Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » October Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
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Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Exchange PI 

Top Floor of the Exchange Building
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Wil was doing the rounds.

He knew it wasn't essential - or even possible - to introduce himself to everyone at his new place of work on Day One. People worked shifts or were out in the field or in a meeting or off-the-clock. He really didn't want to come off as the new guy who needed to give everyone a group hug, because he wasn't like that. Putting names to the faces he encounteted as the days went by, that was his thing.

Today, he ventured to the top floor of the building and eased his way along to hall to the first open doorway. Wil leaned around to look into the room and saw a woman with red hair sitting at a desk. She wasn't on the phone, so he knocked on the door jamb.

“Hello,” he said with a smile. “I hope I'm not interrupting.”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Looks/Outfit with a pigmy owl on a perch on her desk

Briar had a nice little office, the view allowed for the sun to warm her office well. Inside it, it had a bookshelf filled with a mix of books, wooden boxes and various items she used for her craft. The office smelts very lightly of citrus as she used incense to help her focus and citrus scents were great for focus and clarity!

Currently, she was reading over the murder incidents that had been going on and using a special brail typewriter to write out her notes so that she could read them later on without much issue. She hummed a little, working diligently as she had an earbud in that read the notes to her so that she could take her own.

Gump was the first to warm her someone was approaching, her head turning some to her door as an unfamiliar voice sounded after a polite knock. Smiling brightly, the witch removed the earbud after pausing the device next to her, “Not in the slightest, come in please make yourself comfortable, ” the redhead offered to him, motioning to the chair in front of her desk. It was a comfortable seat nothing stiff like the hard chairs downstairs.
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Wil - Boon - Affinity with Animals

The young woman looked quite elegant in what seemed to be a turtleneck sweater, which hugged her curves nicely. He almost felt underdressed in jeans and a blue, button-down shirt, which was open to a white tee.

She was very welcoming and her smile seemed to brighten an already bright room. Wil smiled in return and crossed the threshold, taking in the space and its comfortable feel. Lots of books and -

He paused, standing between the chair she had indicated and her desk. He had been about to extend his hand to her for a shake when he realized there was an owl, the smallest one he had ever seen, resting on a perch not far from where she was working.

“Oh, wow...” Admiring the bird, he murmured, “Aren't you beautiful...”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Briar let her pale eyes drift and follow the sound of footsteps and she surmised they were tall and decently built from the weighted sound of the step. She listened intently so that she'd not forget the sound of this ones steps incase he came around again.

Gump was half asleep when the young man came in, the bird shaking his entire tiny body and hopping around to look at him.

If Gump hadn't told her he got a compliment, she'd have thought that was for her! It made her smile as she touched her familiar's side gently, “He says thank you. This is my familiar, Gump and I'm Briar Grimshaw. It's a pleasure to meet you, ” she told him with a relaxed smile as the familiar just happily stayed put and wasn't at all ruffled by the man.
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
She was quite lovely and it occurred to him after the fact that she might have thought he was getting fresh with her. That was potentially embarrassing, especially since, in British slang, she was a 'bird', too, and if he'd used that term, assuming she knew it, his words could have been very misconstrued.

“Wil Carter,” he said. “A pleasure.”  Smiling at the owl, he added, “Cheers, Gump.”

So, he was her familiar, which made her -

“Do I have the honour of meeting the Enchantress of the Exchange?” Perhaps he was flirting now, just a little.
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Gump lifted a feathery wing to him, a waving stretch in his direction as he gave the smallest hoot and hop on the perch. The little familiar was rather curious about this one, feeling relaxed and alright with his company.

“Do you feel comfortable being on first names or last? I'm more than happy for you to call me Briar, ” the red head told him, relaxing against her crossed arms in front of her.

