Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Solstice Ritual
Northrop National Park 

10:00 PM
Camping in the Woods
Thursday, December 21st, 2023
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cinder 4 passes (including 2 6s). - Ritual Component: Sound
- Cameron singing - Very good quality component.

Juniper managed to speak, despite his awareness of her snacking. It was impressive, but the young tended not to think they would choke if they talked with food in their mouths. One of those 'invulnerability' moments he remembered well when he was her age.

“Aye,” he replied with a nod, looking into the fire. He'd need to add more wood before he started the ritual, as the fire was his source of energy. “T'was his favourite whisky. Nowt that ye would know, but this is auld. Glenfiddich 12 Year Auld Single Malt Scotch Whisky. No' an every day indulgence.”

It was time for the final component before he added his blood to the ritual. This would be Sound and he was going to do something he'd never done for a ritual before: he was going to sing. There would be no musical accompaniment; this wasn't karaoke. He would sing straight and true, to his own rhythm for as long as he thought he needed to capture the sound. It was composed and performed by a band formed in Scotland, though the members were from Northern Ireland. Cam had many, many songs to choose from that his father had always enjoyed, but this one seemed appropriate.

“I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder, louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say...”

The crackle of the fire was his only accompaniment, along with his breathing. If there were any quavers in his voice during the song, it wouldn't negatively affect the ritual. When he was done, he would capture the sound with a handkerchief that had belonged to his grandfather, fold it over twice and place it beside the other four components.

Cam would give himself a few moments in the quiet of the Solstice, staring at the fire, his breaths puffing small clouds in the cold, winter night.
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
His dad's kilt, his dad's whiskey... Cam was right to say June wouldn't recognize the brand or the significance of the 'single malt', any of it. But between these two items, and the family photo, she was starting to piece together a story in her head.

Then the man started singing. Without accompaniment, it took the girl a few stanzas before she recognized the song, and with everything else in mind, it sounded like a lament.

While the man sang, she stopped rummaging, and just listened, wondering, trying to make sense of it all. When the tune faded away, the tiger was quiet, hearing the fire crackling, watching the man's breath puff in the air.

“Cam...” she wondered softly. “Are you doing this... Like, is your dad... Was he the senechal before you?”
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
He swallowed, took a deep breath in through his nose and let it out again, slowly, through his mouth. Lifting both hands to his face, he used his palms to rub over his skin to remove some of the sweat and tears, before he stood, letting his arms drop to his sides. Turning to face Juniper, he quietly replied, “Aye. That he was.”
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
“Ah,” Juniper breathed softly, suddenly feeling like the sound of her teeth crunching granola was too loud for such a tender moment. She didn't see Cam's tears, but she could smell them, smell the grief rolling off him. She knew not to ask if Cam's father was just retired. This is not how a man acted when his father was simply retired.

“I'm sorry, Cam.” she murmured, swallowing and brushing crumbs off her fingers. It seemed very irreverent to keep pilfering his food now. She put the bag aside and rested her hands on her knees, watching the man to see what he would do next. Instinct told her to try and offer comfort--she wasn't good at that, but if there was anything she'd learned from Max, it was that hugs did tend to help, at least a little.
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cam stood very still, the fire at his back, and watched as Juniper connected a few dots which might have previously been eluding her. He'd noted she was smart back at the haunted farmhouse during Halloween as well as fearless and... different, somehow. Young and practically vibrating with an energy many people never seemed capable of generating. He'd figure it out, eventually. Maybe he'd just ask her and see if she even knew...

The young woman actually stopped eating and fidgeting, directing her attention to him. Cam was unaware if this level of focus was difficult for her or not, but it hardly mattered. She was being respectful and sympathetic and he'd be a fool if he didn't appreciate some level of empathy at this moment. He knew he hadn't processed everything regarding his father's death and his rather hasty pursuit of the killer and what he had processed was sparse and a bit of a jumble.

“Thank ye,” he almost whispered, not really trusting his voice at the moment, which was ridiculous. He wasn't a child. He was a grown man who was more than capable of keeping it together, especially during an important ritual, especially in front of someone who wasn't family and didn't need his shit dumped on her.

Not sure how to best proceed with Juniper, he slowly crossed to her and knelt on one knee before her. Cam wanted her comfortable if she was going to stay for the remainder of the ritual. Looking into her eyes, he gave her a weak smile. “I apologize, Juney. I'm a wee bit of a mess rrright noo...”
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
Shifting her legs to sit on her knees as Cam crossed the space between them, she brought their eyes more or less level as he knelt. This moment had shades of awkwardness in that she wasn't more than twenty and was only just getting to know Cam, but sometimes you couldn't control what you uncovered in the course of conversation. This was an unhappy moment.

The girl, because she was a girl, tried to look on with some measure of stoicism. She thought of all the ways the people in her life had borne her emotions, and although she was still struggling with the natural self-centeredness of youth, she tried to mirror that for Cam. She let her sympathy show, dark eyes soft, brows furrowed.

