Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Home Near the Water

Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human

Home Near the Water : Billy's Tracker

Last Rank up 7/3/23

Thaumaturge (Novice) > Augur (Apprentice)

Participate in 3 Player-Run or Site Events 2/3
Magic Ability Instances

Use a cantrip, boon, charm, or level ability x10 5/10

Participate in Encounter Thread x3 0/3
  • Thread | _____ & Billy | Encounter Summary
  • Thread | _____ & Billy | Encounter Summary
  • Thread | _____ & Billy | Encounter Summary

One (1) thread involving a character challenging themselves or another person with their powerset.
  • Thread | _____ & Billy | Thread Summary

Fundamental Thread Prompts

Perform a ritual using an unorthodox power-source.
Scribe a spell in your spellbook
Create a Magical item or Obtain a familiar
  • Thread | _____ & Billy | Thread Summary
  • Thread | _____ & Billy | Thread Summary
  • Thread | _____ & Billy | Thread Summary

Overextend Thread Prompts

Experience the effects of Resonance
Perform a ritual with three or fewer components
Experience a ritual backfire
  • Thread | _____ & Billy | Thread Summary
  • Thread | _____ & Billy | Thread Summary
  • Thread | _____ & Billy | Thread Summary


Training Threads x1 0/1
  • Pending

Thread Utilizing Mundane Keyword x1 0/1
  • Pending

Thread Utilizing Mundane Keyword in an Encounter x1 0/1
  • Pending

Roll Strike with the desired skill x10 0/10
  • Pending


Training Threads x1 0/1
  • Pending

Thread Utilizing Mundane Keyword x1 0/1
  • Pending

Thread Utilizing Mundane Keyword in an Encounter x1 0/1
  • Pending

Roll Strike with the desired skill x10 0/10
  • Pending


Training Threads x1 0/1
  • Pending

Thread Utilizing Mundane Keyword x1 0/1
  • Pending

Thread Utilizing Mundane Keyword in an Encounter x1 0/1
  • Pending

Roll Strike with the desired skill x10 0/10
  • Pending
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human

In the Eyes of the City

  • Thread 1 - Description
  • Thread 2 - Description
  • Etc
  • Thread 1 - Description
  • Thread 2 - Description
  • Etc
What the Exchange Knows
  • Thread 1 - Description
  • Thread 2 - Description
  • Etc
What the Police Know
  • Thread 1 - Description
  • Thread 2 - Description
  • Etc
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human


  • Rowling The Familiar
    Description: A barred owl imbued with higher intelligence and a comprehensive understanding of the magics and arcane lore that Billy himself is aware of. This owl serves as Billy's Familiar

  • Scoob the Dog
    Keyword(s): Fear/Mutation
    Description: A cute young mutt with a limp.
    Effect: Scoob the Dog has a personal Cinder pool of 5d6 that can only be used for creating a Fear effect. Those it is used against can roll Cinder to resist, but if they fail, Scoob will appear to mutate into a frightening dog-beast only they can see.

  • Wardstones x0
    Keyword(s): Shielding
    Description: A smooth stone ideal for skipping across water. A single rune banded on its surface.
    Effect: A wardstone can be activated with a successful roll of 4d6 or the user's native Cinder pool, whichever is higher. Upon activation, the wardstone instantly creates a rectangular shield large enough to protect the person using the stone. The shield has 1 Luck; if it is expended, the wardstone is exhausted and reverts to a mundane stone.

    The shield is visible as an oily shimmer in the air but is transparent.

    With a successful Cinder roll, the wardstone can be deactivated without expending its Luck. Those without a Cinder pool cannot deactivate a wardstone.

    With an exceptional success, while performing this ritual (specifically the spell as written by Billy Broder), an arcanist can create up to three wardstones per spell. With a complete success, roll a 1d2 for the number of wardstones created.

  • Cloaking Band
    Keyword(s): Illusion
    Description: A band of metal too big to be a ring and too small to be a bracelet, easy to bend and doesn't fully connect to itself. However it would fit an owl's leg perfectly.
    Effect: When worn, the Cloaking Band allows the wearer to blend into the background and escape notice, either with camouflage, or by creating a distraction when spotted. Being a full illusion, this can target any of the five senses but has no effect on True Sight, or Third Eye. Likewise, the band cannot hide from magic-sensing abilities, in whatever way that might manifest.

    The effect can be bypassed with a successful Cinder roll, if the character performing the roll knows they are looking for an illusion or other magical trick.

  • Billy's Pistol
    Keyword(s): Partitioning
    Description: A Ruger Standard, runes and markings adorning the barrel and grip. Otherwise appears mundane.
    Effect: When fired, the bullets' kinetic force has been split and reduced, hitting their target with less force, reducing the likelihood of an impact penetrating skin and muscle. The partitioned kinetic force is expelled with the bullet casing and when the hammer pops the receiver out when the magazine is empty.

    ** As the runes and markings are on the outside of the revolver, Billy will need to repeat the ritual as the revolver experiences long-term exposure to sunlight over time, and the magic fades. This can be done without submitting another request.

    Billy's Pistol has become inert due to lack of use.

  • Seaweed Binding x0
    Keyword(s): Mutation, Plants, Growth
    Description: A tightly wrapped ball of seaweed. It smells strongly of brine. When thrown, the ball expands into a seaweed net to wrap around its target, trapping it. It is single-use and rots away a while after being thrown.
    Effect: On a successful Cinder roll, the Seaweed Bindings can be thrown at a target and expands to envelop and trap them. It will trap them for 3 posts unless they roll a successful Strike roll, which lets the target tear through or unravel the bindings and escape. After being thrown, it cannot be used again, but the ritual makes three of them. The Seaweed Bindings can work on any of the Paths, due to their magical (and salty) nature.

Collected Components
  • Cold in a Napkin - Average (Here)
  • Idea from two people - Good (Here)
  • Moonlit Cove Essence - Average (Here)
  • Essence of the Deep - Good (Here)
  • House of a Craftsman - Superb (Here)
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human


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