The flirt caught her a little off guard, her cheeks turning a little rosey as she looked away a bit bashfully, “Oh no I don't think I'm an enchantress- that might actually get me into trouble, ” she said with a bit of a giggling tone. It was an idea though! “But I am, essentially...I can make items...or unmake them rather well, ” she told him, “And where do you fall in this enchanting place? ”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Gump was the most amazing little avian personality. Wil decided to sit in the chair rather than loom over the desk, though at five-ten, he wasn't the tallest boy in the playground, as it were. He gave the owl a distant air fist bump.

“I'm probably not up on the proper terms for the spinners of spells,” he replied, noting the blush. At least she wasn't offended. Being 'charming' was a way of being social and he came by it naturally.

“You can call me Wil and I'm a Hunter, Briar. ”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
The bird hooted again, his head bobbing and Briar just smiling as she reached over and scratched behind his head, “What are you doing, he really seems warm to you which isn't normal for him, ” she asked, a delicate brow raised as she inquired what magic he was using on her familiar; was it just charm?

“Well...witches, mages, arcanist...all those work as they mean the same thing, ” she explained before both brows lifted, “Really? And what do you hunt or whom do you hunt? ”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
He laughed softly, looking fondly from the little bird to Briar.

“I just mimed a fist-bump at him,” he replied, grinning. She hadn't seen him do that? He decided she'd been focused on Gump. “I love all creatures, great and small, as the saying goes. Always have. They don't always like me, but I think we come away with a mutual respect.”

Wil nodded at the different terms for a magic user, though where 'enchantress' fit in, he didn't know. Maybe they had a different union or something.

“As for hunting, I work downstairs.” He lifted one hand and pointed at the floor with his index finger. “I go where the Inquisitor sends me or will go, anyway. I'm new, just over from England.”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
“Oh, no wonder he's enjoying you, you're playing with him a bit, ” she explained as her gaze stayed on him while Gump hopped off his perch to glide over onto her shoulder. Smiling, she leaned her head against him as he then went and snuggled into her straightened hair and snuggled down.

“I do to. Him more so since he's my eyes normally, ” she told him, giving as subtle of a hint as she could that she could not in fact see him nor what he might be doing.

Fresh from England! My, that was a journey, “What a journey! To come all this way, amazing. So then you must know Crowhurst then; do you work under him? ” Briar asked curiously as she crossed her leg behind the other as she got comfortable chatting with him.
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
He watched the little owl and said, “The wild things don't like to be ignored anymore than anyone else. Nah, I didn't know Crowhurst before my job interview, actually. Seems like a nice bloke, if maybe a bit... stern?” He tried the word out, uncertain if it was accurate. “Anyway, wouldn't want to piss 'im off... ”

Then, on delay, Briar's words about Gump being her eyes final clued him in. “My apologies, Briar. I didn't realize... How does he see for you?” Wil was genuinely interested.
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
“No they don't, ” she told him as she listened to him, giving a small nod before chuckling and leaning forward on her desk some, “He is...also just a bit, stiff but you didn't hear it from me, ” she whispered, her tone playful at that, “But he is very good at his work too and there is a kindness under all that, stiffness, ” she said as she'd felt it while interacting with him on the job.

Leaning back into her seat, “Please don't be normally takes a bit for new people to notice or even figure out but from the sounds is you use your hands a lot to gesture and I didn't want to appear rude, ” she explained to him, “As I said, Gump is my familiar. He is apart of me and my magic and is linked to me. We can communicate telepathically and he tells me everything that's around me as fast as possible- depending on the situation. He is only a brat when its not serious, ” she joked, a smile on her face as she scriffed him again, “Curious on how I do my work? ” she asked curiously since some were and some weren't; she was happy either way.
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Wil nodded and was about to draw his thumb and forefinger across his lips in the universal gesture for 'I-Will-Not-Say-A-Word', then stopped himself. With a roll of his eyes at his own idiocy, he solemnly said, “I shall not tell a soul.”

He listened intently as she elaborated on the connection she had with the little owl and chuckled when she mentioned he could be a brat, but only when it wasn't on-the-clock.