“I guess it was pretty recent, huh?” she asked, reaching out to offer her hand to the man. If he took it, she'd squeeze it firmly, harder than her slender fingers let on.
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cam looked down at her offered hand and pressed his lips together, working on maintaining control. Aside from not wanting to alarm Juniper, and a preference not to be too vulnerable in front of someone - That boat has probably sailed, laddie... - he really needed to complete the ritual and finally bond with 'Agatha'. It was important for his role as Steward that he and the sword become as one, as it were.

It sounded a bit like a marriage when he thought about it like that, but in a way, it wasn't far off.

Taking her hand, he looked up to meet the young woman's eyes again and said, “Aye, recent enough. Last summer, more or less. 'Tis why I'm here...”

And loook how much progress ye've made with that...?

Cam cleared his throat. “Anyway...”
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
Cinder Fear, 5 passes, exceptional success Contested
Cinder Synergy, complete success, lowered threshold by 1 on next roll

Juniper dropped her other hand over Cam's, squeezed it, but didn't hold it more than felt appropriate. The eye contact, however, was a different story--he found her gaze and held it, and she stilled. She was listening, her expression still marked with sympathy, but maintained eye contact.

She couldn't help it, the feline part of her brain stirring and disliking what it saw as a challenge. Magic prickled up her spine, infusing her stare with a little more predatory intensity than she intended. That side of her seemed to think Cam needed a push to get out of his pall.

Dropping her hands, she nodded to his 'anyway'. “Yeah, let's make it happen. Well, let's you make it happen. There's no turning back now, Cam.”
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cinder Contested 5 passes vs. 5, success
Cinder 5 w/ synergy bonus - lowered threshold by 1 on next roll

There was a tension to her that he couldn't identify. His first thought was that he had said or done something inappropriate, but he failed to identify what that might have been. He sensed... something, but didn't pay it much attention. There was so much else to address. Perhaps the magic was just making her nervous.

“I couldna turn back noo, even if I wanted too,” he said. Cam looked up at the night sky and judged he would be able to finish with hours to spare. Looking back to Juniper, he added, “I'm ready noo fer the last stages of the bonding, Juney. I dinna want ye to be alarrrmed. If... If it'd make ye feel betterrr, watching it closerrr so ye underrrstand what I'm doing, that'd be fine.”

With a nod, Cam crossed to the pile of wood he had collected near the tent and pulled a few branches free. He walked back to the fire and carefully placed the branches atop the burning shape he had made of the base. It was up to Juniper if she wanted to move closer.
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
Fortunately, Cam broke eye contact first, and Juniper exhaled softly. Usually, she could stuff the beastly parts of her down deep inside, but there were some things that always tickled her brain. Eye contact was one of them--it took that much more effort to overcome the instinct to stare a person down.

Otherwise, she'd been quite comfortable, awash with questions and thoughts for Cam. She grinned crookedly when he offered her a closer look, so she wouldn't be alarmed, but didn't say anything about it. In her personal opinion, the man was projecting--he was, after all, on the cusp of something quite meaningful. It made sense he'd be nervous and perhaps, a little alarmed.

She didn't say anything to that effect though, comfortable in her Gen-Z style psychoanalysis. Getting up as Cam did, she followed him to the wood pile and followed suit. Pulling a few logs out of the pile with relative ease, she tailed the arcanist back to his fire, holding an armful of wood.

“How big d'you want the fire?” she asked, eying the log structure and meaning to be helpful. The magic would pull a lot of energy, wouldn't it? Bigger had to be better.
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
It was thoughtful of the young woman to collect some wood and join him at the fire. He appreciated that she wanted to help, but since there wasn't much she could do in that regard, not with the ritual, then prepping the power source was one area that was safe.

“As big as I can get it,” Cam replied, his smile slightly lopsided as he murmured, “Size can matter when it comes to rrrituals...” He set his final piece of wood in place and took a few more from Juniper's collection, adding it to finish the structure to his satisfaction. He stepped back. “That should do it. Um... just put the rrrest of the wood outside the circle, please, just... over therrre,” he said, directing her to a spot beyond one of the runes about ninety degrees to the front of the tent. He followed her, stepped outside the circle as well and faced the fire.

After a glance at the night sky, Cam knelt, his back remaining straight. Watching the flames, he started to undo the buttons on his flannel shirt.
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
Juniper dropped the wood down where Cam indicated--neatly, so no stray branches went tumbling across his runes--and then decided to seat herself top the small stack. It was uneven, but the logs slotted together well enough to make it sturdy.

Cam knelt before the fire, and she sat up straight as well, attentive. There was a great deal more ritual to this than she'd ever seen before. With Em and Billy, it seemed more like they were performing experiments--but it made sense. This was clearly some kind of bonding spell, with more pomp and circumstance.

Cam started to undo his shirt and Juniper looked on, unbothered by partial nudity. Being naked in the woods was part and parcel of what she was. Instead, she just looked on, watchful and quiet.
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cam was not concerned about removing his shirt in front of Juniper. He was certain she would have seen a man in only jeans and boots at the beach or, more likely, wearing even less. It was the Winter Solstice, however, and Massachusetts would never be mistaken for Florida.

