Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Palest of shadows - Silas's Plotter

Silas Grimshaw Offline
Mundane Inactive
The Basics
Silas is something of an oddity in this technologically driven world. With a general appearance of somebody out of the 19th century, one glance alone might just paint a picture of that. And it wouldn't be a far off conclusion to draw.

He lives on a farm. He's only just acquired a cell phone recently. And he tends to horses for a living. It isn't as if he's opposed to a more modern lifestyle. A rural existence is simply all he's really ever been able to experience.

Only somewhat recently has he been trying to push himself out of his comfort zone and learn more about the world - and its people - around him.

As someone who lived most of his life as a sheltered outcast, Silas is anxious around most people. However, he is far from impossible to befriend. Those who show kindness and charity towards both him and other people will ultimately end up on his good side. This goes doubly so for animal lovers.

While he isn't one to be outwardly antagonistic to anybody, Silas will greatly dislike bullies and those who are cruel, particularly to those who are helpless. He isn't one for gossip and it would take a lot for him to physically lash out, but if cornered and pushed past his limits he might just have to fight back, albeit feebly.

Silas is very attracted to women but incredibly shy and awkward about it. His unconventional looks will probably put most off at first, too. However, one who can look past the man's strangeness and quirks will find him to be very sweet and romantic. He isn't actively seeking romance, mainly due to low self-esteem, but is open for one if he were to find the right person.

Feel absolutely free to tag Nyami in Discord (that's me!) if you are interested in plotting! Alternatively, if you don't use Discord, you are welcome to send a PM!

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