“It sounds like you're lucky to have one another.” Wil shrugged a little. “Curious? Sure, but no pressure, you know?” He wasn't introducing himself expecting people to perform.
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
This time, Gump was kind enough to tell her the hand motion he made. It had her smiling since it was such a natural thing to do, “Thanks, I like going out in the field...he might stop me if he heard my sas, ” she joked with a grin.

She held her hand out and Gump hopped in her palm and she cupped him tenderly in her touch, “Him, again but I've also developed a sense. Like I could feel your steps before you even walked into the room, so when I do a spell I rely on touch and feeling the area around me- also runes but this little guy is key to all my success right now. Until I get my eyes back, he tells me where to go, ” she said as the owl all but swooned at the praises.

Gump was apart of her and without him, she'd be lost until she remade him.

The owl flew from her hands, resting on her shoulder, “Have you ever seen a witch at work before? ”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
“I can't imagine him denying you field experience,” Wil replied. “He needs someone out there, after all.”

As he watched Gump and listened to Briar, he learned at least two things: One, without the little owl, she wouldn't be able to 'see' and Two, she expected to be able to see properly again. He thought the first would be potentially stressful for her, given the owl's vulnerability to harm. It must be a constant concern should an encounter go pear-shaped.

The second was just incredible to even consider possible. Would it be a spell to heal her sight or would she actually acquire new, physical eyes? Wil wasn't going to ask.

“No,” he replied. “I have never seen a witch at work before.” He'd seen the results of a few spells and such, but never the casting or however it was done.
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
“True and there are only so many of us here when he needs a little...magical assistance, ” still, she didn't want to push her luck with anything.

Hearing him say he never had seen a witch work, she decided to go with something very simple and turned in her chair as she got up and went to the back of her little office. She had no problems navigating; he would notice that she was only wearing stockings to cover her feet and no shoes at the moment as she found the drawer she needed.

It took a moment as she pulled out an innocent old nokia cellphone. With that in hand, she returned to the desk to set that down while plucking a rather innocent looking metal collapsable cup up. It didn't look special but the little grin on her face spoke otherwise as she went to the mini fridge and pulled out a small bottle of water and brought that all back to her desk.

Sitting down, she laid out a towel and placed the nokia down on it. “Watch, ” she told him as she didn't even have to look to Gump who flew right over to settle on the towel now as well. She took the cup and pushed a little extra umph into it before letting a few drops of now shimmering water pour over the device.

It took just a moment, the device cracking at first before it started to crumble apart like a jenga tower. Pieces broke off and fell away, the casing popped off like a poppit while the insides mechanical components fell away and made a pile of metal, plastic, and other materials on the towel.

“What do you think? ”

Briar Cinder 5 passes; used Charm
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
As she stood and wandered to another part of her office, Wil realized the sweater he'd thought she was wearing was actually a sweater dress and the bottom portion hugged her body just as nicely as the top. She wasn't wearing any shoes, though, just stockings. She appreciated comfort. He could work with that.

He watched closely, eyes flicking from her face to the old mobile, cup and water she placed on the table. As she had no difficulty navigating, Wil figured she had her office mapped out and wondered if she needed anything to assist her when moving about the city. Gump must go with her, he decided.

He nodded and watched, eyes widening as the mobile fell apart. Grinning, he said. “I think the phone company is going to be after you, love. That was brilliant.”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Briar felt his eyes on her when she moved around; a normal sensation to her honestly but she still felt a little warmth trickle up to her ears as she settled in once more.

A little chuckle left her at that, cheeks pinkening now all over again as her head bowed. “Thank you. It's all because of this, I put a rune in this cup, and when I fill it with water and pour it over something it will unmake it. Nonliving things, It couldn't hurt you or I, ” she told him as she held her hand out and poured the water over her skin to prove her point; nothing happened. Other than her skin getting wet.