He removed his shirt, doing his best to ignore the cold, and folded the flannel once before placing it on the ground beside him. Cam had several tattoos. Not all of them were exposed and it was dark, except for the fire, but what Juniper might notice was a Celtic knot circling his right bicep in dark blue ink. It would show up well against his fair skin, but the ink would probably read as black.

The writing tattooed on the inside of his left forearm was probably too small to read, but the most prominent mark that would be difficult to miss was on his back.

The design was simple. It was a scabbard, in black ink, running down to the right of his spine. Perhaps someday, Cam would return to the talented artist in Glasgow to have colour and more detail applied. For now, it was sufficient and served an important purpose.

He raised his right arm and reached back over his shoulder, placing his hand on the drawn hilt and pulling a sword from the sheath. This was the weapon to which he needed to bond. This was Fear-Glèidhidh Creidimh or 'Faithkeeper'.

This was Agatha.

The sword of the MacKinlay Steward had the authentic details of a Celtic sword of Auld. It had a leaf-shaped blade about forty-six or so inches long, forged from high quality iron and steel. The hilt was crafted from the rich, polished wood of an unknown tree in the Fae Kingdom, with solid brass accents on the guard and pommel. It was decorated with Fae white gold on the hilt in the shape of a crescent moon.

She was a magnificent example of Fae craftsmanship and magic. To those who could discern such things, the sword probably reaked of Otherness.
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
Cinder Detect Magic, 3 passes, complete success

Cam had to be the most well-built wizard Juniper had ever seen. She hadn't expected him to be pudgy, not at all, but he was actually muscular, which was a departure from the norm. A pleasant one, too--she didn't care what Max or Mathus looked like naked, but she studiously looked away from Cam's chest, following his hands instead.

She was immediately distracted when the air filled with the tickling sensation of magic. The ripples washed around her, potent and inhuman, quite unlike the pale strictures of the ritualists she knew. The tiger shivered, and then reached up to pinch her nose, to stop herself from sneezing. It didn't work, and she sneezed hard into the cup of her hand as Cam withdrew the sword from seemingly nowhere.

Sneezing a few more times, quietly, she looked away, blinking tears from her eyes. She wasn't allergic to magic, but it pulled at her, like ethereal air currents tugging on a cat's whiskers. It took her a few moments to adjust to the sensation and the low vibration slowly eased, letting her take a breath.

All of that, on top of the marvel that was drawing the sword out of nothing. It had to come from somewhere, Juniper knew, but already Cam was showing an impressive use of magic she'd never seen before. She looked back at him with an owlish expression, watching the fire glint on the fine steel.
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cinder 6 passes (Thank you, Juniper, for your assist!)
- Ritual Conclusion - Exceptional Success!

Cam was aware, on some level, that Juniper was sneezing. Repeatedly. He hoped she wasn't catching a cold, but was in no position to express any concern or offer her some tissues. He was focused on the sword as, he figured, anyone in their right mind would be at this point of the ritual.

Taking a moment to appreciate the workmanship, the age, the history and the foreign quality of a Fae creation exposed to the air and sky and moon of a Human world, Cam placed it reverently inside the circle, next to the five components. Sitting back on his heels, he stared at the fire as it continued to grow before reaching for the small wooded scabbard looped on his belt. He withdrew his Sgian Dubh, a knife about four and a half inches long that was a traditional item in Scotland. This one had no magic.

Cam held his left hand in front of him at chest height. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before dragging the blade across the palm of his hand. Setting the knife on the ground beside his shirt, he extended his left arm, level with the ground, over the circle's edge, so his hand was clearly within its boundaries. Then, he squeezed it. Hard.

Drops of his blood smacked softly into the cold dirt. The fire grumbled and abruptly shot higher than the nearest trees, the tip of the flame appearing as if it wanted to kiss the moon. The ground beneath the site trembled. Cam quickly pulled his hand back, ignoring the blood on his palm as the flames of his previously humble, Earthly fire started to spin within themselves. They retracted back from their incredible stretch until level with the Scot. He watched them and waited.

The flames suddenly spread outward, a circle larger than the one he had drawn, engulfing the components and the sword, the rune stones and Cameron himself.
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
The familiar scent of blood teased at her nose, and Juniper stilled, watching Cam with the unnatural attention of a wary cat. The blood, a black liquid in the firelight, glimmered as it dripped from his palm onto the cool dirt and there was a moment of breathless anticipation before the magic took hold.

On a scale of one to ten of magic, from a cursed sooty explosion to the splendor of watching someone trap lighting in a bottle, this ranked up there for Juniper The flames took on a life of their own, the wood crackling as it turned into a pillar of light that reached for the stars. Juniper leaned back on the little pile of logs, watching the tongues of flame shoot above the treetops. She hoped that wouldn't draw any attention, but she had no more time to think about it as the light engulfed the circle.

