- A dedicated affiliates section on your index (front page), not in a forum description or hidden in a modal.
- Whether you choose a static or scrolling affiliate spot, our button should be placed similarly.
- Your button must be 88x31.
- We check affiliates regularly. If your site appears to be inactive (roughly two months or more of zero activity) we remove it.
- We accept any genre of RP or site in our affiliates.
Partner/Sister sites should only be supernatural and/or fantasy sites, and ideally urban fantasy. A Partner button will be added soon.
We have 3 spots open for affiliates.
Three's Button Code:
<a href="https://threeonamatch.net/" target="_blank"><img src="https://i1.lensdump.com/i/EnpwR9.png" title="Three on a Match: Modern fantasy/supernatural RP"></a>