Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Early Winter

The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.

Advancement & Path Change Request

Third on the Match Offline
If you require a moderator, please post in this thread using the template provided. When you have posted, copy the post link and tag @admin in the Discord server's #mod-request channel. This guarantees that we will see it.

Do not edit your posts in this thread. If you have posted a different mod request and have a new one, make a new post.

This thread is for advancement and requesting rolls for affliction, curses, and possession, alongside changing Paths. Refer to the General Moderation Request thread for where to go for other mod request issues.

[b]Path:[/b] Current path.
[b]Rank:[/b] State current rank and which rank they're advancing to, like Hyrd ⇒ Deor.
[b]New Keywords and Abilities:[/b] List any new Keywords and explain new minor magical abilities if the new rank grants any.
[b]Link:[/b] Provide the link to your development thread with the Advancement tracking completed.

Path Changes
[b][u]Path Change[/u][/b]
[b]Reason:[/b] Why the Path is changing. Death or affliction? Keep in mind that changing Paths places you at the Untrained rank of the new Path and you lose all access to your previous Paths keywords and abilities.
[b]New Keywords and Abilities:[/b] List any new Keywords and explain new minor magical abilities if the new rank grants any. Include [i]everything[/i], cursed sorrows, cantrips, charms, etc. This minimises us going back and forth.
[b]Link:[/b] Provide the link to the specific post where the Path change was "triggered." For Shifters, this is when someone who has been afflicted (and properly rolled for it) experiences their first full moon.

Affliction, Curse, or Possession Rolls
[b]Thread TLDR:[/b] What happened in the thread in summary.
[b]Link:[/b] Link to the specific post where the character was mauled/had a ritual explode/meddled with powers they could not comprehend.

Max Kuryakin Offline
Wolf Shifter
Character: Max Kuryakin
Path: Shifter
Rank: Mundane Brawler II ⇒ Brawler III

Angela Dune Offline
Cursed Human
Character: Angela Dune
Path: Cursed
Rank: Mundane ⇒ Mischance (Untrained)
New Keywords and Abilities:
Metal, Disorder

Metal Manipulation - Dune is able to reshape palm-sized or smaller pieces of metal. The reshaping is clumsy and doesn’t tend to stick, the metal often flowing back to the shape it had before she touched it. She must use her metal arm.

Detonation (Disorder) - With a touch of her left hand, Dune can cause small fire-cracker-like explosions out of small objects through catastrophic destabilization of the object’s structure. They are about as powerful as a fire cracker, but no more. She is developing this power.

Gremlin (Disorder) - With a touch from her metal arm, Dune can cause mechanical problems in things with moving parts or delicate pieces. Can be triggered accidentally.


Lin Nari Offline
Shèn Dragon Half-Blood
Character: Lin Nari
Path: Current path.
Rank: Touched ⇒ Aberrant
New Keywords and Abilities:
New Keyword: Illusion

Mirage (Illusion) - Nari has a special talent for creating illusory scenes and structures, modifying the space around her so that it is not what it appears. An empty room can become a beautifully appointed lounge, a door can appear in a wall or windows looking out across scenery that doesn't exist. The things within the illusion can be interacted with and are real to every sense save the magical.

Cantrip: Water Pulse (Water) - Nari is able to pull moisture from the air to create up to a quart of liquid water, and manipulate it. If there is already water present, she can manipulate about this amount with little to no effort.


Max Kuryakin Offline
Wolf Shifter
Character: Max Kuryakin
Path: Shifter
Rank: Deor ⇒ Mundian
New Keywords and Abilities:
Mundian Keywords: Inhuman Strength, Inhuman Speed, Animal Form
Chosen Path Keyword, Pheromone Charm:
Quote:Max knows how to be charming when he wants to, how to soothe hurts or unruffle feathers if needed. As a werewolf, he exudes a specific chemo-signal that can soothe and calm frustrated people, attract and draw in those who are positively inclined towards him, or make others trust him more than they otherwise might have.
Chosen Combination Keyword, Bastion:
Quote:While Max wont hesitate to throw himself into the fray, he wants those around him to be safe. Unharmed, if at all possible. He knows how to cover others if need be, take the hit instead of them, or just do his best to make sure they don't get hit, by changing the flow of the battle.
New Aspect of the Beast:
Quote:(Pheromone Charm+Sound/Song) Max has a calming way about him. Maybe it's his effortless confidence, charm, or just the way he talks, low and calm, when people are panicked. A touch or some soft words can help someone feel a little more calmer in his presence, if they're in the right state of mind to accept it.
Link: Advancement Tracking


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