Pupils pinning, she held up a hand to shield her eyes, but otherwise didn't move. She was glad to be outside the ritual circle, as always, but it didn't frighten her like it used to. Living with a wizard had been a good dose of exposure therapy. Now, she just looked out for Cam's form within the glow, wondering tensely if the ritual had gone as he intended or if she'd sadly just find a smear on the ground when it ended.
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Fortunately, the ritual had been completed successfully and Cam was not an unrecognizable mass of charred and pulped human parts.

The campfire had returned to the level of a regular campfire. The stones were still in place, but of the five components, there was no sign, not even ashes. It was as if they had never been present. The sword lay on the ground outside the circle, the large blade glinting by the light of the flames. It might appear, briefly, that the sword was emitting a light of its own, with the source not being the moon in this world but of a moon in another place. A blink and it would be gone, leaving the observer to wonder if they had seen it at all.

Cameron lay still on his stomach, his head to one side and in profile with the ground, outside of the circle, or rather, where a circle had been. Other than the stones, the average hiker would see no indication anything unusual had occurred in this place. To those who could sense magic, no sign of it remained. If he had been conscious and stretched his left arm, Cam could have grasped the hilt of the sword. Instead, he just lay there, apparently motionless at first glance, on the cold ground of the Winter Solstice in the midst of the East Coast wilderness.

A perfectly normal place to find someone half-naked and unconscious. Some of his tattoos would be more apparent now, such as the sheath drawn in black ink along the side of his spine. His jeans were his only warmth, except for the fire, and dirt graced the fabric where he'd knelt. There were smudges of dirt on his skin, too, from where his body had been thrown by the ritual fire.
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
The heat abated and Juniper blinked the light spots from her eyes. Looking up, she took in the scene and quickly stood, a shot of worry flickering through her. Cam appeared to be out cold--she could still hear his heartbeat, so she didn't rush over to him immediately, but looked around at the surrounding woods warily.

She couldn't believe he was going to do this alone. Doing a ritual that might knock him out when there was a potential of these dangerous fae coming to call sounded risky as hell. After visually taking in their surroundings, from the tent, to the quiet woods, to the crackling campfire, she scampered over to Cam's prone form.

She caught sight of the sword, but knowing that was special to him, she kept her hands off it. Now she got a full view of the tattoo on his back, taking in the shape of a sheathe and realizing the ink must be enchanted to hold the sword. Very cool, but not important. She reached down to hold her palm in front of his face, to see if he was breathing, before carefully turning him over. What the hell were the first aid steps again? Max had tried to teach her but she'd goofed off through the whole conversation.

“Cam,” she called softly. thinking that maybe she should elevate his feet. Moving at an inhuman pace, she nipped back to the pile she'd sat on, grabbing one of the logs so she could return and shove it under his ankles. “Cam, c'mon, buddy,” she muttered, tense. “Don't wanna talk to any fae myself if they show up. I don't even like answering the door for pizza.”
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human

He didn't respond to the voice. It was familiar, but he couldn't quite -

“Cam, ye've got an anxious girl at yer side,” the voice continued. “Now be a good lad and tell her ye'll be fine.”

He turned his head, or thought he did, and looked groggily at -


His father sat near him, but not within reach, for some reason. The sword lay on the ground between them, untouched. The older man smiled. “Welcome t' the club, Cameron. 'Tis verra exclusive.” He smiled at the joke, as they both knew few people would want to have a membership to such a group.

“Wha' -”

Another voice drifted into his awareness.

“...I don't even like answering the door for pizza...”

His father looked upon him fondly, the campfire tracing shapes on his dead face. “Cam, help the lass oot...”

Cam's eyes snapped open and he jerked in place, turning his head too quickly to locate his father, who wasn't anywhere he could see. Only Juniper was at his side. He turned his blue-green eyes to focus on the young woman.

“Ye're here,” he said, his voice sounding hoarse, as if he'd been yelling for an hour.
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
Cam jerked and Juniper flinched back as she propped his feet up, having no warning of his return to consciousness. She wondered, briefly, if his unconsciousness had been magically induced, but he was talking, seemingly surprised to see her, and she scowled. There was no heat in it, just her normal expression.

“Yeah, dude,” she said, a little incredulous. She huffed a laugh, baring her teeth in a grin. “You were knocked out. Are you good, man? You said the fae might show up.”
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
His unconsciousness might have been magically induced to protect him, but he had no way of knowing. He had a headache, regardless, and possibly a mild concussion.

He was briefly confused by her reaction and decided to clarify or try to, anyway.

“Nae, I thought ye would be here,” he said. “Fer just a moment, my... my father was here, too, but I dinna see him noo.”

Cam sat up enough to rest the weight of his upper body on his forearms, setting them level with the ground just behind his hips. “So, ye're here, but he isna here.” He could only hope his first words to her after the ritual made sense now.

He noticed the log under his ankles then and wondered if it was something you did when a person was unconscious. Cam did a quick mental flip through his internal First Aid Manual, but didn't notice it. Perhaps he should have paid more attention all those years ago rather than trying to get a piece of fresh grass, pressed between two fingers, to whistle when he blew against it. He recalled it had sounded more like a fart than a whistle.