She set the cup down, Gump flying off to get a hand towel and then flapping it back to her and dropped it on her shoulder, “Thank you, ” she told the owl as she dried her hands before delicately folding it to set it off to the set. The broken apart phone though would be carefully gathered and dropped into the bin next to herself.

“That though is just a small bit of what we do here. We also enchant items for people here at the exchange; have you ever had a magical object? ” she asked curiously.
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Gump was a very thoughtful bird and it was increasingly apparent Briar and the little owl had a very close bond. Wil didn't want to think of them being apart.

Not that she could see him, but as she tidied away the telephone bits, Wil pursed his lips and tilted his head to one side slightly, looking at the cup. “Really? Is this rune drawn inside? I... don't see anything on the outside, but that doesn't mean there's nothing there. Or is it a physical rune that you dropped into the water and it dissolved or... something?” He didn't know very much about how magic worked, just that it did. Except, of course, when it didn't.

To her question, he replied, “A few, little things, 'you-don't-see-me' bottle caps and the like. Nothing major.”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
“I carved the run inside the cup at four corners. Its useful for when you need something undone in a pinch. If it was a physical rune, I'd need to drop one in every time I used it and that is just a waste of time honestly if you're working fast, ” she told him honestly as she neatly folded the towel and set it aside.

Nothing major.


“Do you have something that you want to be enchanted? My afternoon is free and I'd love to introduce you to the intricacies of it further so you can be more comfortable with magic when it crops up on the field.”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
“Ah, I see, of course, that makes sense.” And it did. Efficient use of time and energy, a valuable thing to remember in this business. Wil blinked a few times when she offered to enchant something of his, surprised she would have room in her schedule.

“That's very generous of you,” he said, trying to think of something on his person that would benefit from being enchanted. Naturally, just about anything could fit into that category, but he didn't want to waste her time.

“I don't know what I have that... What do other agents have enchanted?”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Briar gave a little nod to that before her hand lifted and she waved it, “It helps both of us. Practice is always useful for someone like myself and you could always use something I imagine, ” she told him as she leaned bak a little in her chair.

“Many things...I've recently made a silencer far more silent for a gun for an agent I go out with often...I've done shoes for silence...hmm glasses. It depends on where you lean. What is something that you use often? ”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
That was a very good question. What did he use often? A gun, sure, and shoes, yes, those made sense, especially since he was an agent of the Exchange now and ran marathons as a hobby, respectively. He would also, doubtless, do some running as an agent, too, so the shoes were edging out the gun in priority.

Then he had an idea. “My mobile,” he said. “Does your magic work on technology? Other than, you know...” Wil gestured toward the waste bin he couldn't see from where he was sitting and the telephone parts it now contained.
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
His mobile, that was unique, she'd not done something with that before. Leaning back, she thought it over for a moment, her finger tapping the desk.

“It does, in a way. Magic is unique and reacts differently with technology- normally it's a conduit I use to pull energy from myself. Anything else? Mainly for curiosities sake. ”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
For a fleeting instant, he was going to say something about how she had already worked her magic on him, but decided that was more flirting than was appropriate for a first meeting.

“I was just thinking... some sort of spell so I wouldn't lose my phone, but... ” Wil shrugged. “My keys, for the same reason and...” He looked down. “Uh...I do a lot of running so my shoes... yeah...” He looked up at Briar and smiled, even though she couldn't see him. “Sorry, I could go on and... and probably have... gone on... long enough. Yeah.”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
“Please don't apologize for going on when I asked you to, ” she told him with a little chuckle, unable to keep the dimple filled smile off of her face as she thought for a moment about what ingredients she had and what she might be able to make for him.

He seemed to lose things often but she did not have tracking magic.

“What is your weapon of choice, Wil? Gun, knife, or something else? ”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
His weapon of choice? The song my Fatboy Slim came immediately to mind, because of course it did, and how Christopher Walken danced around a hotel in the video. That wouldn't help him answer Briar's question, but now he had an earworm with which to contend, probably for the rest of the day.

