Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Enchanted Item Creation Request

Third on the Match Offline
If you require a moderator, please post in this thread using the template below. When you have posted, copy the post link and tag @admin in the Discord server's #mod-request channel. This guarantees that we will see it.

Do not edit your posts in this thread. If you have posted a different mod request and have a new one, make a new post.

This thread is for the creation of enchanted items following rituals only. Refer to the General Moderation Request thread for where to go for other mod request issues.

Enchanted Item Requests
[b]Link:[/b] Link to the specific post where the Cinder roll was made.
[b]Name:[/b] The name of the magical item.
[b]Keyword(s):[/b] The keywords used in the ritual and any randomly added keywords thanks to non-human or tainted blood.
[b]Power Source:[/b] Which power source did the ritual use? Yourself or something else?
[b]Component Quality:[/b] Are the components Poor, Good, or Superb in quality?
[b]Description:[/b] General appearance of the object.
[b]Consumable?:[/b] Can it just be used once?
[b]Desired Effect:[/b] What the enchanted item does. There can be purely flavour effects and mechanical effects, which is anything that engages the Strike & Cinder system in terms of dice pools, Luck, and bonuses. Note - please do not suggest [i]specific[/i] mechanical bonuses here, just the effect you are looking for on the item.

Emily Reyes Offline
Arcanist Human
Link: Creation Thread (Extraordinary Success)
Name: Wild Shape Medallion
Keyword(s): Minor Shapeshifting, Growth
Power Source: Campfire
Component Quality:

Touch - Wolf Fur (good)
Taste - Moon Pie (average)
Sight - Crystal wolf carving (average)
Smell - Morning glory perfume (average)
Pumpkin charm (growth/reduce) (superb)

Description: A well-made woven bracelet with a small blank medallion strung on it. The runes for the spell are inscribed on the side of the medallion facing the skin. It doesn't look extraordinary, unless one looked at the inside. Simply a piece of pretty jewelry.

Consumable?: No.
Desired Effect: Turns the wearer into a wolf with the limitations inherent in the Minor Shapeshifting keyword. However, this wolf is notably larger, due to the Growth keyword. The wolf's pelt color is dependant on the user (or player). Clothes on the body and small items in pockets are folded into the change.
Third on the Match Offline

Wild Shape Medallion

Creation Thread

Quote:Keyword(s): Minor Shapeshifting, Growth
Power Source: Campfire
Component Quality:

Touch - Wolf Fur (good)
Taste - Moon Pie (average)
Sight - Crystal wolf carving (average)
Smell - Morning glory perfume (average)
Pumpkin charm (growth/reduce) (superb)

Description: A well-made woven bracelet with a small blank medallion strung on it. The runes for the spell are inscribed on the side of the medallion facing the skin. It doesn't look extraordinary, unless one looked at the inside. Simply a piece of pretty jewelry.

Approved Effects
The Wild Shape Medallion allows the user to transform into a large wolf. The wolf's pelt color is dependent on the user. Clothes on the body and small items in pockets are folded into the change.

With a successful Cinder activation roll, the user of the Wild Shape Medallion is able to turn into a large wolf. The user has an additional 1 Luck versus Strike rolls. This is a separate Luck pool from the base Luck pool and should be tracked as such. If the user's base Luck pool is drained, the Wild Shape Medallion's Luck is no longer valid.

If the user of the Medallion is knocked unconscious, they transform back into their original form.
Dalton Cessair Offline
Arcanist Human
Name: Agent Hansen's Jacket
Keyword(s): Light, Abidance
Power Source: Fully charged car battery
Component Quality:
Steel disk - Average
Dried sage - Average
Himalayan salt - Good
Gold thread - Good
Square of kevlar - Average
Description: Agent Hansen's jacket.
Consumable?: N/A
Desired Effect: A Light/Abidance conjured protective field, that sparks up when impacted with something to redirect or reduce potential damage. On impact, the field would shimmer with white-gold light around the user, and set off sparks if something physically hit it.
Third on the Match Offline

Agent Hansen's jacket

Creation Thread

Quote:Keyword(s): Light, Abidance
Power Source: Fresh car battery
Component Quality:
Steel disk - Average
Dried sage - Average
Himalayan salt - Good
Gold thread - Good
Square of kevlar - Average

Description: The jacket looks ordinary at a glance, but hidden under the lining of Agent Hansen's jacket is the enchantment giving it a little something extra. The enchantment is moderately safe from sunlight exposure, but it wont last forever.

Approved Effects
The jacket serves as sturdy protective layer over the user. It triggers when impacted with something to redirect or reduce potential damage. On impact, the jacket shimmers with white-gold light around the user, and set off sparks if hit physically.

The jacket has Luck 1 versus Strike and can take a hit in place of the wearer's Luck once per thread. It does not activate if the wearer is hit by Cinder.
Emily Reyes Offline
Arcanist Human
Link: Link. Complete success.