Cam returned to the present and the drumming in his head when Juniper mentioned the Fae. He paused, forming his words carefully.

“They might hae been already,” he replied, still sounding like a six-pack-a-day smoker. “If they hae been, they may hae left something, to honour the... the bond the MacKinlays hae wit them.”
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
As Cam explained, Juniper bobbed her head repeatedly until he finished speaking. Her eyes widened a little when he mentioned his father had been there, and her lips parted, the girl brimming with questions. After seeing the emotional toll his father's death had had on him, she was curious, and perhaps a little worried--visits from the dead were always a big deal, weren't they?

Cam moved them along, though, addressing her question about the fae, and she quieted down. As he said they must've already been by, the tiger shook her head, grinning crookedly. “Don't think so,” she replied, low and confident. “It's only been a few seconds, and I think I would've noticed if someone had come around.”
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cam nodded absently, too many things going through his head to get them properly sorted. He sighed, removed his ankles from the log and rolled onto his side long enough to sit up. Pulling his knees up, he curled into them until his chest touched the denim. Gentle stretch.

“They can be verra sneaky, but if ye dinna see anywoon, then chances are they hae no' made a visit.” Maybe the Fey wouldn't come, though he understood from his father and grandfather - and writings in the Steward journal - that either the individuals directly involved with the Clans in this endeavor to save the world from the Darkness or a relation to them would make an appearance once the new sénéchal had completed the bonding ritual with the designated sword.

Sometimes they attended the funeral for the previous bearer. Cam didn't know if any had been there for his father's or not. He had other things on his mind at the time.
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
Juniper pulled a knowing face as they talked about the fae, a scowl to show that she had plenty of experience with sneaky fae. “Oh, yeah, I know all about that,” she mumbled, mostly to herself. But if they weren't going to visit, they weren't going to visit. She didn't know the significance, so to her mind, the fewer fae the better.

Cam moved, removing his feet from the log, and Juniper shuffled back to give him space. She stayed sitting on her ankles, resting her hands on her knees as she watched the man stretch. “So, did it work or whatever?” She gestured to the sword lying a little ways off now.
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cam gave her a broad smile. “Oh, aye, it worked,” he said, not wanting to think otherwise. There was no reason for it not to have worked. In one move, he made a quick lean back to his right to grasp the hilt and returned to sit, cross-legged this time. Apparently, he had very good core muscles to manage that stretch. He held the sword in front of him, the tip pointing to the night sky. It was alien and familiar, Fae and his own. It scared the hell out of him, while simultaneously becoming one of his best friends.

Such was the nature of being a friend of the Fae, too.

Still gazing at the blade, he asked, “So, ye've encountered the Fae, then?”
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
The tiger grinned at the news, genuinely happy for the wizard. She watched him stretch for the sword, her eyes drawn to the way the blade seemed to shine with something unearthly. If she were to open her senses to it, she was sure it would be too much to bear, and she'd start sneezing again, so the girl tucked her chin and kept her distance.

As Cam went on, she snickered. “Yeah. a pixie kept trying to steal my shoes. Gave me hell for a few months,” she shared with a crooked grin. “I pissed her off 'cause she was trying to steal something else from me while she was kissin' me and I snapped at her about it.”
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cam blinked and slid his gaze to the young woman.

“Ye kissed a pixie?” If his voice sounded a bit incredulous, that would be an accurate reflection of his surprise. “I hae soo many questions, Juney.”

Cam lowered his sword - his sword, now - and laid it on the ground to his left, left hand still on the hilt. He faced Juniper properly, shifting just enough to remain cross-legged, but able to look at her directly. Amusement quirked at the corners of his lips as he resumed speaking.

“Pixies fixate on whatever, so her interest in yer shoes owlmoost doesna matter. Though... were yer shoes verra interesting?” He tried to think what else a young woman like Juniper might carry on her person that would attract a pixie, but they could be a little chaotic, so it was difficult to tell most of the time.
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
Cam's incredulous response just made Juniper's grin brighten, and she laughed. The sound eased a bit of the tension from the ritual out of her shoulders. As she admired the blade glimmering in the firelight, she wanted to insist that everyone made mistakes, that if she'd had the chance to go back she wouldn't kiss the damn pixie again, especially since it was, so far, her only kiss, but he went on.

The man seemed to know what he was talking about and June took him at his word, considering he was the one with the fae sword and she wasn't. When he settled on his first question out of purported 'so man', she shrugged. “Nah, look at this shit.” With a laugh, she lifted her foot, showing off her ratty old second-hand Converse. Planting her foot again, Juniper went on, “She was just pissed at me cuz I caught her stealing. We were playing a collecting game at a festival a few years ago and she tried to take my baubles.”
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cam pretended to regard her shoe with interest. “Hmmm... I hear its owl the rayge with da kidzz...” He grinned at his ridiculous attempt at sounding like he was 'hip'. “But seriously, no' a goood idea to play games with the Fae, any Fae. Gaining their interest is no' advisable. I hae n' choice.”