“Well, I s'pose I use both a lot, but I'll go with my gun.” Like a responsible person, he had it secured in a holster, which was hanging from his belt rather than stuck muzzle-first in his jeans at his lower back. People who did that were just asking for their arse to be blown off.

Wil pulled it free of the holster, double-checked that the safety was on and gently placed the gun on Briar's desk. “My weapon of choice is a SIG Sauer P320,” he said.

It was a high-quality, semi-automatic used by many police around the world, including the UK. He had one just like it in a safety deposit box back in London, choosing not to bring it with him. It wasn't worth the paperwork and hassle when he knew he could purchase another this side of the pond. Something he'd done the day after his experience in the subway with a shifter named Evan and the bathing beauties from Hell.
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Briar smiled a bit, her head bobbing a bit as she hear him rustling about a bit until she heard a familiar sliding of metal out of leather before the sound of metal resting on wood. Reaching for it, she carefully moved her hands over the metal. A good weapon honestly.

“Semi automatic...a good solid weapon. How's your grip on it? Solid I imagine? ” she inquired curiously. It may come as a shock to him but she knew guns; or was very familiar with them because of her own family. They practiced with them and she had until she lost her sight but that didn't mean she couldn't disassemble and reassemble a gun fast.

“Lefty or righty? ”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
“Pretty solid, yeah,” he replied. He usually wore gloves when he thought he'd probably be pulling his weapon as it tended to irritate his skin a little. It was no big deal

It wasn't shocking that Briar was familiar with guns, as he figured weaons and weapons safety would be important training for an Exchange agent, whether they frequently used one or not. They were dangerous if you didn't know what you were doing. Though she was blind, she could still use it to defend herself, if nothing else, and a small bird would assist.

“I'm right-handed,” he said, smiling. “Though I can shoot with my left, if need be.”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Briar bobbed her head at that, mulling it over some as he spoke, a brow raised up in a bit of surprise at hearing that.

“Really? How is your left handed aim and strength? Does it feel awkward or unbalanced? ” Briar asked him curiously as she was mulling it all over for the moment, thinking of what she could make. Something to balance out his shooting hands might work.
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Wil gave himself a moment to contemplate how he used his gun in his left hand. His eyes lost focus briefly as his memory provided the answer.

“Stability,” he replied. He looked at Briar, aware she couldn't see him, but knowing she would be able to tell that he was speaking to her rather than going through his text messages during their conversation or some other equally rude activity.

“My aim is alright, but I need to brace my wrist with my right hand or, if its injured, I use my right arm as a brace.” Wil shrugged. “That or I borrow the back of a chair or summat.”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
The gears were rolling in her head, thinking for a moment as she held her hand out to him.

“May I hold your left wrist please and then the right- also do you wear or like bracelets? Not girly ones of course but bracelets in general. ” she asked him curiously as she was thinking of a pair of bracer bracelets to help him with his stability. To share one wrists strength with the other but she had to think on that still.
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Wil raised his eyebrows a little about the bracelet question, but held out both wrists to her, the left one being closer than the other. When she was ready, he would move the right wrist closer.

“I guess I'm fine with bracelets, s'long as they're easy to get on and off.” He smiled. “Never been asked that question before.”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Briar dragged her fingers along his wrists, her hands tracing his skin down to his pointer fingers as her head nodded.

“What I am thinking is making a set of bracer like bracelets for you. You know how in archery, the archer wears a special glove? Something like that that I have put through a ritual to make it so your left fires exactly as your right so long as you're wearing the gloves- sound good? ”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
He nodded when she mentioned archery, understanding the principle behind the gloves, but now he wasn't sure if Briar was talking about gloves or bracelets or bracers for him, as she had used all three words.

Remembering that nodding was not the most helpful response under the circumstances, Wil said, “Yes, I know what you mean, and anything would be fine, I think. I do wear gloves when I know I could be using my gun. Maybe that would help... ?” His gloves were in his desk just one floor down.
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
“Oh gloves would actually be perfect and if they're your own it would make that a lot easier than me having to work a material into something that will fit just you perfectly. ” she told him with a relaxed smile.

