Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » October Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » September Update


Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Full Name
Silas Bradley Grimshaw
41 years old
Relative Unknown
Played By
Mundane Inactive

Player Information
About Me
Mature Content & Comfort Levels
Lower body 'male anatomy' related stuff and sex scenes of any kind are a no-go. (I can do fade to black for the latter but it must happen before clothes come off.) Disembowelment is difficult for me and some medical stuff too, but not all. If unsure about a topic, please feel free to ask!
Table of Contents 00. Personalia 01. Magic 02. Inventory Top
The Basics
Preferred Name
Date of Birth:
March 18 1983
Stable Hand
Work Location
Greater Easthaven
Street, Borough
Lilac St, Greater Easthaven
41 years old
Eye Color
Hair Color
Face Claim
Brad Dourif

  • Silas has a slender, verging on emaciated build and a pale, sickly pallor.
  • He has an angular face, thin lips and haunting blue eyes. A tangle of thinning unkempt raven hair cascades just past his shoulders.
  • Silas wears black and only black, sometimes with gold or white accents in the details of his clothing. His style can be considered Victorian era inspired, though he dresses a lot more like a gothic Bob Cratchett or Oliver Twist than a dapper Dorian Gray.
  • His brows are bald and dark circles are heavily set under his eyes.
  • Silas is cautious and nervous around strangers and it takes him a lot of time to warm up to new people.
  • When he does make friends, he tends to become very needy towards them due to fear of abandonment.
  • He is generally quiet, shy and soft-spoken and is easily startled by sudden movements or noises.
  • He’s self-conscious, doesn’t like to eat in front of others and is sensitive when it comes to remarks about his appearance.
  • Musical talent runs through his veins. He plays violin quite well but finds performing in front of others to be anxiety-inducing.
  • He’s devoted to the horses he tends to and cares for them deeply. One might consider him a horse whisperer of sorts.

Maker's Mark

Animal Appearance

Other Information
  • Silas has a condition called superciliary madarosis, which caused him to permanently lose his eyebrows at a very young age.
  • He is physically frail and usually feels at least mildly under the weather, likely due to effects of trauma or underlying health issues.
  • He has a slight English accent which he picked up from his adoptive parents.

warning: mentions of bullying and animal abuse
  • Silas was born in 1983 to a farmer and his wife who lived on a farm in a rural area of Greater Easthaven. He was orphaned at no older than two years old when his parents were both killed in a barn fire of unknown origins.
  • Fate smiled upon him when an older English couple who lived close by overheard the ruckus and rescued him. While he never got to know his birth parents, he became quite attached to his adoptive ones who were patient and loving towards him.
  • The same could sadly not be said for his schoolmates. Silas was picked on by them for a multitude of reasons, all of them stemming from his outwardly gloomy appearance. His cruel classmates nicknamed him ‘The Grim’ or just ‘Grim’ and a group of them started a rumor that he was evil and had started the barn fire which had cost him his mother and father. They also took advantage of his affinity for animals and forced him to do cruel things to them while threatening to hurt him if he refused.
  • Unfortunately, while his adoptive parents were good people, they were getting up in their years and were not very perceptive when it came to their son being bullied. While Silas survived both elementary and high school, he did not go without suffering some mental and physical scarring due to the constant harassment he received.
  • He did not attend college but still proved capable and picked up a job at Stoddard Stables as a caretaker for the horses who resided there. Working for a stable hand felt like a way to redeem himself after subjecting so many animals to pain as a child.
  • When his adoptive parents eventually died of natural causes, Silas inherited their cozy little house. He still lives there and works with the horses of Stoddard to this day.
  • However, he doesn’t go a single night without wondering whether his birth parents’ deaths were accidental or not. Throughout his life he'd heard whisperings about the existence of magic and the supernatural. Not wholly skeptical, the idea of the fire's potential connection to these otherworldly forces does occasionally keep him up at night.

Magic & The Metaphysical
Strike & Cinder

Spells & Powers

Minor Magic Abilities

Other Magic Notes


Player Information
Mature Content & Comfort Levels
Lower body 'male anatomy' related stuff and sex scenes of any kind are a no-go. (I can do fade to black for the latter but it must happen before clothes come off.) Disembowelment is difficult for me and some medical stuff too, but not all. If unsure about a topic, please feel free to ask!


Silas Grimshaw's Forum Info
Registration Date: 11-17-2023
Date of Birth: Hidden (41 years old)
Local Time: 10-27-2024 at 03:25 AM

Joined: 11-17-2023
Last Visit: 06-19-2024, 11:33 AM
Time Spent Online: 3 Days, 16 Hours, 20 Minutes