Three On A Match
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Let's fall in love for the night and forget in the morning - Dune's Plotter

Angela Dune Offline
Cursed Human
The Basics
Dune is a veteran of the Army Rangers air division, honorably discharged from the military for a career-ending injury. Having always seen herself as a life-long soldier, to the point that she imagined she would be killed in action, she still hasn't adjusted to civilian life or the fact that her left arm is destroyed. She has a darker side, a few bloodthirsty tendencies but hasn't yet sought much-needed therapy.

However, she has found fulfilling work as an Exchange agent, and despite her disordered view of herself, she is often the light of the room, warm, upbeat, and highly affectionate.

Despite being human, she is in the know, having worked with the Exchange and the supernatural while serving.

When she isn't working, she tends to be out on the town, as she loves drinking, dancing, and getting into mischief.

If you're not a jerk, you're her friend. That's it. Whether or not you feel the same way is irrelevant.

Dune is a profoundly affectionate person who loves making and getting to know friends. Although there are parts of her that she closes off to more casual friends, she's a real chatterbox who loves to tell and hear stories. Ask her for anything, and she's usually up for shenanigans. A group-oriented individual, she is always ready to close ranks with those she holds dear.

IC Connections
Algy Trevelyan
Max Kuryakin "Curry"
Theo Crowhurst "Boss"
Brooke Hansen "Brookie"
Sizi Ayad "Sizzle"
Gregory Renzo "'Zo"
Gaius Merula as just "Merula" the raven
Don Pickens
Tanaka Gokiburi
Juniper Gray
Fayette Tempest

Dune doesn't have anyone she can genuinely consider an enemy. To her, an 'enemy' is someone she will be eventually ordered to kill, and Dune follows orders without hesitation. She is happy to have friendly rivals, and there are people who piss her off, but she tends to avoid them in favor of the people who matter.

Yes, please. Dune is adventurous, open, a little dommy, and more than happy to experiment. She is not, however, looking for more than anything casual. 'Friends with benefits' is the name of the game.

IC Connections
Max Kuryakin
Sizi Ayad
Gregory Renzo
Sarah Silvers

Past Connections

If you're interested in plotting with Dune, hit me up on Discord @sluggy! <3

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