Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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It's hot, it's time to hit the beaches!

The Shepherd of Matins
Upper Fens 

20th of January
Third on the Match Offline
The Shepherd of Matins
Hypnosis, Empathy, Disorder
8d6 Cinder
7d6 Strike
6 Luck
The clock strikes three, past midnight. The witching hour begins. The street lights blaze above the paved streets, and in the Upper Fens they glow bright and well. The night is empty, with no brave souls risking the night.

Down the street comes a short man, seemingly cheerful enough to sing a quiet tune. His voice carries a whistling quality. His cloak is a roughspun wool dyed grey, in his hands he carries a shepherds crook and a lantern. If anyone dares to look past his cheerful visage, they will see that his hands are spindly and pale, near skeletal, the nails long and sharp. Inside his lantern, no flame dances, but looking at it will draw the watcher in, the swirling fog promising secrets untold to those who cannot resist the pull. He is drawn out by the enchanted ink adorning the tickets, in pursuit of the holder.

The Encounter can be in pursuit of an NPC or PC, the players can set the scene for themselves. If they choose NPCs, if the PCs do not drag them along with the chase, they will run away while the PCs distract the Shepherd. It will use magic to herd and chase the PCs where it wants them. It will attempt to ensnare them with its lantern first, but it will strike out with its shepherds crook if they prove wilful.

Remember, you cannot start the Encounter until there have been five or more posts by PCs. Take the time to set the scene for yourself.
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human

Billy leaned over and threw up.

He felt the spit in his mouth and waited a moment to make sure he finally got it all out.

After a moment he wiped his lips on the green sleeve of his coat and let out a long sigh. He wasn't a big drinker. Meeting some guy who promised him a good deal for some of the work he wanted for his new property... well the guy wanted Billy good and drunk before talking proper business. And it was some shady business. Not the guy Billy wanted renovating his new place. The wizard leaned his back against the cool wall and felt his head swim a bit, what alcohol he couldn't throw up was keeping him a bit tipsy, not something he enjoyed.

He wasn't sure how long he was in the alleyway but it wasn't until Rowling contacted him through their link that he finally looked up again. William. Enough of this. Billy glanced up and saw the outline of his owl above the alleyway. He shrugged and pulled himself together, finding the smell of his own throw up in the alley rather repulsive.

He stumbled out of the alley and immediately bumped into someone that seemed to be in a hurry. Billy all but spun around while the other guy took to a knee and cussed. “"Ah dang, I'm sorry man. Here-"” Billy started toward him to help the man up but the well dressed fellow was already up and turning his speed walk into a full run. For Billy's part he glanced down as some fancy ticket on the ground. Reaching down, Billy looked at the paper and silently cursing at how long it was taking his eyes to focus. Some gala or something. He glanced back up to note the guy wasn't coming back any time soon. Billy shrugged and put the ticket in his pocket. He'd hand it back if the guy turned heel to look for it.

Running a hand through his hair, Billy felt the cool air of the evening. “What time is it even?” he wondered allowed, unaware he had picked up a cursed ticket and become the new target for a distant figure.
Priya Offline
Dream Spirit

The man ran, disappearing around a corner, and a few heartbeats later, Priya came running down the street. Her footsteps were nearly soundless, her body lighter than air, but half-manifested like she was, she made just enough noise not to be too eerie.

With the man out of sight, the ghost slowed her pursuit and stopped just past Billy, looking forlornly down the street after him. The night had been going well--she hadn't had anything planned when met she met the nice man outside the gala and they started strolling together and chatting, but if she had, it would've fallen apart when he tried to put his arm around her. He'd asked her if she was cold, and offered his jacket.

She wasn't--and still wasn't despite her light dress--and of course, his arm had gone straight through her. Then, he started staring at her like he'd seen the devil himself. Priya assumed that the terrible experience of not being able to touch her had sent him running, unaware that there was something much worse on her heels. It would've stung either way though. He'd left her.

The ghost sighed and turned back to the man who'd emerged from the alleyway. He was talking to himself, but she offered him a sad smile, tears glimmering in her eyes, before tucking her dark hair behind one ear. Then she ducked her head, about to start back the way she'd come.
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
Billy ran a hand along his face.

