Mundane Skill(s): Brawler 1.
Magic Keywords: Empathy.
Magic Abilities:
Boon - He has an affinity for animals, especially livestock. This does include goats. He could communicate with them to a certain extent, anyway, if he knew that was a thing he could do. We are not talking a Dr. Doolittle level of discourse, but a general idea of what the animal wishes to communicate. They could understand him on a rudimentary level, if he knew what was possible.
Cantrip - Wil is not aware of his active magic use, but he has the 'gift of the gab', as it were: the ability to provide inspiration, that extra push to motivate someone to complete a task or face that difficult problem with fresh eyes. This ability currently requires eye contact and/or physical contact. As a side note, Wil doesn't realize his efforts to help could be construed as or cross over into manipulation.
Sluggy Offline
Hey there, Blois! Looking good so far in terms of character development, but we have a few notes for his powers and abilities.

Since he is starting at "Untrained", according to the Half-Blood creation guide we linked you, he is only entitled to two Magic Keyword slots and one Mundane Keyword slot at Rank 1.

There are four ranks for each of the Mundane Keywords, and anything beyond the first is earned in-game.

Currently, you have three Mundane Keywords listed here (Brawler 2, Ballistics 1, Melee 2) at the incorrect ranks, and two listed in your application (Empathy, Heightened Strength) along with one that doesn't exist (Heightened Agility). For for something similar to heightened agility, you could use Heightened Speed or Preternatural Senses.

You can find all the information on the Keywords page, but here are the links to specific sections: Magic Keywords and Mundane Keywords.

As for his cantrip, you're free to say he's not aware of his active magic use, but you must list a power for admin review.

History-wise, everything looks in order, but is the hunter group he met Exchange or an independent group? Keep in mind he's in England, so the Exchange would be a big presence for this hunter group. Either is acceptable, but it's vague enough that we can't be sure.

Thanks! Let us know if you have any further questions. Tag us in the Discord or leave a post in this thread when you've made those changes!
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Hey there, Blois! Looking good so far in terms of character development, but we have a few notes for his powers and abilities.

Since he is starting at "Untrained", according to the Half-Blood creation guide we linked you, he is only entitled to two Magic Keyword slots and one Mundane Keyword slot at Rank 1.

There are four ranks for each of the Mundane Keywords, and anything beyond the first is earned in-game.

Currently, you have three Mundane Keywords listed here (Brawler 2, Ballistics 1, Melee 2) at the incorrect ranks, and two listed in your application (Empathy, Heightened Strength) along with one that doesn't exist (Heightened Agility). For for something similar to heightened agility, you could use Heightened Speed or Preternatural Senses.

You can find all the information on the Keywords page, but here are the links to specific sections: Magic Keywords and Mundane Keywords.

As for his cantrip, you're free to say he's not aware of his active magic use, but you must list a power for admin review.

History-wise, everything looks in order, but is the hunter group he met Exchange or an independent group? Keep in mind he's in England, so the Exchange would be a big presence for this hunter group. Either is acceptable, but it's vague enough that we can't be sure.

Thanks! Let us know if you have any further questions. Tag us in the Discord or leave a post in this thread when you've made those changes!
- Sluggy
(05-21-2023, 03:19 PM)

Hello there. I think Wil is ready for the next round of reviews. I'm at work, so I can't log into Discord, sorry. Thank you for your feedback. It helped me understand what you needed a bit better and I've fleshed him out some. Cheers!
Sluggy Offline
Hey Blois! Thanks for clarifying those points. Keywords look good. However, we would like to see more elaboration on his Empathy powers. Things such as how it works and to what extent, and if it has any backlash or drawbacks.

Same with his Cantrip, which is quite similar to his Boon. Could you elaborate on the power further? It needs to be 'cantrip' level, so something fairly minor. We noticed you have powers concerning animals, which could be an interesting direction if you need inspiration.

When you have that all settled, let us know by tagging @Admin in #mod-request channel. Thanks!
Indy Offline

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