Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Many are strong at the broken places
Exchange PI 

Angela Dune Offline
Cursed Human
Dune watched as Dalton seemed to pull a golden hair away from the ring and for a brief, embarrassing moment, she thought it was her own. Too light, for sure, but the light could've been playing off it in a strange way--or maybe it was left on there from some other woman, who knew. To his credit, he wasn't reacting, but as a doctor, he'd probably seen plenty of gross things.

A little wide-eyed, she watched him put the hair aside, only partially processing what he was saying, and then tilting her head to one side in mute curiosity when he put it into a dish. That was when she noticed it was not behaving like hair at all, and the light was no longer playing off of it but gently emanating from the strand. It all came together then--Dune spent very little time around arcanists, but she did know of their odd little ability to seemingly pluck things out of thin air.

“Huh...” She hummed. Her mind was not the most agile at times, especially on those occasions when she was thinking with her libido, but here, she did catch up quickly, and looked back at Dalton with a pretty, pleased grin. The realization that the ring might mean something so complimentary swept away her momentary embarrassment, and she tilted her head the other way, laughing merrily. “Oh my!” Unconsciously, one of her feet started gently swinging, much like a young girl's might when learning something delightful. “Well, now I'm thinking my friend might've been playin' at something when he gave me this.”

That being said, Merula didn't seem like the sort to drop a riddle and wait with bated breath for her to figure it out. Dune suspected that he wouldn't have thought anything of it if the gift's meaning had remained a secret for the rest of her life, being just an inside joke for himself. She was glad Dalton had the knowledge, though, and found it all quite charming.

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RE: Many are strong at the broken places - by Angela Dune - 08-27-2024, 09:46 PM