It was too late for all of this and he was already worn ragged from the day. From the last few months really. He blinked a few times as a woman ran past him and stopped, her steps slowing until she was just... standing there. In a very pretty dress. Was she with the well dressed guy from before? Ooph, maybe Billy just caught the end of a nasty break up or something. The woman turned toward him, then looked down. She gave him a smile but she looked sad. He could see how watery her eyes were even as she started to walk back. Aw jeez.

Look, it wasn't his problem.

He should mind his own business.

He had his own troubles and was barely managing to deal with those.

He did NOT need to engage with someone just to add their bad day onto his own.

He wasn't going to.

“Hey there. You ok?” he asked, leaning down a bit so he could look her in the eye. He gave her a small smile in return that didn't look much happier than her own. All the same. He fished for a hankie or something in his pocket and came out with one. Thankfully he used them for collecting components in an emergency, otherwise he couldn't imagine why he would have one at hand. He held it out for her but didn't say more, he hoped he looked supportive. If this girl was having a bad a night as she seemed, he just wanted to be a little bright spot she could focus on instead of all the bad.
Priya Offline
Dream Spirit
The handkerchief appeared in her peripheral vision, and Priya paused to look back at the guy, surprised. She had to shake her head at the handkerchief, unable to take it from his hand, but took a moment to wipe the moisture from her eyes.

She offered the man a watery smile. “Yeah, m'fine,” she lied, as one does. “Just... I think I scared him.”
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
The woman turned down the handkerchief so Billy pocketed it again. She didn't look any better though, and she was wiping her tears away. Billy frowned a bit, this girl was for sure not m'fine. She said she scared the guy and Billy glanced past her looking where the well dressed dude had fled. “Yeah, guess so. Maybe don't break out the family history until the second date?” Billy said, rather lamely. Jokes were hard. How did everyone else manage to be charming and put people at ease?

The wizard didn't want to seem like he was trying to hit on her or anything, and he didn't feel right about the idea of just leaving her be on the sidewalk looking that upset. He ran his fingers through his hair, brushing it back, as he let out a small sigh. “Listen, um... you really don't seem ok. Do you want me to call a cab or something for you? Is there someone we can get a hold of? I just want to make sure you're gonna be good.” he said. Above him an owl circled in the night sky, cloaked behind its veiling band. William... the owl thought at its wizard in clear tones of dissaproval.
Priya Offline
Dream Spirit
Priya snorted softly. She didn't remember her family history, but she understood meat of the joke, and liked that he didn't know the truth. Taking a better look at the taller man, she noticed that he wasn't looking to hot himself. A bit tired and rumpled, really. They were a pair of sad sacks on the side of the road. Misery did love a bit of company and when he asked to help her, she smiled slightly, appreciative.

“No, I-” she blinked rapidly and glanced to one side, needing to lie again. A cab wouldn't do her any good, but the fantasy of it was nice. “No, I came from just up the road and I can walk.”
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
Billy nodded, glad to see that she wasn't a total wreck, like he felt most of the time.

The woman snorted a bit at his very bad joke. And hey, a snort was almost a chuckle, which was very nearly a laugh. She didn't seem to want to look at him though, he got that. Some bum that just got done throwing up in an alleyway and talking to owls in his head wasn't the best of company for some classy lady like her. She said she didn't need a cab, that she came from just up the road. Billy nodded, still frowning.

“Um... I don't want to come off as creepy, but do you mind if I walk you a ways. Make sure you get somewhere with more people and all safely? I'd feel like a real heel leaving you alone on the middle of a dark sidewalk.” he said.
Priya Offline
Dream Spirit
“Oh wow, I, um-” Priya stammered, taken aback at his chivalry. Smiling uncertainly, she looked up and down the street again, and noticed they were quite alone. This being the Upper Fens, the space was well lit and clean, but it was eerie. Not too eerie for a ghost, but Priya couldn't tell this nice man that. Also, after scaring the last guy, the spirit thought it would be nice to feel a little normal.

“I- If it's not too much trouble for you?” she asked, finally looking back at him with a shy smile. “I mean, honestly, I'll be fine, but, well- I mean- I wouldn't mind.”
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
Billy gave her a weak smile, which was the best smile he could manage at the moment. “Its not any trouble at all. I offered and I meant it.” he told her. She gave him a smile back which was nice. Better for people to be smiling and friendly than miserable and all that junk.