Those words had barely left his lips when he saw movement behind the tent. A curious woodland animal? Cam dismissed that idea instantly upon catching just a glimpse of the creature. It looked to be a black horse, but the head was very narrow, the legs were very long and it was, quite possibly, the size of an SUV, if the movements of the branches behind where he had sprinkled herbs earlier was any indication. As it became more visible, the eyes of the 'horse' registered. They were wider than side plates and drew back along the side of the head about the length of his forearm. Black and deep, he discovered it would be wise not to look at them for too long.

Instead, he jogged his eyes to take in the rider, for there was someone atop this incredible 'horse'. It was a woman, very tall astride the beast. Her legs must be quite long as the one he could see reached just over the side of her mount's back. She was resplendent in a long, flowing gown of spun silver and moonshine, but not the moon of the human world, so it looked... off in this solstice light. Ethereal. There was no saddle apparent or any reins, but she did hold a very long riding crop. He couldn't tell from where he sat by the fire, but he hoped it wasn't wrapped with human skin.

He lifted his eyes to her face, because it was expected as part of acknowledging her presence. She was pale, with long, black hair, beautiful and terrifying. Her smile made him itch to pick up the sword in self-defense, but he managed to curb the urge. It would only lead to trouble. Her eyes, though, were... kind. As frightening as her appearance and that of her mount, as frightening as her smile was, as if pinned there from a collection of expressions, she was not here to threaten anyone.

That didn't mean they were safe.

Unsure how much Juniper was aware of their new circumstances, though quite certain she was aware, he murmured to her as he rearranged his position into one where he knelt on one knee, head bowed.

“Juniper, listen closely. Kneel as I do, dinna loook at the horse's eyes too much and dinna loook at the Fae unless spoken to. D'ye understand?”
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
Juniper snickered as Cam tried out a bit of slang. It didn't fit on him, but she wasn't in the mood to razz him about it. Maybe later--and besides, now he was giving her warnings about the Fae. The tiger's mouth pulled into a thin line, not at him, but at the warning, and at the end, she simply shrugged her narrow shoulders.

She wasn't particularly impressed with the Fae, despite all the warnings about their immense power. The Courts did seem to have some pull, but overall, to a girl who was practically invincible, they were just another monster that either got out of her way or suffered the consequences. There was nothing quite like the bullheaded pride of youth.

In any case, Juniper's tone changed from nonchalance to astonishment quite rapidly when the Fae finally appeared. She heard the creature's approach before Cam saw it, and turned to gaze in that direction. It resolved itself to her sharp eyes against the darkness, and the tiger stilled, staring, pupils pinning. She immediately didn't like the look of it. It was a strange horse, too long, out of proportion, like it'd come through a warped fun-house mirror.

The woman atop it had the same ethereal, otherworldly quality--far outmatching Ekho's pixie dust. Her expression was not friendly but it wasn't hostile either. It was terrible, and awe-inspiring. So, this was a true Fae...

Hackles up, Juniper scooted around to face the woman as Cam settled into a kneeling position. She didn't like that for herself, but she also thought she was somewhat irrelevant to the whole situation--like, why would the Fae need her kneeling? She wasn't the seneschal. That line of logic informed the young tiger's decision to stand and back up out of the way, giving Cam prominence while he murmured his warning. “Aight, sure, s'long as she doesn't do anything fucky,” she whispered. She didn't kneel, but she did follow the man's advice about not looking at the horse--she hardly wanted to peer into a horse's soul. The woman, though...

Expression tense, almost stern, Juniper didn't hesitate to snatch glances at her face, taking in her ethereal beauty and wondering what all the fuss was about.
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Juniper whispered a brief reply to his instructions for a safe encounter with the Fae and did nothing he asked of her. Of course. Cam sighed and whispered, “I doobt she'll be so inclined... jus' keep the heid.” Whether she heard him or not, he didn't know, but really, in the larger scheme of things, it hardly mattered. The Fae was here because of him, because of the ritual, and with any luck, would not pay much or any attention to the young woman in his company.

He did not know this one, at least, not that he could remember. It wasn't a case of all Fae looking the same to humans, because they didn't, not at all. Cam thought they would send someone fairly high up the chain of command without feeling the need to show any particular favour by having someone close to the Court actually appear. He doubted their association with the Clans was particularly high on their 'To Do' list. Had this one been charged with the duty or had they volunteered out of curiosity?

Feasgar math, he began, lifting his head to look at the woman again, settling on a spot just to the left of her face. Fàilte, oan this nicht, Oidhche nan Seachd Suipearan.

Formal, yes, it was expected.

Tha an deas-ghnàth soirbheachail.

The Fae remained silent. Cam took a moment to slide his gaze to look at her properly. She stared back at him, a shuddering, crazed thrum going through him as she did. Then her eyes flicked to where he assumed Juniper had retreated in an effort to remain small and not of interest. The Fae lingered there and her smile slid into something that indicated a more focused attention.


“Whit's this?” Her voice was soft, like distant bells, but so penetrating Cam would be surprised if he and Juniper didn't have a lingering headache once this was over.

“A lass that means nae badness,” he replied, reverting to something more likely for Juniper to understand.

