Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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She's got tickets to her own show - Asphodel's Plotter

Asphodel Malvolia Offline
Vampire Undying
The Basics
Asphodel is a five-hundred-year-old vampire who was killed and brought back to life by a curse in an Egyptian tomb. She considers the Egyptian deity Apopis to be something like her patron and her vampirism takes on many snake-like traits, from her narcotic saliva to her power of hypnosis.

She is gorgeous, stylish, prim, and incredibly full of herself. With good reason--she is highly competent, intelligent, and vicious, but her immortality and apparent invincibility have twisted it all into something malignant. Not quite a narcissist, as she has the ability to apologize and change her behavior, but with such a long view of time, she cares very little for others' emotions and consequences.

Asphodel works as the primary archivist for the Exchange, experimenting with, researching, and cataloging enchanted items that have come into the organization's care. In her off-hours, she spends time pursuing her hobbies, which include going to antique shows, collecting and reading books, and writing. She also enjoys betting on horse races at Easthaven Downs, and owns several horses that she stables at Stoddard.

True friends are few and far between and they are often only other immortals such as herself. The only person who has any easy access to her interior world is her sister Casiphia. She is, however, very much a creature of her word, with or without magical Oaths and she can be quite pleasant and friendly in a casual setting. It's just that few would consider her a friend and the feeling is mutual.

IC Connections
Casiphia de Moreton

Asphodel has a long list of enemies from centuries of living, many of whom she used all of her power and cunning to put into the ground. She does, however, meet her enemies with a vicious kind of civility, making interactions fun, if potentially deadly. One could say she thrives when she has an enemy to contend with.

Centuries ago, Asphodel fell in love, she never managed to fall back out. His name was Barnabas Crowhurst, he was a vampire hunter, and they fell in love over a years-long cat-and-mouse chase that they both knew would end in tragedy, but succumbed to it anyway. He did kill her in the end, but rather than destroy her, he sent her body into hibernation. By the time Asphodel woke up, he was long dead. Regardless, he'll always be first in her heart.

That said, she has fallen into lust and affection plenty of times since, bedding and marrying countless human men through the centuries. Being very affluent, she tends to be materially indulgent when in a relationship. She is also fairly physically demanding, often in the form of sex and feeding, as the two are inextricably linked for her. If you want a sugar momma, this vampire is the gal for you, but fair warning: she has earned the title of black widow several times over.

She prefers men, but if there's a feed on the table, she's not picky.

Past Connections
Barnabas Crowhurst [deceased]
Max Kuryakin

If you're interested in this lovely psycho lady, hit me up on Discord @sluggy for some plotting! <3

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