Billy waved an arm to the side as if presenting a golden road or red carpet. Which of course all she did get was a cold empty sidewalk. Above, the owl circled again, thinking toward the wizard. I will fly ahead. the owl said with a clear mental undertone of disapproval. Well, this wasn't leading toward any ritual or circle magic so the owl had little interest in anything happening.

“I'm Billy.” the wizard said as he walked with the woman.
Priya Offline
Dream Spirit
Turning back the way she'd run, Priya meekly fell in step with Billy. She tipped her head forward as he introduced himself, replying, “My name's Priya.”

Straightening, she looked ahead as she wrung her hands around her clutch, casting around for polite conversation. “So... it's pretty late. What- What're you doing out and about?” she asked, her tone light and curious.
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
“Priya. That's a nice name.” Billy said.

It was unique and he liked that. His own name was almost aggressively normal considering he sometimes called up power from an unknowable eldritch eyeball or whatever.

When she asked what he'd been doing this late the wizard let out a sigh as his shoulders slumped again.

“A business thing. Trying to get a building renovated, but the guy was shady as heck so I ended up passing. Didn't stop him from trying to get me to drink the whole bar, and pay for it, before talking price.”

Billy realized he was complaining and shut up. “But it is what it is. How about you? You're dressed up to the nines after all.” he asked, before remembering g her date had run off. Dammit Broder think before you speak.
Priya Offline
Dream Spirit
“Thanks,” Priya said softly, her shoulders hunching, abashed at the compliment to her name. She hadn't given it that much thought, but it was the name she knew herself by. Billy went on to detail his evening, an evening that sounded as adventureous, if not more, than hers. She lifted both eyebrows in surprise, startled to think that there were shady dealings in building renovation.

Billy didn't seem to want to talk about it though, easing the subject back to her, and the shy ghost chuckled nervously as she looked down at her short, shiny dress. “I just came from a party,” she said, gesturing down the way they'd come. “It was a nice party, but... Well.” Priya shifteed her shoulders in a shrug. “Yeah.”
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
“Crap. Yeah of course. Sorry. I'm bad at talking.” Billy said, his hands nervously fretting about his person.

“Didn't mean to bring- I'm still talking about it. Uh- mint?” Billy floundered a bit before pulling a soft peppermint candy from his pocket and offering it out to Priya.

Rowling circled low then landed on a streetlight, thoroughly unimpressed with the wizard's difficulty communicating. The arcanist literally made a small spell to send thoughts and basic feelings and still insisted on showing his failings with the spoken word.

Priya Offline
Dream Spirit
“No, no, it's alright!” Priya rushed out, hunching her shoulders as Billy apologized. “It's really okay, Me- me too...” He seemed to think she was more sensitive about the guy turning tail on her than she was. She thought that was really kind of him, and now he was offering her a mint.

Without thinking, Priya reached out to take it, but her fingers didn't simply pass through it. It was as though she'd taken it and fumbled. It cracked on the pavement, the pieces falling out of the thin wrapper. “Ah, I'm sorry,” the spirit breathed, about to bend and pick up the candy, but stopping when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. A truly huge owl alighted on a nearby streetlight, and she stared up at it with wide eyes.
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
Rowling watched the wizard and woman talking. His wizard was positively wretched at talking to the opposite sex. If there was a magical component to the whole thing the owl might have made a case study of it... but sadly it was a perfectly mundane case of- oh what did that show the idiot had left on call it... 'Got no game.' The owl shuddered at the horrid memory of what the humans called media. Then the woman spoke back to the wizard and the owl could only think one thing. Oh good. She's terrible at this too. At least the wizard was working on an even field instead of an uphill battle for once.

