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Early Winter
The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.

January 8
Exchange Inquisitor
Hawkins St., Newton
42 years old
Karl Urban

- Knows conversational French. Reads and can speak Latin. Can read Middle and Old English, with some knowledge of Middle French. He can recognise occult languages but only knows enough to get the gist of a text, with the possibility of missing important details. He leaves translation to the professionals.
- Has a passion for rugby.
- Drives an Aston Martin Vantage 2020.
- Usually armed with two SIG Sauer P226, one with ordinary ammunition and one with modified silver ammunition.
- Always carries a dagger on him, small enough that his cantrip can work with very little effort.
- Carries a longsword that has been in the Crowhurst family for some time, said to originate from the Middle East and be exceptionally sharp. The scabbard is of relatively new make, leather and wood more prone to breaking down than metal over the years, and has recently been enchanted to shroud itself and the sword sheathed in it from the eyes of ignorant humans. There's a fanciful legend attached to it about having received it from a water nymph in a river, but Theo doesn't put much stock in it. Otherwise, it appears to be a damascene blade made from Wootz steel. The hilt has been replaced multiple times, but the blade is original from whatever distant relative of Theo's first wielded it, showing nary a sign of wear or tear.
- Theo's penthouse apartment, located in Newton.

Theo is able to manipulate metals, shaping them to his will. Whatever their composition or quality, they become malleable in his hands and Theo can act the role of a sculptor. While the metal looks like it yields to him, it otherwise maintains its natural quality. So even if he is bending steel as if it is nothing, to others it will feel just as solid and unyielding should they attempt to touch it. For this magic to work in most cases, he must be maintaining physical touch with the metal he intends to manipulate. Overuse and loss of control have a series of symptoms, starting with nosebleeds and headaches, before Theo may eventually faint. Over time, Theo had further developed his skill in manipulating metals. At the moment, he is also able to manipulate small pieces of metal without touching them. He can manipulate coins or similarly sized objects in the air and change them in subtle ways.Light
He can summon true sunlight to his hands. It comes in the shape of a roiling ball of molten sun, giving off heat and light. It is powerful enough to be felt by those around, but not to the degree of burning Theo to a crisp. If it was at all possible to maintain it for long enough, he might even get a tan. Overuse and loss of control have a series of symptoms, starting with nosebleeds and headaches, before Theo may eventually faint.Null
Thanks to hours of practice, Theo can short out any magic within a certain radius based on his success in triggering the magic. He can attach this magical nullification field to any object or person within his eyesight, creating a spot where magic cannot take root. It is not permanent but provides a vital opening in a fight. Overuse and loss of control have a series of symptoms, starting with nosebleeds and headaches, before Theo may eventually faint. Developing this power further, Theo has discovered how to snuff out the magic in a small area permanently, usually contained to single items or runes scratched onto the ground for a ritual. Magical items that must be charged up by some means are drained, and minor enchanted items are left with their enchantments faded entirely.Earth
Similar to his affinity to metal, Theo can change rocks and earth into any manner of minerals, usually hard, crystal structures like quartz, corundum, or even diamond. He can also create many types of salt, and joined with his abilities within metal, most materials coming out of the earth are just at his fingertips. He's proven himself able to shift the earth and rock around him as well. He can destabilise it underneath someone's feet or have crystals burst out of the earth, created in a burst of magical pressure.Cursed Abilities
Echo (Woe) Theo has gained just enough control over the strangeness of his magic that he's able to echo an effect from his Sorrows table that has already occurred in lieu of rolling. He can do this up to half the number of dice in his Cinder pool, rounded down. Third Eye (Woe) Theo can blink open his metaphorical third eye. In short bursts, he can see the fabric of magic around him. The rush of information is often too great to hold his eye open for longer than a moment, but with it, if he can interpret what he sees and can make out auras around other beings if they are magical themselves. He is also able to see the outlines of enchantments. Trickster (Dolor) After opening his Third Eye for a minimum of one post, Theo can switch someone's keyword with one of his own on a successful Cinder roll. This lasts for the remainder of the thread, and Theo no longer has access to that keyword for the duration. If this is done more than once per thread, roll twice on the Sorrow's table, each time beyond the first.Seven Sorrows
1. Blackout: You become the centre of a personal null field. Any magic cannot enter or leave this field, fizzling out before it can even take root. You cannot roll Cinder for Magic Keywords for two posts. This does not impact Luck loss. | 2. Bad Luck Charm: Something around Theo will go wrong, either something he's handling directly or something someone is doing. Remove 1d6 from the next roll in the thread, either Strike or Cinder. Does not have to be the person who rolled the Sorrow. |
3. Pick of the Litter: Reroll on the Sorrows table three times, free choice of one result. If you get this result again, disregard and reroll the dice for a different result. | 4. Magnetic: You become magnetic, attracting any type of metal around you. Anything metal will stick to you, little pieces rolling towards you as if pulled by a strong magnetic field. Effect lasts for five posts. |
5. Third Eye: Things go so awry, a literal third eye appears on your forehead. You do not gain any prescience, it's just a third eye. It disappears eventually. | 6. Mirror: Free choice of a negative effect and re-roll on the Sorrows table. The result applies to everyone in the thread. The one rolling the Sorrows has double |
7. Silver-Tongued: Your tongue turns into solid silver in your mouth. You can make sounds, but cannot form any understandable words. Effect lasts for five posts. | 8. Sunburn: Your palms blister and burn, like they've been pressed to something molten hot. Effect lasts for five posts, after which they fade as if they never were there. Remove 1d6 from your Strike pool for any rolls made within those five posts. |
9. One-Horned Wonder: A unicorn appears. No matter where you are, there's a unicorn. A classic white-as-snow unicorn, with a flowing mane and tail, and polished black hooves. Maybe even the horn is sparkling gold. It'll disappear within the hour. | 10. Overload: Something goes right or very wrong, depending on your perspective. Theo's power overloads, bursting out uncontrolled. If it is in the context of an offensive power, roll a Cinder attack roll and apply it as an area of effect versus the DC of anyone within range. |
11. Gemology: You suddenly start sweating gems, painful and sharp as you secrete them from your skin. The type and size will vary, often depending on the situation and emotions involved, but they'll bunch up underneath clothes and drop from your skin, sharp enough to create little cuts. | 12. Gilded: Whatever Theo touches turns to gold for the next few posts. Food, objects, people. This is a temporary effect, whatever he touches will eventually revert to its original state. |