Name: Panacea Planter

Keyword(s): Healing, Plants

Power Source: Theo's miniature sun.

Component Quality:
Apple Seeds - Good
Planter - Average
Planting Soil - Good
Filtered Water - Good
Sunlight from an Extra Dwarf Star - Good

Description: A large, weathered terracotta planter, fit for a small tree or many small plants. Runes cover the rim of the planter, almost blending with the weathering, but shimmering when the plants are watered.

Consumable?: No.

Desired Effect: Any fruiting or edible plant planted in the planter grows healthy and strong, although often in miniature if it is a tree or other larger plant. They sprout according to their nature, whether they're annual or perennial, but at an accelerated rate. For example, if a plant like a tomato will grow in three months, this will grow it in one.

Any fruit produced by these plants has magical healing properties, able to cure things from headaches to the common cold. The plants can also heal minor injuries, but are only supplemental to major injuries. Medical care is still necessary.
Third on the Match Offline

Panacea Planter

Creation Thread

Quote:Keyword(s): Healing, Plants
Power Source: Theo's miniature sun.
Component Quality:
Apple Seeds - Good
Planter - Average
Planting Soil - Good
Filtered Water - Good
Sunlight from an Extra Dwarf Star - Good

Description: A large, weathered terracotta planter, fit for a small tree or many small plants. Runes cover the rim of the planter, almost blending with the weathering, but shimmering when the plants are watered.

Approved Effects
Any fruiting or edible plant planted in the planter grows healthy and strong, although often in miniature if it is a tree or other larger plant. They sprout according to their nature, whether they're annual or perennial, but at an accelerated rate. For example, if a plant like a tomato will grow in three months, this will grow it in one.

Any fruit produced by these plants has magical healing properties, able to cure things from headaches to the common cold. The plants can also heal minor injuries, but are only supplemental to major injuries. Medical care is still necessary.

Fruit, herbs, nuts, or vegetables produced in this planter restores 1 Luck when consumed. It has no mechanical effect if the eater already has full Luck.
Cam MacKinlay Offline
Arcanist Human


KEYWORD(S): Metal, Light



TASTE - His father's favourite whisky - Excellent quality component!
SIGHT - Family photograph - Average quality component.
SMELL - Dried heather - Average quality component.
TOUCH - MacKinlay Tartan - Good quality component.
SOUND - Cameron singing - Very good quality component.

FEAR-GLÈIDHIDH CREIDIMH OR 'FAITHKEEPER' - OR 'AGATHA' - This sword has the authentic details of a Celtic sword of Auld. It has a leaf-shaped blade forged from high quality iron and steel. The hilt is crafted from the rich, polished wood from an unknown tree in the Fae Kingdom, with solid brass accents on the guard and pommel. Each sword given by the Fae to a member of a Clan is a little different and is attuned to that particular family. The MacKinlay sword is decorated with Fae white gold on the hilt in the shape of a crescent moon and white gold thread running along the length of the studded, leather scabbard as shafts of light. Measurements: Total Length: 54.5 Inches; Blade Length: 46.5 Inches; Hilt Length: 10.75 Inches.

CONSUMABLE?: Hell, no.

DESIRED EFFECT: This ritual will bond Cameron to the sword, which he calls ‘Agatha’. As Seneschal – ‘Hereditary Steward’ – of the sword, known as Claidheamh Soluis – “Glaive of Light” – Cameron is the only person who can use the sword properly when it comes to accessing the magic. There are limitations of who can even use the sword as just a regular sword. Cameron has no problem using it.

All things being equal, the sword is in much better tune with him than it was with his father. It will not fight him when he tries to use it or delay activating its abilities when requested. The sword will provide light to the wielder and his companions upon the Seneschal’s request. The light can be directed to increase in intensity in order for him to see and in order to harm a creature of Darkness should it/they move within a certain radius of the sword. For Cameron, this can be as much as fifteen to twenty feet away. This light is, ostensibly, the light of the Fae Moon and creatures of Darkness are said not to be able to tolerate it, similar to the way a vampire cannot (usually) survive being exposed to sunlight.

The sword will exact more damage per slice/thrust than it did with Cameron’s father and more than a normal sword could be expected to do. The power is not unlike that of a two-handed Claymore or an early Medieval Scottish longsword, as if swung by a giant. For the wielder, it is not as heavy or as cumbersome as those examples and slices and dices with ease.