At street level, Priya took the candy and fumbled it. It hit the ground before Billy could reach it, he frowned and considered grabbing it off the ground but gave up. “No worries, I got more.” Billy said as he pulled another out o his pocket for her. But she wasn't looking at his hand, she was looking at the massive owl. Billy turned and glared at the streetlight then smiled back at Priya. “Owls sure get big out here, nothing that size with wings out in Vegas. Well I guess buzzards...”
Priya Offline
Dream Spirit
“I... suppose,” Priya murmured dubiously, finding the strange creature unnerving. As she squinted up at it, the spirit caught glimpses beyond the living realm, and it was what she saw there that validated her nerves. It felt like a bald, lidless stare. Symbols danced around the owl's feathered head, unreadable, and unpleasant to look at. Priya took a step closer to Billy and put a weightless hand on his arm. “That's... That's not a normal bird,” she warned, barely above a whisper.
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
Billy saw the hesitation take hold of Priya, the change in her stance from cautious to anxious. He frowned and then gave a deadpan stare back at the owl. He didn't notice Priya's hand on his shoulder, weightless as it was, but he did give a small reassuring smile toward her. “No its not normal... I think it might be an asshole.” Billy said in a conspirator kind of tone. He shot the bird a nasty look and the owl narrowed its gaze at the wizard. Churlish welp. it thought before spreading its wings and taking off into the night again. Billy watched it go, tracking it even in the dark until it was on the other side of a building. “Looks like it got bored with us. See, nothing to worry about.” he said hoping to ease her nerves a bit.
Priya Offline
Dream Spirit
Priya's eyes widened when Billy started to acknowledge her suspicion, but her face dropped when he seemed to turn into a joke. Her hand slipped away from his shoulder, but before she could insist that something was very wrong about that bird, it flew away. The spirit watched it go with mute anxiety, before sighing and looking back at Billy.

“I... suppose,” she murmured, looking to the darkness where it had silently sailed out of sight. Perhaps one sighting of something strange wasn't strictly an omen. Though, if she thought about it, she would have to admit that it couldn't be an omen when the ghost was already there. She was not outside this story. She started walking again, noting, “We'll have to keep an eye out for if it comes back.”
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
Matins Cinder Hypnosis 8d6: 7 passes
Billy Counter Cinder with Rowling 9d6: 5 passes

Billy didn't catch the listless reply from Priya as she thought he was brushing her concern off with a joke. He would have happily shared that Rowling was his had he known what she was. But the moment was past and the owl soared into the air, a slight shimmer hiding it again through the illusion band on its ankle. When Priya started to walk again and mentioned keeping any eye out Billy started to answer without thinking. “Is that a joke- hey who is that?” His attention was instantly taken however by the figure walking down the middle of the street. They moved with a slight sway and hummed a soft tune, yet more than anything else Billy noticed that they were wearing a long cloak and holding a staff and lantern. No light though... but something else.

“What... is...”

Billy narrowed his eyes and felt like he was being pulled in to the lantern. Something was there, something just outside of his vision. Wizard, don't. Rowling thought at him, but he was too deep now. Too close... just a bit more and he would KNOW. Whatever it was he would know it.

Despite his focus, his steps had fallen still and his jaw fallen slack as he just watched. Dazed... hypnotized. The figure stalked closer toward the helpless wizard.

Billy Luck 4/4
Matins Luck 6/6
Billy is currently DAZED and helpless to further attacks until he breaks free!
Priya Offline
Dream Spirit
Shepherd Cinder Disorder, 2vsDC2, hit
Priya Cinder Dreams, Illusion, 4vsDC4, hit
Priya Cinder Manifest, partial failure

Billy seemed like an incorrigible joker. Although she didn't like her concern being dismissed, Priya chuckled softly as he went on, confused, but good-natured about it. “No?” she said with a perplexed smile. “Just, you know... The bird seemed-”

A strange humming filled the air and the world around her quivered with magic. The thing that had scared her first companion had caught up with them with its slow, but steady gait. This time, her new companion went slack, his eyes drawn to the lantern. His sudden silence drew Priya's attention and she caught his look. Alarm shivered through her.

Glancing around, Priya finally caught sight of the thing. She stiffened. As a creature that ran through dreams and nightmares, it wasn't the strangest thing she'd ever seen. The part that made her non-existant heart clench was the fact that it was here, in the real world.

“Billy!” she called softly, trying to grasp his arm, but unable to touch him. His living energy sizzled across her skin, but her fingers moved through him like cool mist on the skin, and she made a fearful noise. If she couldn't move him, then what could she do?