Chan e sin a dh’ fhaighnich mi. The tone remained the same, but Cam decided to make a stand.

Cha bhi a h-ainm ort, he said politely but firmly, then translated  so Juniper would understand. “Ye willna hae her name.”

Translation - Jus' keep the heid. - Just keep your head.
Translation - Feasgar math - Good evening.
Translation - Fàilte - Welcome.
Translation - Oan this nicht - On this night
Translation - Oidhche nan Seachd Suipearan - The Night of the Seven Suppers (Winter Solstice).
Translation - Whit's this? - Who is this?
Translation - A lass that means nae badness - A girl who means no harm.
Translation - Chan e sin a dh’ fhaighnich mi. - That is not what I asked.
Translation - Cha bhi a h-ainm ort. - You won't have her name.
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
Behind him, Juniper nodded. Of course she could keep her head, if that's what he meant. It seemed likely, the words almost English to her ear. She didn't say anymore as Cam launched into a dialogue she had no hope of understanding. She did listen, though, her head tipped down and her sharp eye on the Fae. She took in the woman's otherworldly appearance until her attention her beastly half lurch in discomfort, a shiver running down her spine.

It made the tiger think it would be more comfortable to shift, to show strength, but the more rational side of her knew that the Fae were tricky. She would probably find a way to use that to her advantage, whatever alien thing that might be. The less she knew the better, a notion Cam solidified as he spoke in English. The Fae wanted her name? She knew better than to give that to something like her. Juniper bared her teeth in solidarity with Cam's sentiment, a low growl thrumming in the very bottom of her chest. The Fae would be better off moving on, getting back to business with her Seneschal.
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cam hoped his face didn't show any reaction when he thought he heard a soft growl coming from the direction of Juniper. Was she growling? That's what they needed right now: the young woman drawing further attention to herself - or maybe it was a wild animal joining the mix. He couldn't determine what was going on unless he turned his head and he was damned if he would take his eyes off the Fae. Oddly enough, Cam recalled that some said carrying Juniper berries could ward off the Fae. He doubted the name would cause the same result, but he found in interesting, regardless.

The rider finally slid her gaze back to him. Her expression was one of amused tolerance, which was neither a good sign nor a bad sign. It just was.

Fìor dheagh, she said and seemed to dismiss the previous direction of their conversation. Tha thu air ceangal soirbheachail leis a’ chlaidheamh. Cam nodded, once. He was not expected to speak at this point, since it was more of a statement than a question. Is tu Stiùbhard do chinnidh, is tu Seneschal.

Sabaididh mi an Dorchadas. Cumaidh mi an solas, he said. It was the traditional reply.

Tha fios agam gun dèan thu. That was not the traditional response. It should have been 'Chan urrainn dhut ach feuchainn.'

Cam tried to determine what the rider was intending to mean by this, since a deviation from the ritual's aftermath was on no record he remembered reading, and the Fae never explained themselves. He wasn't sure what to say, so he opted to remain silent.

Bheir thu buaidh, she continued. Was she referring to finding his father's killer, and possibly defeating him or bringing him to Justice? Or was she referring to the endless battle with the Dark Forces? When did his life become some sort of supernatural soap opera?

Thigibh thugam, she added tersely, a different smile suddenly pinned to her face. Cam decided not to think about her expression too much and stood, walking as calmly toward the Fae as possible, fighting the impulse to run, and paused a few feet away from her huge mount. Do làmh. He held out his left hand. Swiftly, before he even realized what was happening, her left hand took hold of his, as a snake might strike its prey.

Cam made a small sound, not unlike the word 'oh', but not the word 'oh', as his hand was snapped back at the wrist.

Translation - fìor dheagh - very well.
Translation - tha thu air ceangal soirbheachail leis a’ chlaidheamh - You have successfully bonded with the sword.
Translation - Is tu Stiùbhard do chinnidh, is tu Seneschal - You are the steward of your clan, you are the Seneschal.
Translation - Sabaididh mi an dorchadas - I will fight the Darkness.
Translation - Cumaidh mi an solas - I will keep the Light.
Translation - Tha fios agam gun dèan thu - I know you will.
Translation - Chan urrainn dhut ach feuchainn - You can only try.
Translation - Bheir thu buaidh - You will prevail.
Translation - Thigibh thugam - Come to me.
Translation - Do làmh - Your hand.

Third on the Match Offline
Unknown Fae
Plants, Illusion, Air, Glamour, Heightened Strength. Immunity: Fear
The fae, once one knows to whether one is dealing with seelie, unseelie, or the Sluagh, and through that what manner of rules they abide by, can be simple to navigate. Fae who are curious about humans have their quirks, and should they take offense, their trickery might be painful, but not deadly. The fae of a more diabolic persuasion actively seek to harm and trick humans, carelessly cruel, even taking pleasure in it. Their rules are impossible games, difficult for humans to understand and endure, but some do.

