Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » July Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
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It's hot, it's time to hit the beaches!

Its my World and I'll Cry if I want to

Yuto Mochizuki Offline
Kirin Half-Blood


  • Name: Lonely Road (寂しい道) (here)
    Keyword(s): Electricity and Fire
    Description: One of two mystical swords blending the powers of witchcraft and alchemy to create a truly awe-inspiring weapon set fit for a warlord. This blade is a cool blue with white cracks that look as if they were born from lightning itself, and adorned with white gold. When wielded, the blade ignites with white sparks that dance around its length, creating a relentless and piercing scream. The sheath is designed to match the blade and even seem to possess a living essence that resonates with the power within.

    Mechanical Effect: When activated with the wielder's Cinder pool, these swords are able to produce their associated elements on a complete success or better. While powerful, the effects are limited to producing flames or bolts of lightning. Other uses of the Fire and Electricity keywords are not available. The Cinder roll does not count against the wielder's magic use for that thread. When used in battle, the associated elemental attacks use Strike versus the target's DC. The wielder may use Cinder to activate and Strike to attack in one post. If dual-wielding these swords, only one may be activated per post. After expending the energy, it is inert until reactivated.

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RE: Its my World and I'll Cry if I want to - by Yuto Mochizuki - 12-06-2023, 03:04 PM