Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » October Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » September Update


Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Saving with wisdom and with brandy kegs
Exchange PI 

Theo Crowhurst Offline
Cursed Human
The day hadn't been too busy, a momentary lull in dealing with magical morons and supernatural simpletons, allowing him to catch up on paperwork, of all things. One would think there wouldn't be much of it, being lawless vigilantes in the eyes of the police, but when their front was a legitimate private investigation firm, they still needed to file the evidence of their investigations, should someone come knocking. It helped that a significant portion of their work was just that, tracking individuals down and finding the information they needed. With a side of banishing ghosts.

Each incident needed a report anyway, so they could spot any patterns, and while Theo didn't personally go through all of them, he took his fair share. The team of agents he worked with the most were the reports he took, rougher monster encounters, emergency call-ins, and the grislier cases. He'd briefly taken to fielding the reports from the team that dealt with banishing ghosts, with some experience there, but it wasn't his preferred field of work. It wasn't so clear cut as that if an agent found themselves on a scene that needed an immediate response.

Theo shuffled one folder into the pile he'd designated the done pile, pulling up the next one and letting a snort as he saw it was one of Dune's. He braced himself for the colourful turns of phrase, a frown already furrowing his brows as he flipped it open. Although, he didn't have the chance to get too deep in his personal grievances with his agent's quirks in her report writing. The kick at his doorjamb made him look up, ready to bark out an admonishment, before he heard Juniper's words.

The Englishman sighed, lifting a hand to pinch at the bridge of his nose. “Enter,” he ordered, closing the file and pushing it to the side. “What do you have for me, Miss Gray?”

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RE: Saving with wisdom and with brandy kegs - by Theo Crowhurst - 04-24-2024, 03:16 PM