The sword can be used as a beacon, like a flare, to summon assistance.
Third on the Match Offline

Fear-Glèidhidh Creidimh

aka Faithkeeper or Agatha

Creation Thread

Quote:Keyword(s): Metal, Light
Power Source: Campfire
Component Quality:
TASTE - His father's favourite whisky - Excellent quality component! Extraordinary Success, Good Quality
SIGHT - Family photograph - Average quality component.
SMELL - Dried heather - Average quality component.
TOUCH - MacKinlay Tartan - Good quality component. Complete success, Average Quality
SOUND - Cameron singing - Very good quality component. Complete success, Average Quality

Description: FEAR-GLÈIDHIDH CREIDIMH OR 'FAITHKEEPER' - OR 'AGATHA' - This sword has the authentic details of a Celtic sword of Auld. It has a leaf-shaped blade forged from high quality iron and steel. The hilt is crafted from the rich, polished wood from an unknown tree in the Fae Kingdom, with solid brass accents on the guard and pommel. Each sword given by the Fae to a member of a Clan is a little different and is attuned to that particular family. The MacKinlay sword is decorated with Fae white gold on the hilt in the shape of a crescent moon and white gold thread running along the length of the studded, leather scabbard as shafts of light. Measurements: Total Length: 54.5 Inches; Blade Length: 46.5 Inches; Hilt Length: 10.75 Inches.

Approved Effects
This ritual will bond Cameron to the sword, which he calls ‘Agatha’. As Seneschal – ‘Hereditary Steward’ – of the sword, known as Claidheamh Soluis – “Glaive of Light” – Cameron is the only person who can use the sword properly when it comes to accessing the magic.

Others can use it as a regular sword.

All things being equal, the sword is in much better tune with him than it was with his father. It will not fight him when he tries to use it or delay activating its abilities when requested.

The sword will provide light to the wielder and his companions upon the Seneschal’s request. The light can be directed to increase in intensity in order for him to see. For Cameron, this can be as much as fifteen to twenty feet away of regular illumination.

Fear-Glèidhidh Creidimh is enchanted with the Light keyword. With a successful Cinder roll by Cam to activate its abilities, it can produce illumination in varying intensities, including True Sunlight.

The True Sunlight is effective within 10 feet, while he can cast regular illumination out 15 to 20 feet in order to see.

In order to deal 2 Luck damage with True Sunlight, Cam must succeed on a Strike roll vs the target's DC while True Sunlight is active.

True Sunlight in the Guidebook:

Quote:The second most pertinent effect of the sun is its effect on the Undying. In direct or indirect sunlight, they become sickly and weak as their eldritch magic struggles to keep them animated. Prolonged exposure will quickly destroy the bonds and thus destroy the Undying completely. After spending time in the sun, Undying must immediately ground themselves to refresh their magic.

Spirits are weakened by sunlight, often causing them to become transparent, near to fading, if they do not retreat back to their main haunts or into the safety of a vessel until nightfall.

Those with the ability to manipulate light have the potential to produce true sunlight in order to dispel magic or weaken undead, but only after a great deal of study and practice.

- Daylight always reduces an Undying's Strike pool to 4d6, regardless of the Undying having the Daywalker keyword.
- When an Undying is exposed to True Sunlight, wielded by a magic user, their Strike pool is reduced to 4d6.
- When an Undying is physically hit with True Sunlight, it removes 2 Luck.
- If the Undying has the Daywalker keyword, they can resist True Sunlight with a contested roll. A contested roll must be matched with equal or more passes than the attack roll (i.e. a contested roll versus 7 passes must be 7 passes or more).

Note: The sword does not yet have the Metal mechanics listed, nor the prohibition on others using it as a regular sword. Cam can do another ritual to achieve these effects if he so desires.
Markus Eldridge Offline
Arcanist Human
Link: Crossing into the Circle
Name: Belt of Protection
Keyword(s): Nullification, Shielding(unknown keyword)
Power Source: Fresh Car Battery
Component Quality: 2x Average, 3x Good
Description: A black leather belt made of high-quality leather with intricate sigils and runes carved into the backside.
Consumable?: No
Desired Effect: The belt is enchanted to protect Markus and those in close proximity from direct magical effects. Reacting automatically to arcane effects, the belt produces a transparent but nonpermeable bubble shield nullifying magic within the area and protecting those within. An adverse side-effect of the hard shield is if active long enough, the person(s) inside could suffocate.
Third on the Match Offline

Belt of Protection

Creation Thread

Quote:Keyword(s): Nullification, Shielding
Power Source: Fresh Car Battery
Component Quality:
Incense(Average Component)
Numbness, Complete success, average component
"Hint of Excitement", average component
Cotton balls, average component
Strip of leather, average component

Description: A black leather belt made of high-quality leather with intricate sigils and runes carved into the backside.

Approved Effects
Reacting automatically to arcane effects, the belt produces a transparent but nonpermeable bubble shield nullifying magic within the area and protecting those within. An adverse side-effect of the hard shield is if active long enough, the person(s) inside could suffocate.

It is large enough to act as a shield for the wearer, but another person must be close enough to hug for it to protect them as well.

The belt has Luck 1 versus Cinder and can take a hit in place of the wearer's Luck once per thread. It does not activate if the wearer is hit by Strike.

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