“I'm sorry I went around the bush there...ideas sort of bounce around while trying to settle on the best thing. Rituals...they are particular so I bounce a few things around and your mention of gloves makes it perfect, ” Briar told him, explaining her thinking process.
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Wil smiled and stood. “Oh, no, I get it. S'fine. I'll just... pop downstairs and be right back.” Addressing the tiny owl, he added, “See you in a bit.”

He did not race down the stairs, but took them at a safe pace. He crossed to his desk, opened the second drawer down and pulled out a pair of sturdy but stylish gloves made of thin, black leather. They fit him like a second skin. Closing the drawer with his knee, he ascended the stairs and entered Briar's office.

Wil resumed his seat and placed the gloves in front of her. “There you go.”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Briar hummed a little, she was walking around her office now pulling out a few things; namely magnetic metals she had gotten from the ground. She was planning on using mimic for this, so she dug through drawers and felt through them while Wil went off to get the gloves. Like in nature, balance was going to be key, so she was aiming for that.

She knew the gloves would be the focus and around them, she was going to place two magnetic chunks of iron, a live beetle with a dead one(those were in a glass jar), she had a vial of burnt ash and water tied together, and then lastly a tooth from a carnivore and an herbivore. That should do it.

Briar put all her items on a carrying tray, feeling for her chalk but dropping it as he came in.

“Ah, perfect- could you pick that up for me, please? ” she asked him as she felt for her ritual knife to place on the tray.
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Wil had noticed the chalk on the floor and had been about to leave his chair to pick it up, but he hesitated. Waiting for Briar to ask for assistance rather than assuming she needed it made more sense. When she did, he scooted forward and dropped to one knee, collecting the chalk between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand.

He checked to make sure his head was not under the edge of a table before he straightened and placed the chalk on the tray. Again, he nearly said something but refrained. She would be able to hear the chalk go on the tray and didn't need him to state the obvious.

W: I put it on the tray for you.
B: Oh, thanks, I never would have figured that out.

Wil crossed to his chair but didn't sit again immediately. It was part waiting to see if he could be useful and part spending time wiggling his fingers at Gump.
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Briar heard him move and the gentle sound of chalk being placed on wood.

Gump would hop off his little perch and then hop closer to his fingers. With his tiny beak he gave light nibbles at him. The little owl was a playful soul, so this didn't bother him in the least as he played a bit with Wil's fingers.

“Gump you cheeky thing, don't try and eat his fingers, ” she said with a laugh. She went to her desk and felt for the gloves and placed them on her tray, “Shall we? We don't have enough space for this in my office as I thought, ” Briar told him as she slipped on her flat shoes as her hand found her cane and used that while Gump hopped on Wil.

Seems her familiar found him a good person.
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
The little owl was playing with him and Wil couldn't recall when he had met such an adorable and friendly creature.

“Nah, he won't eat my fingers...” Briar indicated she would have to perform the spell elsewhere and as he picked up his gun and holstered it, he was surprised when Gump decided to ride on his hand.

Laughing, he said to the owl, “Look at you! I'm honored, Sir Gump.”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Gump settled on Wil's hand as Briar had to settle for her cane because that bird was a cheeky devil. “That's because he's too nice, ” she teased as she would lead him out of her office.

She tapped a button on the wall that closed her door for her.

“You my friend are going to give him a big head, ” Briar playfully teased as she lead them to the elevator. She had this place mentally mapped so she knew where everything was so long as no one moved things. “So, have you ever seen a ritual performed? ”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Wil raised his hand higher so he could look at Gump and at where he was going.

“I'm sure he has bad days, just like everyone, yeah?” He followed Briar into the hall and looked to the little owl to see if he had an answer. Wil was good with animals. Sometimes he could swear they were actually speaking to him and that he understood what they were saying, which was crazy talk, of course.

