If you require a moderator, please post in this thread using the template provided. When you have posted, copy the post link and tag @admin in the Discord server's #mod-request channel. This guarantees that we will see it.
Do not edit your posts in this thread. If you have posted a different mod request and have a new one, make a new post.
This thread is for requesting monster encounters in threads only. Refer to the General Moderation Request thread for where to go for other mod request issues.
[b]Request Type:[/b] Random or specific monster. If specific, provide a brief description and a name.
[b]Characters Involved:[/b] Which characters are involved.
[b]Characters' Reputations:[/b] The rank of reputation each character in the thread has, as this will affect the type of encounter.
[b]Location:[/b] Which forum is it taking place in.
[b]Link:[/b] If applicable.
[b]Thread/Post TL;DR:[/b] Include the time of day and specific location (inside/outside) and any other relevant information.