Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » October Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » September Update


Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Home and Away

Around 2am
Casi's place
Yuto Mochizuki Offline
Kirin Half-Blood

Yuto Cinder 7d6: 4 passes

Yuto stepped off the ship. He didn't really speak with his crew, that was what he had Louis for, but he had scribbled a note with basic instructions and a clear implied threat at the end for good measure. His crew was good, as far as he could tell without interacting with them personally, so it was probably pointless to add the threat.

Old habits though.

It was late, or early, the sky a black nothing that characterized the deep of the night. He made a few texts on his phone. One to his sister to let her know he'd just arrived and would see her tomorrow.

Another to Casi to let her know he'd made port and would be at her home soon. Then one to his ex-wife, making sure everything was still on track for later. It was hard to manage schedules and all since she was so far ahead time wise.

Getting into his car he started off toward Casi's place. He considered falling into his Lonely World for the drove but it was so late that the streets were blissfully empty. He didn't speed, taking the time alone to center himself pleasantly. The brief flash of lights as he passed under them had a calming rhythmic regularity.

He stopped the car and got out, placing his bag on top of the car while he fussed with his appearance a bit in the reflection. Then he pulled the phone out and sent one last text.

Here. Be at the door in a couple minutes.

He took his things and a slow deep breath, before turning and stepping into his World. The deep fog he entered left him in a cold and empty recreation of where he had just been. So many found the isolation suffocating but for Yuto it felt like this was the only place he could ever really take a true deep breath.

Yuto has entered the Lonely World
Casiphia de Moreton Offline
Vampire Undying

Casi was, to say the least, truly nervous for the first time in a good long while. Even though it was a video call, she still desired to make a good first impression on the young lad of Yuto's.

The woman had to have changed her clothes close to five times before settling on something nice and not over the top before fixing her hair and pinning it from her face. “This is fine. It is fine, nervous fuckin' nelly, ” she muttered to herself as she then heard her phone ping and she looked and saw it was Yuto.

That text made her smile as she pulled on her coat and got her bag before heading to her front door with excitement. She stepped out and looked around for Yuto but only saw his car. Blinking and then a smile tugged at her lips as her arms crossed, “Yuto...Watashi no ai(my love), where are you hiding? ” she called out softly, wondering if he was trying to spook her.
Yuto Mochizuki Offline
Kirin Half-Blood
Yuto stepped toward the door, weakening the integrity of his Lonely World to look out at the Real. He saw the door open and looked as Casiphia. A vision of elegant grace and beauty. Wearing a black outfit with a long sheer skirt that displayed her gorgeous legs through the thin material.

He moved toward her, watching her face and expression as she showed surprise and then slow dawning recognition at his absence. She called him her love and his chest ached for her. Moving close enough to whisper to her... he slipped past her into her home.

Turning he backed away down the entrance way, watching her the entire time. Once he was in her home he moved toward the kitchen and placed his surprise on the table. A box with a rather expensive gift inside. He didn't think the price tag would matter really, not to Casi... but the contents he hoped would delight her.

Reaching just past his own world, Yuto rapped his knuckles against the kitchen counter three times. A sound his paramour's exceptional hearing would surely catch. Then Yuto retreated once more into his world- watching with a soft mischevious grin for the vampire he pined for to discover his present.

Cantrip Break the Seal used
Casiphia de Moreton Offline
Vampire Undying
What games were Yuto playing with her, that Lonely of his made it rather tricky for her to even get a bead on him. Even as a vampire, it was a struggle to lock in on his scent or feel as she looked around outside for him. For the briefest of moments she swore that she felt him but then it was gone, her eyes closing for a moment to try and sense him when a thrice tapping inside her house sounded.

Oh, he was cheeky.

Smiling, she walked back inside after shutting the door as she walked with ease to her kitchen but stopped. A gift rested on her countertop now but there was no sign of him. Cheeky fucker.

“You're enjoying teasing me right now, ” she called out to him as she picked up the gift, her fingers tracing over the box tenderly before unwrapping it and a soft gasp leaving her as she carefully removed the egg. Opening it up, she was utterly delighted to see the ship inside it. Such a treat to see as she touched it, “Yuto...I love it, ” she said softly as she cradled it in her hands. Biting her lip for a moment, she immediately went up to her room where she kept her more precious pieces of her collection. Cradling her new egg, she opened a case that was beside her four poster elegant bed and removed a rather simple egg- her first one from her collection and placed the new one inside it open to display the ship.

Smiling happily at the sight as she then went to place the old egg into a group collection against her wall. “Yoto, come on out so I can properly thank you. ”
Yuto Mochizuki Offline
Kirin Half-Blood
Yuto watched with interest as Casi opened his gift. He admired her profile as she looked at it and delighted at seeing her smile once she found the ship inside the egg. He liked his ability. He liked being able to watch people, separate from the world around him in almost every sense. He enjoyed being able to just right up next to someone to see them without being judged or thought of as weird. He knew that terming it stalker behavior wasn't entirely wrong, but Yuto was also confident that if more people had his power and could- then a lot more people would take small chances to explore rooms or watch someone with the same such intensity. The fact that he was able to do so for someone he was realizing he had fallen in love with was a blessing.

Yuto walked behind Casi up the stairs, his own steps trailing her as they pushed aside the smoke that made up his Lonely World. Fog rather... his entire world was just fog... the walls seemed solid enough but he was learning they were less a separate space than a simple reflection of the space around... Ah, details when he should be focusing on her.

She adjusted her display to show off her new prize and Yuto took the opportunity to explore her bedroom a bit. He had never been in here before despite how easy it would have been. He moved around a little until she spoke to him again asking him to come out. With a smile he moved up behind her and stepped from his Lonely world to wrap his arms around her from the back. He took a small breath of her hair and kissed at her neck. “I am glad you like it.” he whispered.

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