While they waited for the elevator, he replied to Briar. “A few? Seems ritual methods vary from person to person though, so I don't assume I know what's going to happen.”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
“He does but when those happens, he likes to ignore me and hide in his little owlry I had made for him. His own little office tucked in my office until we go home, ” she told him with a little smile as the owls head bobbed a bit. Gump flew slightly, landing on Wil's shoulder, the bird barely weighing anything as he rested there.

When it dinged, she slowly stepped inside it, feeling for the buttons until she pressed the bottom floor. She planned to take them outside where they'd not cause damage inside the building.

“Smart. This one should be nothing too wild but as with all rituals, no matter how skilled the arcanist is, they can go wrong. That happens well, don't try and put yourself in harms way, okay? I'm not in the mood for Mr. Crowhurst to yell at me for hurting one of his agents, ” she told him with a playful smirk.
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
Wil grinned when the little owl decided to relocate to his shoulder. Such a tiny life and a very smart bird.

They entered the elevator and as it rode down, Wil said, “I promise to do my best not to get in the way of any ritual spells, whether they go pear-shaped or not.” He winced a bit at the image of the Inquisitor yelling loud enough to make Wil's hair fly back from the pressure of his voice, as if he were caught in a wind tunnel. Not a pretty scenario.
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Nodding her head, “Good, very good. I do enjoy Mr. Crowhursts company but I do not want to incite his wrath on you or I...that man gives off the air that he could be terrifying, ” Briar joked with a light hearted tone.

In truth she really did not want to upset the man in the slightest.

When the elevator opened, she would walk out with him, her cane skimming the floor as she turned to the familiar path to head out the back of the building. “I also do not want you to get hurt...if my being blind says anything, it can take just as easily as it can give. ”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
“Yeah, terrifying,” Wil murmured as he followed Briar into the back area.

He glanced at Gump, then focused on the young woman, when she spoke about being blind, and tried to process what she had said. How had she lost her sight? Was it due to a spell gone wrong?

It can take just as easily as it can give...

“Is... Is that what happened? A ritual took your sight?”
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Gump hooted very softly as he flew up to sit on Wil's head. The owl enjoyed this, Briar wasn't as tall as Wil so it was a whole new vantage point for the owl.

“Yes. My cousin- she purposefully interrupted and made me fail at a ritual I was performing for my father and her interruption caused it to steal my eyesight. I used to be able to see until I was eight...nine years old? I'm working to be able to regain my eyesight since magic took it I'm on the assumption magic can fix it. ” Briar told him as she lead him out to an open space.

She moved her cane around some, feeling the area a bit as she hummed a little thinking. “I think this should be good- and if it does fail and destroy your gloves, I'll replace them. ”
Wil Carter Offline
Tylwyth Teg Half-Blood
He was not sure what to say when Briar shared the cause of her blindness. He shouldn't have asked, probably. She didn't seem to dwell on it, though, and focused on the upcoming ritual.

Then he had an owl on his head. Of all the things he could have anticipated would happen on this particular day, having a sweet bird as a hat was not one of them.

Wil's eyes rolled up, even though he could not see Gump.

“Comfy?” he asked politely with a grin.

He looked back to Briar. “Don't worry about the gloves. If they don't survive, I'll get new ones.” She should not have to foot the bill.
Briar Grimshaw Offline
Arcanist Human
Gump hooted very softly as he nestled into his hair for a moment while Briar let her cane fall to the ground as she placed the tray down onto the ground.

Pulling out hoop pieces from her bag, she connected them into a perfect circle before placed it down on the cement surface. That was the easiest first step and once it landed on the ground it made a heavy thud that rumbled the ground they were standing on.

She smiled at that, feeling that vibration through her feet. “That was a good feeling. ”

Briar Cinder 4 passes/Complete success
Prt 1 of ritual pass (Circle)

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