The fae facing Cam and Juniper, so carelessly breaking Cam's wrist, has shown a level of disregard that only comes after insult if one is dealing with the supposed 'good' fae. One cannot know, of course, what manner of ancestral grudge this one might have against Cam's ilk, what his father or grandfather may have done to insult her. Regardless, her beauty no longer seems so ethereal in light of her harm, her moonspun gown barely moving at the casual display of violence. Her beauty is now sharp as a knife, dangerous, and likely to cut.
Juniper Gray Offline
Tiger Shifter
Juniper Strike 5vsDC3, hit
Juniper Cinder Attunement Partial failure
Fae Strike 3vsDC4, miss

Cam seemed afraid. Juniper didn't need to understand the language to see that the human was uncertain--the smell of him, the galloping sound of his heartbeat, the hesitation in his voice. Something didn't seem quite right for a man who'd been expecting this meeting. And the fae, well... She wasn't doing herself any favors either.

Still, the constant refrain in her mind was to practice patience. Watchfulness. Juniper had a bad habit of thinking she was invincible; a natural consequence of having a powerful healing factor since the tender age of four, and a monstrous transformation that could overturn semis. But, she was older now, and she'd been watching her betters in the Exchange. They were strong too, but... careful.

So, although she wanted to tell Cam to back off, to snarl and spit and growl at this strange woman, she left the man to his business. He knew better, she assumed. Arms folding across her chest, the tiger watched unblinkingly as he approached the fae and her huge horse, a quiet anticipation sparking at the base of her spine. It made goosebumps spill over her shoulders, her muscles tensing with readiness.

She wasn't expecting anything, honestly. Not even when the fae's smile changed--she just didn't know how these damned faeries thought, except that they had rules upon rules upon rules, according to Mr. Crowhurst. So, when she heard Cam's wrist break, the bones grinding and cracking, followed by his soft sound of surprise, she was surprised as well.

However, she was not surprised into inaction. Rules upon rules upon rules, and eyes popping wide, Juniper quickly thought over the interaction. The woman had just violated the second hospitium rule, if they'd been established at all, so what was this ratchet fae bitch on about now?

It didn't matter anymore. Juniper made a split second decision--she'd seen enough to know that hesitation might cost Cam his life. “You just broke the rules, bitch,” she declared. With a tinge of red creeping into her vision, the tiger moved forward in a blur, breaking into a sprint that crossed the short distance between her and the mounted fae in less than a second.

Heartbeat skyrocketing, she felt herself strain against her own skin, but leapt with an animal snarl, sailing past Cam's head, and slamming into the fae woman in the saddle with the force of a speeding truck. There was the sound of a wet impact, Juniper neatly dispelling that ethereal facade as the woman took her from the saddle and into the underbrush beyond.

They landed with the tiger on top. Bones cracked and skin bruised. But the fae was strong, even as Juniper crushed her arms around her middle. Twisting in the tiger's grip, she clawed at her face, but before she could get any purchase, Juniper bit her, human teeth sinking into pale, delicate skin. The fae screamed, and Juniper felt her beastly side sing with bloodlust.

Behind her, the huge horse stamped and reared, circling to defend its mistress. Juniper just barely yanked herself out of the way of its huge, dinner-plate sized hooves, rolling off the woman to leave her in the dirt, sweet fae blood dripping down her chin. For the best, she thought distantly. She didn't want to kill the woman, not really, although she wouldn't regret it if she did.

Juniper Luck 4/4
Fae Luck 3/4

Quick reference: Hospitium Rules
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Cameron Strike - Movement - grab hilt of sword, cross to Juiper. - 3 passes vs. DC3, success.
CHARM Lifts some earth between Juniper and the Fae, a thin barricade.
Fae Strike - Movement and Attack - Stand and send vines through the barricade of Dirt.
- 3 passes vs DC2, success.

Sometimes, things happened so quickly, it was like they ran on a different clock.

Cam knew, among many, many things not related to this situation, at least four important points that were pertinent.

First, his left wrist was probably broken.

As he rolled from where the Fae had dropped him toward his sword, he noted the second point, that the Fae had, potentially, trampled one of the Hospitium Rules: A guest will offer no harm to anyone in their host's home. Cam was uncertain if this campsite and the ring he had established around it constituted a 'home'. He understood what Juniper was implying, though. He only hoped, in the vast cosmic scheme of things, that it acctually counted.

Though still recovering from the ritual, injured, cold, tired and half-naked, he was able to summon a thin barrier of dirt between Juniper and the Fae. It was laughable as any sort of protection, but was meant to encourage the Fae - and Juniper - that it was time to step back. He doubted it would work, but he had to try.

The third point was Juniper's current state, physically and mentally. Cam reached her side and made a quick assessment. She seemed unharmed on the first and slightly crazed on the second. The blood around her mouth rather emphasized this conclusion. That she had jumped with the height and force of an enraged predator was something to deal with later.

The fourth and final point was the need to deescalate this encounter swiftly and completely, a feat of a very high order.

“Juniper,” he said, as calmly as possible, “take a step back -”

Several vines launched through the impromptu barrier, seeking a target.

Cameron - LUCK 3/4
Fae - LUCK 3/4

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