Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » January Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » December Update

Early Winter

The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.

Monster Encounter Request

Third on the Match Offline
If you require a moderator, please post in this thread using the template provided. When you have posted, copy the post link and tag @admin in the Discord server's #mod-request channel. This guarantees that we will see it.

Do not edit your posts in this thread. If you have posted a different mod request and have a new one, make a new post.

This thread is for requesting monster encounters in threads only. Refer to the General Moderation Request thread for where to go for other mod request issues.

Encounter Request Template
[b]Request Type:[/b] Random or specific monster. If specific, provide a brief description and a name.
[b]Characters Involved:[/b] Which characters are involved.
[b]Characters' Reputations:[/b] The rank of reputation each character in the thread has, as this will affect the type of encounter.
[b]Location:[/b] Which forum is it taking place in.
[b]Link:[/b] If applicable.
[b]Thread/Post TL;DR:[/b] Include the time of day and specific location (inside/outside) and any other relevant information.

Sarah Silvers Offline
Arcanist Human
Request Type: Random monster
Characters Involved: Dallas Montana, Sarah Silvers
Characters' Reputations: Both Relative Unknowns
Location: Greater Easthaven
Link: Here
Thread/Post TL;DR: Sarah Mim and Dallas meet in the Apple Orchard. Too bad something else is there too. Hot spot of the Month.

Edit: √ Encounter generated.
Cookie Chiu Offline
Bal-Bal Undying
Request Type: Eventv encounter
Characters Involved: Cookie Chiu, Silas Grimshaw
Characters' Reputations: unknown
Location: Upper Fens
Thread/Post TL;DR: Silas is waving that magic ticket around like he WANTS to be found and Cookie is just trying to find a meal (Cookie may be an unreliable narrator)

Edit: √ Encounter generated.
Angela Dune Offline
Cursed Human
Request Type: Difficult encounter. Cultist henchmen, strong, equipped to identify and capture half-bloods.
Characters Involved: Angela Dune, Wil Carter
Characters' Reputations: Both Relative Unknowns
Location: Upper Fens, in a secluded alleyway of a strip mall, near Panera
Thread/Post TL;DR: Dune and Wil encountered a trio of men inside the Panera who are following them around. Dune and Wil are not currently aware of what they are or who they might be associated with, believing them to just be muggers. These men are also not certain if Wil is a half-blood or not, but they intend to capture him if so.

Edit: √ Encounter generated.
Gaius Merula Offline
Strix Undying
Request Type: Random monster.
Characters Involved: Gaius Merula and Laura Johnson
Characters' Reputations: Relative Unknown for both
Location: Newton
Thread/Post TL;DR: Early evening. They're in a Roman style park that was closed to visitors for the night. They're carrying food, looking for somewhere to sit.

Edit: √ Encounter generated.
Theo Crowhurst Offline
Cursed Human
Request Type: A mermaid-y siren.
Characters Involved: Theo Crowhurst and James Carter
Characters' Reputations:
  • Theo: Man About Town
  • Carter: Relative Unknown
Location: Greater Easthaven -> Industrial Park area
Thread/Post TL;DR: It is late evening/past midnight. The siren has been singing for some time, her MO being to lure drunks from the nearby shoreside bars along the strip of businesses just outside of the shipping compound. Theo and Carter have made a bit of a racket: Carter's car and loud music, the yelling. The Siren is aware they're there, but she is further down the docks. Theo is jogging to close the distance, miniature suns over his head, James is following behind him.

Edit: √ Encounter generated.
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human
Request Type: A Scottish Fae of No Known Name and her SUV Mount.
Characters Involved: Juniper and Cam.
Characters' Reputations: Both are Relatively Unknown.
Location: Northrop National Park.
Thread/Post TL;DR: It is approaching midnight on the Winter Solstice of 2023 Juniper and Cam and their visitors are outside, in the cold, under Earth's moonlight, in a partially cleared area with a tent and campfire. A sword-bonding ritual has just occurred. The sword is lying on the ground. The Fae has just grabbed Cam, broken his wrist as she pulled him to her, and is about to brand him with a 'tattoo' of sorts as a 'gift' regarding his Stewardship - using some sort of magic in her hand - which he will need to perform a ritual to unlock some Earth-oriented ability/spell/what-have-you at some later point.

This Fae has the potential to use Eath-oriented magic. For example: manipulate earth/use telekinesis on the soil, (geherate wall of dirt, upend someone where they stand), use a spell related to the earth (grow vines to hold someone et cetera), maybe partially transform into earth-related things (skin of a rock, skin or bark, Wonder Twins Activate!).

Thank you. Smile

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Max Kuryakin Offline
Wolf Shifter
Request Type: Barbarous Hotspot Encounter
Characters Involved: Emily Reyes and Max Kuryakin
Characters' Reputations: Em: Relative unknown. Max: Man About Town
Location: Barbarous
Link: Link to Thread
Thread/Post TL;DR: In the basement of the nightclub, investigating a fire.

Edit: √ Encounter generated.
Max Kuryakin Offline
Wolf Shifter
Request Type: Sheol Phase II Encounter
Characters Involved: Max & Mina
Characters' Reputations: Max: Man About Town, Mina: Relative Unknown
Location: Newton Subway
Link: Thread
Thread/Post TL;DR: Max and Mina are chatting, all alone in a subway car in the late evening.

Edit: √ Encounter generated.

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