The approaching figure put a lump in her throat and the temptation was to run. She was quick as a fox, she could get out of there... But then what would happen to Billy? Wringing her fingers, Priya turned in a circle, looking around on the verge of tears and panic. If she were with Algy, what would he do?

Stand and fight, probably. Oh, she hated that, but if she had to tell her dragon friend about this, she didn't want to report that she left someone to the mercy of a monster. With an unconscious little sob, Priya scooted in front of Billy, her trembling shoulders practically pressed against his front as she put herself between him and the shuffling creature down the street.

The spirit waved her hand and stars shot from her fingertips. Clouds of color formed around the frame of stars, a constellation given form as light flashed within it like lightning. A full-sized lion prowled out of the dream-dust, a form made of moving night sky. The great luminous beast charged at the creature, but it stopped its prowl to flit to the side, neatly but narrowly dodging its claws.

In response, the lantern flared with shadows and magic tore across her body. She cried out as her form flickered and distorted like a bad hologram, and the spririt felt every spot where she broke. She felt like a cracked mirror, pain burning in every slice.

Priya Luck 3/4
Shepherd Luck 5/6
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
Billy Cinder to break his Dazed cindition: 3 passes (FAIL)
Shepard Cinder Disorder: 4 passes vs DC2 (Hit]

Billy kept watching the light, even as it wobbled around. He didn't see Priya or the illusions of dream lions she summoned. He didn't see her form Flicker or feel her ghostly hands at his form. Just... the... Light.

Rowling perched atop a new light and watched with disappointment. His wizard was failing. If the human couldn't escape this he would die one way or another. So the familiar simply... watched.

Watching... such a simple word that could imply so much.

Yet the idea was at the edge of everything for Billy right now as he watched the light.

The Shepard waved a hand casually at Billy and a wave of energy washed over him. Disorder. A natural state of things thrown off. It gripped his very essence and saturated it.

The effects... who could know... but they were slowly mounting.

Billy Luck 3/4
Shepard Luck 5/6

Billy was hit with... BAD LUCK!
Priya Offline
Dream Spirit
Priya Cinder Illusion, 4vsDC4, hit
Shepherd Cinder Disorder, 6vsDC2, hit

“Billy!” Priya called again, reaching out to try and grab him once again. She flickered again, scrunching up with pain as her form snapped and reformed. “Billy, please! Snap out of it!”

As she tried to get the wizard's attention, the starry lion turned back on itself with a reverberating growl. The Shepherd turned to face it, and blocked a swipe of its huge claws with almost contemptuous ease. It managed to delay the creature, but that's all it was: a delay.

Priya Luck 2/4
Shepherd Luck 4/6
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
Billy Cinder To break Dazed [9d6] 6 passes (Pass)
Shepard Cinder Disorder [8d6] 5 pass vs DC2 (Hit)
Billy Cinder Seaweed Binding [9d6] 8 pass vs DC4 (Success!)

Shouting... falling into the light... seeing something on the otherside... wh- Billy felt watched. His brow furrowed as the sensation crawled up his spine suddenly. He shook his head just as Priya stepped half into him, her form flickering and fading before snapping back. He raised an eyebrow at her and muttered a simple “Cool.” before his attention focused back up at the creature with the staff. Billy made sure not to look to close at the light this time and ground his teeth. Dammit why was this crap always happening? He started to wonder what he had on him, turned out not much at all. Most his supplies were off hand, he didn't even bring his gun. Which would probably cause more problems than not but it would have still been nice to have. Fuck he had been meeting with someone didn't he bring any- Oh right!

Billy began to dig through his pockets frantically. “How long was I out of it?” Billy asked aloud. Too long. Ten seconds or so. came the mental tones of his Familiar through their mental link. Billy felt what he wanted and reached into his coat pocket only to hear the sound of tearing fabric. Two small green balls of some dried plant matter fell to the ground and bounced. “Fuck.” Billy eloquently said as he reached down only to catch his foot on his own untied shoe string. Why was his luck suddenly so fucking bad!? He rolled with it, literally, as he hit the ground. His left hand scooped up one of the green balls as he tightened his grip on it. “ዪቿነፕዪልጎክ.” He said in his runespeach. The words sliding off his tongue with a wave of the magic that soaked and activated the enchantment within the little ball.

Billy underhand tossed it out, and the orb grew damp and soaked in seawater mid air. Then it unspooled into several long strands of seaweed. Too long and thick for the small size of that little ball. It grew and then constrict around the sheperd. The damp of the seaweed soaking the dirty cloak of the figure even as it tightened again. Billy slapped his hand down on the second seaweed binding and turned to look at Priya, he had an almost surprised look on his face that his little trinket had actually worked. “We need to go. That won't hold long.” he said.

Billy Luck 2/4
Sheperd Luck 4/6
  • Billy Broke free of the Dazed condition!
  • Billy hit with disorder! -1 Luck
  • Billy used a Seaweed Binding! It is super effective!
  • Each following turns, yours too Sam, Roll strike until it breaks free.

Seaweed Binding
Keyword(s): Mutation, Plants, Growth
Description: A tightly wrapped ball of seaweed. It smells strongly of brine. When thrown, the ball expands into a seaweed net to wrap around its target, trapping it. It is single-use and rots away a while after being thrown.
Effect: On a successful Cinder roll, the Seaweed Bindings can be thrown at a target and expands to envelop and trap them. It will trap them for 3 posts unless they roll a successful Strike roll, which lets the target tear through or unravel the bindings and escape. After being thrown, it cannot be used again, but the ritual makes three of them. The Seaweed Bindings can work on any of the Paths, due to their magical (and salty) nature.
Priya Offline
Dream Spirit
Cinder Minor Shapeshifting, complete success

As always, it was strange to be partially stepped through someone. She could feel the slight resistance of his living form, his energy buzzing through her, while she in turn was cool, soft like mist, and as her body broke around his, she released the scent of petrichor. She wasn't thinking about that though.

As the hooded monster skirmished with her illusory lion, Billy seemed to snap out of it which had Priya's heart jumping into her throat, while her incorporeal form snapped back into place. Relief, relative to the moment, flooded through her, and then the man was talking, muttering, and she didn't hear the owl's response, so she also answered his question.

“Just a couple of seconds,” she answered breathlessly, as she stepped out of him, and to one side, out of the way. “We should-” she reached for his arm as he rummaged around in his pocket for something, and produced what looked like a bundle of dried leaves. Her expression morphed into one of panicked confusion, but everything clicked into place a moment later when he threw it and yelled words that shivered through her incorporeal form.

It exploded into a sopping net that carried the scent of the sea. She watched, astonished as it covered the creature and constricted it, holding it down. It squirmed and struggled, but for the moment, it was immobilized. She didn't need anymore encouragement to start running. With a frightened look, she nodded and her body flickered while the monster struggled and fought the sea-weed bindings. The spirit into a pretty mouse-brown fox, darting ahead of the wizard down the street they'd come.
Billy Broder Offline
Arcanist Human
Billy turned on his heel, and almost tripped again on his untied shoe. Gritting his teeth in annoyance he just kicked off the shoe and started after Priya, who turned into a small animal in a moment. Running behind her, Billy dearly wanted to glance back and see if the thing was after them still, but know what that would be? Stupid. Don't look back, just run. Know who takes time to look back? Victims. Billy ran after the small brown fox and threw out a question to the familiar flying nearby. Can you find us an alleyway or something to run through? Help us break line of sight. he said. He got an annoyed affirmative back from the owl that flapped its wings a few times more to speed up and gain height. Running behind, Billy was pretty sure he wasn't gonna catch up to a four legged Priya so he just focused on keeping a consistent pace and watching his own breathing.

A moment later Rowl reported on the lay of the land to Billy who just nodded then called out ahead. “Priya, take a right up ahead, follow the owl on the other side to the next alleyway!” he said. Rowling huffed in annoyance but dismissed its veil before swooping overhead of the small fox and down the alleyway, ready to continue flying. Billy tried not to think of it like a follow me in a video game quest, because while it was kind of funny he was in the middle of running for his life right now an- Ow! Billy's foot suddenly hurt as he turned the alleyway. He glanced down, hopping for a step or two, and noting a red splotch spreading over his dirty sock. Of course.

How bad was his luck going to get tonight?

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